
The Diadem Jewelry Store Only Good Quality for An American View of St. Peter Church Atlantic Side Notes NEW ARRIVALS La Boca Froude, when he visited the BritFINE ASSORTMENT OF (BY THE STRAGGLER)
ish West Indies, was pessimistic ALL LEATHER SHOES (Continued from Page 1)
about their future. For all his romanticism, Charles Kingsley was FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN CHILDREN, Carthy. The Rector will officiate at We have been having rain a plen. Some price for a kiss! But there is cepressed by what he saw there.
all the Sunday morning services.
CHILDREN HOSIERY, ARROW SHIRIS ty during the past week. Some days nothing strange about this. Time Geographically they should belong to LADIES GARTERS, BATHING CAPS, BATHING The Rev. Gentleman earnestly deit is dry and fine in the morning, changes, and things change with it.
the United States. After the World sires the co operation of the entie then in the evening, as soon as the When was a young man, used to SHOES, BABIES PANTIES CRIB SHEETS membership so that the Missionar, War it was urged, not in England, whistle blows, it rains and hails, get them for nothing. In other ETC. ETC.
Drive may be more abundantly rucbut in this country, that the British and the only thing we have never words, used to get one, and give Your Patronage Solicited cuessful than former drives conduct West Indies be ceded to the United had is snow. At other times, and on one. There was never any charge to THE COSMOPOLITAN HOUSE ed in connection with the Patron Siates in settlement of England 31 Calldonia Road other days, it is just the opposite sither. It wouldn be a bad idea if!
Festival of St. Peter Church by the war debt. The idea did not arouse rain in the morning, and scorching the fellows who eutlivate a kissing much interest here, and it may be McALMON Prop.
sea, La Boca. teen sun in the evening.
appetite now a days, save up as doubted whether Services for the Season acquisition would But for all this, the strage et many hundred dollars for as many ave benefited the natives. At any Sunday, June 30 Holy Communion, went his rounds as usual, making kisses as they wish before they go mate the British Government ion, a. The Rector.
was observations, taking notes, and looking for them. Either this, or ab. cool to the proposal.
Wire for us and we ll Wire for You add LA BOCA EPISCOPAL church learning his usual lessons. For in stain from taking them in a tunnei.
Something is being done in CanSunday, June 30 Fifth Sunday NIMBLEY Co.
stance, observed that the builders They should observe too, that silence After Trinity Holy Communion, ada, and she is now getting big are making ready to start on the did not mean consent in this case. It am. Celebrant, The Rector Holy enough to swing the enterprise of Electricians and Dealers new Commissary which is to be meant contempt.
Baptism, 80. Matins, follow saying the West Indian colonies by The Alliance Literary and Debat her own efforts. Canada West InWiring, Supplies and Repairs ed by Choral celebration of the Holy built at Mount Hope. The new School Eucharist with sermon 10. 45 al Silver City is all painted up and ng Society was in session as is dies trade agreement went into efTelephone 1059 The Rector. Church School, p.
ready to open its doors on the first usual on Tuesday night. The stralect back in June of 1926. Parties to of July with eight new teachers, Bler regrets that he missed it this lit were the Bahamas, Barbados, BerThe Rector, assisted by Mr. Box 747 Ancon Pulmer, Lay Reader Choral Evenand approximately four hundred Cime. heard, however, that a good muda, British Gujana, British Honfriend answered present for me duras, Jamaica, Leeward Island, No Street Panama children. The new Printing Plant at song and sermon, 80 PreachMount Hope next to the Warehouse when my name was called, and 80. Trinidad and Tobago, and the Winder, Dean Werlein of St. Luke CaI was there by proxy. Verily, say ward Islands. Duties were so adthedral, Ancon.
of the Commissary Division at the unto you, it is a good thing to have justed as to benefit all the islands same place, is well on the way to The Dean is an old friend of St.
a friend. The boys of the Junior and also Canada. The Dominion has completion. The Cristobal Tennis eter By The Sea, La Boca, and Alliance entertained the members of capital enough to finance any proClub is still going strong, and some 20 to him is given the privilege to of the ill shaped people who used to the senior club right merrily. am nising West Indian enterprise. The ucliver the first missionary sermon told that these boys gave songs, in shipping to be provided by Canada play there when it was first start79 Central Avenue this year. It may be safely assumed ed, are rounding up very nicely now addresses a plenty, and that a very part on Montreal in Summer months.
strumental solos, recitations, and will be based chiefly on Halifax, in at his evangel will be an inspiring. their proportions have become reone, and all our members and friends kular, and their physiques have im bad wasn there; but am sure of Antigua, St. Kitts, Grenada, enjoyable evening was spent. Too It is intended to develop the islands Your Money are specially invited to hear it. The Dean will also offer the closing proved with their knowledge of tenthat in order that regain what veia, and Dominica as Winter reOTTO HAACK. Prop.
nis. When get a litle older, think seemed to have been lost, all need sorts by building good hotels. Mord more are Canadian tourists takprayers and give the Blessing. will join the club myself, and see do is to make request for a repeti After the presentation of the whether couldn feel as vigorous tion. The only answer wil get is, Drink Salada Tea the best for SPECIAL OFFERINGS, there will and well as an old man should feel. se Señor! therefore, the next time ing their Winter vacations in the the Tropics he a procession through the aisle and That nothing. said the second. 1 observe too, that the big legged the boys get on the stage, shall be turned down sub tropics. The islands should get alleys of the Church. At this service mine too the other wonderful Hallelujah Rent pants are getting out of all propor. there, and will give you in detailingit, and my sweetheart got up and their share of the patronage. AmReceipt Books in Spanish Hondel tion to common sense; but perhaps the performances of the evening.
Chorus will be rendered by the ericans, too, may be expected to visit it would be right to assume that the walked away.
them in the season, Canada has be and English for sale at the Work. large vested Choir trained by Mn.
There is nothing more of interest sense which governs their manufac. that can report this week. There come the fond hope of the neglected man Printery. Mulcare.
ture is the common one. Pretty soon, have been a few of the usual com Two friends had arranged to golend embarrassed British West InWednesday Night Missionary Sersome of these dandy dudes will have munity scandals; but do not pro walk. The time fixed was five o clock.
cut on a certain evening for a long vice. At 30 Wednesday, there to get pages to carry their pants pose to report them in these col will be a Missionary Service. This legs behind them as they pace with umns. have sworn that shall not Service will be conducted chiefly by At a quarter after five, the one who lately strides the unfortunate be condemned for abrogating the Ahould call for the other arrived Jay Readers of the Parish. Two sp.
streets of our cosmopolitan village! principles of cial dresses will be delivered by journalistie ethie.
and rapped on the door. Hello! observe that a kiss is becoming whatever that Messrs. Bentley Swaby and is. What condemna are you there harry. said the on very expensive on this part of the Lion receive is sufficient without aside. Yes. suid Harry, was here Palmer. special offering collection grass. The last one which was taken this. Nex week, may be, will find larry; but have had supper and Ser fifteen minutes. am sorr will be taken for Foreign Missions.
without being freely given had a something more to tell you about.
Sunday, July Holy Communion, price put on it of one hundred beans. Adios!
um just now commenced to ent my a. and 10. 45 a. The Rector.
desert. thought as much. said Choral Evensong and sermon, 30 Harry, you have been eating a The Ven. Archdeacon Luniy whole desert. will go and com Sykes.
again. May be, bu that time, you Wednesday, July 10 Choral Evenwill reach the Oasis, and perhap, son and Address, 30 Messrs.
we will make a start. Brathwaite and MeCarthy.
Amigos y Pisanos, Carahu, Como At one time, a certain flirt got into Sunday, July 14 Holy Commune Little Mary had gone to school for run, a. and 10. 45 a. The Recesta? Last week, was darned serie company with the brother of a gangster who was hanged some time be one day. She came home and at sup tor. Juvenile Missionary service, ous. spoke to you about things as ore in a place called Montana, The rer, her mother asked her how she Special Addresses by lads of serious as was. don know hoy tellow took her into an ice cream liked her teacher. Very wel. said the Church School. Choral Evenyou took it; but if you know good parlor, and treated her to a dish of Mary; but don think she know song and sermon, 30 Preachsomething. must feel sure that cream. There were other flirts there very much. Why do you think so new «Dunlop with an even. The Rev. Ernst Wood, Chayou took it as you ought, and that who knew this chap. One of them ary said her mother. Well. said greater reserve of strength than ptain you are now thinking seriously about whispered in the ear of the one who, Mary, she keeps asking questiona the famous Dunlop Tyre of Speciai music will be rendered at Standard Construction, which was treated to lee cream that she al the time.
the Sunday afternoon and night serit. Bueno.
hould be careful how she went about you know so well. This new vices, But perhaps you censured me for with that fellow because he belongeu well dressed youngman, wearing member of the Dunlop family using this column for the purpose it to a bad family that his brothe. teasing pair of tanned shoes was has been introduced to meet par COURT DA. INITIATES was not intended that converted was a gangster, and was hung in determined to have a lass, as pretty it to a use quite foreign to the one ticularly hard service conditions.
for which it was provided, and that Montana for taking part in a holu his shoes give him a kiss. When It is the choice of the car owner (Continued from Page 1)
she had almost made up her mind, have been intrusted to very capable without your authority. If were up. Miss flirt found herselit in the and zealous members and it is felt same pace where all others of her she said to him, tell me, honestly, living in ancient times that is to ilk find themselves sooner or later. have you ever kissed a girl before. and involves his tyres in more that during their term in office the say, in the times we now call old The young man hesitated a moment, than ordinary strains.
Court will abundantly prosper.
She became uncomfortable. The times. would answer. you to cream turned water in her mouth then he answered bravely. canFollowing are the officers who forrad. am not working wid you. She could not enjoy it. The fellow not tell you a lie: have.
have sworn to faithfully perform But as live in what you are pleas queried, what the matter? don the duties of their respective oied to call modern times, will anrices: Edgehill, Simswer. todos los hombres estan soflirt, am just grieving. What you like cream? Well. said the) her lips. wasn going to have you practice on me.
nons, Day, Seety.
jeto a la censura, carahu.
Bishop, Treasurer; Miss Niles are you grieving for? said the felKRIS low. Nothing muchi. said the flirt tavern keeper ran an advertiseAsst. Seety; Miss Balantyne, But after all, why should worry was thinking of old times, and keeper. He stated that none need Tient in a paper calling for a Book The famous Dunlop S; Mrs. Smith, Miss atout how you feel and do not feel. grieving to think that you were not apply for the position but a sober Tyre of Standard Charles, Mrs. Simmons, Since this column is mine, and mine hung the same time your brother man. rummy had been hard up Construction is, of W. Trustees: Cowes, Prince, course, till available land Howard alone, think am quite at liberty was. for a position for a few months, so to do as please with it. do not inhe read this advertisement one mornDUNLOP RUBBER tend to be dictated to by any one Two girls were having an argu ing when he woke up from his a.
COMPANY LTD. So you want a divorce, RasSt. James Home tus?
as to what shall or shall not do ment as to whose sweetheart was coholic stupor. Bright and early Low with it. This is my column. must the greater fool. One said she knew Cound himself at the address given, Branches throughout the wall Yes, suh, jedge, yo honah An assert my ownership. must arow that hers was a great fool, but she and applied for the position.
shol ly dos.
The on my own dunghill. All the other had profited by his folly at one time. Tavern Keeper, on seeing his man What the trouble?
cocks do it. Why shouldn I? know Ho wdid you profit by his folly said to him, suppose you noticed nical remark.
the cock language as well as any said one. Why. said the other, that my advertisement said, none Count ob ma wife makin an iro.
other cock, and better than many. last evening we were spooning in but a sober man need apply for this An ironical remark?
If you think don know it, will the drawing room, so turned down position. Yes. said the applicant. Yes suh she says if you don convince you: the lights. He became so hysterical and that why have applied so go to work, ll hit you wid this flat Co co ro co 0 that had to turn them up again. Jearly for this morning.
liron For the Extra Strain.
FORT DUNLOP Interesting Jottings See the coloured who habitually uses bad roada medallion on the All right. she said, presenting side wall


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