
THE MEELE THE WORKMAN By CYRIL THOMAS The Royal Bank of Canada TROTT The Cleaner To be or not to be that is the question: Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 whether tis mobier in the wind, to suffer CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
INCORPORATED 1869 The slings and arrows of outrageous Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon fortune, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Head Office: Montreal, Canada or to take arms against. ses of ONE YEAR 12. 40 troubles, SIX MONTHS 90 And by opposing end them. Ham.
let soliloquy 60 COLON PANAMA The lines written above will give ONE MONTH Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets the needed stamina to this article Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all mata subject that we cannot avoid contens of public interest invited.
scientiously. This immortal writer, We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
the late William Shakespeare, was Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 indeed gifted with eyes that could The Liberty of the Preos to the Palladius of our rights JUNIUS see deep into the affairs of mankind, and the above written words that he placed in Hamlet mouth THE WORKMANSATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1929.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including fits in snugly, The Universal Negro Improvethe following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank ment Association is a natural result LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS is in a position to render the best possible service.
of evolution, there had to be a super Association for Negroes right on the heels of the last World War, just as Antigua Dominica in Monday Associated Press Despatches publishMontserrat there had to be a World Wide move cu in lae suara merald us the following uay, we read Bahamas Grenada hy the Jews to return to Palestine.
St. Kitts The world war has done more good u paucu walle slageu by two factions ou the universal Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia to humanity than most people are Negru mprovement Association anu Airican Com munies League in Harlem, New York. The Ingat British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique willing to admit. The world at the time of the outbreak was in bad uiunt cause us any surprise, for well we know that ine or advanceGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
Success of all undertakings, every 100L need of a thorough shaking up.
went inust De Iougat ior. Dut we were surprised to read There was much dead flesh hanging that the is divided into factions where it was on the body of the political, religious, woln.
and social world, and it is only a Garveyites, no doubt, are likely to discredit this bit THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST world war, of the magnitude of the of news, and maybe when details of the occurrence 1914 outbreak that could have apl each us there mgiht be a different story to tell. Bul PAID ON DEPOSITS plied the operative knite successfulpresuming that ine news item is true in its entirety, ly. And yet, the operation was inter Luere is no reason for menbers of the Association 10 rupted; hence the necessity of anhang their heads down. Those who are not well read General Barking Business Transacted.
other operation, there must be anand are unacquainted with affairs of the world cther world war to set this world in to the present day, must feel inclined to sob their reorder.
grets for what to them seem a shame and disgrace for This Meele should not the Association. This is a very opportune time for high be the cause of so much pining, and ufficials of the to assure the membership of y unjust criticism, because like every the necessity of these things if the is to be a www other movement, it must grapple in success.
PHONE 250 COLON the dark before it will find the light.
We are glad that they are showing a fighting DRY CLEANING Of course it is truly painful to see spirit. Lawlessness some term it. Call it whatever they PHONE453 PANAMA the condition of the local Divisions, STEAM PRESSIN may, we consider it a good spirit, the spirit that will 16 STREET and chapters, how they cut, disgrace, eventually purge the Association of all its disagreeable DIEING We Dye To Live PANAMA knife, and in short, how they use drawbacks and oust its enemies who as high officers of superhuman efforts to disgrace the Association are now known to be wolves that have ere. KOREKthemselves, and to impede the Assobeen parading in sheep clothing. We all fight for what ciation. But this state of affairs as We believe is ours by right, and we do feel that out of it exists in the A. is not this conflict some new light will be shed some good worse than the other constituted that will work for the advancement of the Association.
governments, that though long conThe has been burdened by too many drones.
stituted, are tearing apart the very The masses are now realizing the true state of affairs structure of their foundations with and they can only succeed in throwing them out by eminternal war ploying physical strength.
So you can see that we are not That the Association is divided into factions need the worse off, out of this darkness no anxiety. That in itself augurs good, for by this prowill evolve the refined world wide cess the chaff will be eaasily separated and every facAssociation that will place the Netion will gather unto itself recruits and so will soon gro where he belongs.
spread wildly to the ends of the earth Garveyism. This, LACTOGENO es un alimento enteramente Idcteo y no conteniendo otros elementos que as can easily be seen, will be by a process that was not no sean hallados en la leche materna, merece Drink Salada Tea the best for in the scheme of things planned. But the Negroes of the el privilegio de considerarse el alimento más parecido a la leche materna. Pero hay otras the Tropics United States, whether citizens or aliens, are taking razones que le dan a LACTOGENO auto things into their own hands, and that is as it should be.
Here in the Republic of Panama the is La cantidad de GRASA contenida en LAC.
LA BOCA ATHENAEUMdivided; more so in the city of Colon. This has not provTOGENO es idéntica a la contenida en la leche humana, con la ventaja de que los glo(Contiued from Page 1)
ed any handicap for Garveyism. It can truly be said that bulos grasos han sido reducidos a un tamaño the division has added numerous members to the Assoeducational programme will be reatan pequeflo que la hace facilmente digeriblo ciation. And so long as they are all working with one por el delicado estómago de los niños, lo que doerd. Among the contributors are, constituyó una ayuda muy importante en la aim and a purpose true, is it important how many facMiss Jump, Violin Solo; Mrs. Olga digestión y asimilación de la misma.
tions there be. King, Piano Solo; Miss Smith, LACTOGENO contiene la misma cantidad de Garveyism was born in the United States and LACTOSA que la leche materna y de identica Address; Mr. Reynolds, Musical whether Mr. Garvey lives in Jamaica or Barbados, or calidad.
Number; Mr. De Souza, Biography should he die, the cause of the must be LACTOGENO ha vencido la dificultad que of Handel; Miss Malcolm, Recipresentaba la alimentación infantil con leche tation, fought out in those States. And what is the meaning of de vaca. Además de la Grasa y Lactosa, la these frictions within the fold of the And leche contiene una substancia denominada The Club extends a cordial invitawhy the severances from the parent body? Can you not PROTEINA que contribuye a la formación de tion to the La Bocs community as los tejidos y a la reparación de los desgastes, haciendo que el nifio cronos. Les proteinas de understand that it is the efforts of a determined people la leche de vaca son diferentes a las de la leche materne, por ser excesivas en cantidad. ln.
well as the publie in general; and it who see a light in the darkness and they cry THE digestas en calidad. LACTOGENO contiene la misma cantidad de proteinas y de una is certain that many who have reUNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIAcalidad tan fácilmente digestible como las contenidas en la leche materna.
peatedly heard renditions by those TION SHALL NOT DIE.
Los elementos nutritivos contenidos en LACTOGENO son los mismos que los de la lecho who appear on the programme will materna y de identica calidad, En todos los casos prácticos LACTOGENO a lo mismo que leche materna y puede dársele a los nifios desde su nacimiento sin la menor desconto avail themselves of the opportunity of enjoying this musical treat. The PRINCE SUES BRITAIN Alimente a SU niño con Community by its attendance at these meetings do greatly assist and Son of Sultan of Turkey Asks 10. ing to Abdul Hamid.
encourage the Club in carrying on 000, 000 for Property Its good work which should certainAbdul Kadir has also begun suit BUDAPEST, June 28 Prince Ab against the Greek government, for ily be appreciated.
dul Kadir, son of the late Sultan of restoration the Alatine Palace Turkey Abdul Hamid, is suing the bought by Abdul Hamid in 1918 LECHE MATERNIZADA Drink Salada Tea the best for British goveznment and the Turkish when the Sultan was forced by the the Tropica National Oil Development Company young Turk movement to abdicate 20 year old wife and six children by of Monsul for 10, 000, 000. It was bis throne.
former wives. He is earning S4 a learned today that the prince, once Abdul Kadir and the former TurkPREPARADO POR week as a member of an itinerant worth millions, but now almost penish Imperial family have retained Nont gypsy orchestra.
niless, demanded this sum as com Alexandre Millerand former presit pensation for the confiscation as dent of France, as their attorney.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish crown lands of vast properties in The prince is now living in the Durante e destele, ompliese Harina Laclonda Nestle.
and English for sale at the WorkMesopotamia and elsewhere belong Ghetto distriet of Budapest with his man Printery.
Secheaternizada panata pode niños crianza ACTOCENO

    FranceWorld War

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