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PRICE CENTS PALO SECO INMATES Horseracing At Juan First Seadrome to Anchor The Week News in JAMAICA SCOUTS ON TO BE ENTERTAINED Between and Bermuda WAY TO JAMBOREE Franco Brief were island, says Cavel follows: Large Crowd Witnessed Last lateresing Local News and Edith Cavell Choral Union to Sunday Races Good Card ArWorld Events Fashed across Second Batch or Boys Siku Render Concert Programme At ranged For Tomorrow Afternoon Artificial Island Invention of Armstrong, Technical Engineer the Atlantic July 12 Wukepresent Leper Colony July 28 Who Foresees Link to Revolutionise World Shipping micaan Jamboree Horse racing is surely coming King Georges condition, co. lowing Patients of the Palo Seco Lepers into its own out at Juan Froneo. AND BRING SEA SUPREMACY TO che operation on Monday for ruinKINGSTON, Jamaica, July 13 (By home, are never forgotten by our very large crowd witnessed the races UNITED STATES age or the abscess from the right Mail. mrty hour bright booking as the friendly and charity organ zaioas. Last Sunday and so long side of his chest, has been officialis cnaps, forming the greater half o Christian workers from time to time, Jockey Club continue to offer good Perhaps progress can be measu. ed told the correspondence in an interumnounced as satisfactory. The op: Jue contingent of Seouts which wil inave given their services to bring programmes the public will support largely in terms of salety and spea view is through the air. Either air eration proved to be of a more seri represent Jamaica at the World cheer to these afflicted sufferers. the sport.
in the development of transportation ships or airplanes will supply the an cus nature than the public was sea Jamboree to be held at Birkenhead, The match race Now, the Edith Caveil Choral Union between Royal and communication. If that be true swer to the shipping problems of expect, but His Majesty came England, between July 31 and Aug.
plans to do its share, by rendering a Eagle and Pauline became a three there is at present under construe succeeding generations. put my through successfully.
ust 12, marched from Militia Headsided event with the last minute en ton a device which if successful israith select concert programme at the in the heavier than air maquarters yesterday afternoon down Ilome on Sunday, July 28, tronce of Ernesto de la Guardia destined to mean a breath taking ad chines first on the basis of cost and Headley Smith, who it is said con No. Pier, where they embarked Excuse Me, and she had no difficulty Mr. Charles Sobers, the directors Vance in civilization.
second on the basis of adaptability. dueted a flourishing lottery business cu the Direct Fruit Line steamer in winning the race. There of the Choral Union, and the mem seven other races on the card which land which within a year will be an It is a seadrome. a synthetic is Only Safe Way for Planes at La Boca, appeared before Judge Jamaica Producer, which sailed last And the only way that planes can Blackburn on Monday, and night for Dover, England.
burs of the Union can be sure of were all keenly contested. Summary chored half way between New York ily safely across the ocean is in was bound over to the District court very hearty welcome from the unor the results is published herewith and Bermuda. Fleet passenger plan sort hops so that the pilots can under a bond of 100.
The boys got a rousing send oft, all along the route, thousands of perfortunates who know how to appre SUMMARY OF RESULTS would speed to this artifieial oasis, have the benefit of the radio beam Headley was arrested on the com sons lining up to take leave of them, ciate every effort put forth for their FIRST RACE Four furlongs est, then race who whilst a great throng accompanied off to a real and and definite exact weather informa plaint of Agatha Flemming, entertainment.
Rippling Water, 118 (Escobar) 90, earthly the United tion.
charged that she had won 20 from the Scouts from Militia Headquar 90; Star Light, 106 (Ordoñez) Press.
the accused, butthat he would not ters down to the Pier. 10; Annie Laurie, 96, Pan Dulce, Armstrong is not alone in his EDITH CAVELL SOCIETY 104.
But the imagination of Armpay her.
The Scouts under District Comstrong, the inventor and designer, views. His seadrome system is back.
toissioner Clark, assembled at ANNIVERSARY Another good card has been ardoes not stop there. He foresees al ed by a number of wealthy men idenAnthony Armatrading, Panaman Militia Headquarters shortly before ranged for tomorrow afternoon, and day when eight seadromes regular Punt interests. If the first drome Blackburn court on Monday for the uniform with staffs and kit.
tified with General Motors and du fined 25 in Judge 30 and staged a parade in it is certain that an afternoon of ex ly spaced across the Atlantic would Tenth Anniversary Fittingly Ob large gathering of lovers of the sport bring New York within 33 hours of proves practicable he declares the Larceny of silverware from the They were afterwards inspected by served Last Sunday Members citing races will be witnessed by a Faris and London.
resources at his command will be steamer Santa Marta. The loot Brigadier Grazebrook, Officer ComAnd Friends Had Enjoyable Time of kings.
He goes further. Eventually eightAconsisted of one table knife, onemanding the Troops, who seemed The entries and handicaps are as een of these giant droes construc Thus there is a good deal of ac tork, one table spoon and two tea very much impressed by the appearMembers of the Edith ted and placed at a cost of only. tivity at Fishing Creek, in Delaware spoons and were valued at ance of the boys and more especially (Continued on Page 8)
in the creditable account they each Friendly Society fittingly observed 50, 000, 000, would link the land air. Bay, seven miles northwest of Cape the tenth anniversary of the soc. ety lines of every country to the United! Alay. There the first seadrome, which WESLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL wave of themselves in the parade.
CONVENTION DRIVE States, would revolutionize Last Sunday. Hundreds of them ga name world already, has been given a Commissioner Adrian Clark was preANNIVERSARY thered at the hall, Nineteenth street, shipping and would bring to Ameri Gangley, is being constructed. When sent at Militia Headquarters.
SUCCESSFUL ca for the first time commercial it is completed, which will be either (Continued on Page 4)
Guachapali, from where the processvo formed and headed by a band of Instructive And Inspiring Meetsupremacy of the seas.
next winter or next spring, it will Children Fittingly Observe Anmusic they marched to the Wesleyan ing resided Over by Dr. convinced that his plan should not miles southeast of New York and the Lora Feases Congregation.
Armstrong, a technical engineer, is be towed out to sea to a point 285 niversary Cantata Sing Unto ISTHMIAN LEAGUE TO Church, where the Rev. Barton Weekly Meeting Tomor labeled dreams. there anchored.
INSTALL OFFICERS Wade conducted the special service in row Afternoon. The key to future commerce he. Continued on Page 8)
Children of the Wesleyan Sunday connection with the anniversary.
Sehool in this city fittingly observed Regular Business And InstallaThe Rev. Gentleman in a very inFrom a financial standpoint the their anniversary last Sunday and tion Of Officers Will Take Place spiring address commended the so niembers, Monday. There were good attendThis Evening ciety for its good work and encour The meeting was interesting and inances of parents and guardians of aged the members to continue so do spiring. Dr. Barton, actig the children as also members of the Members of the Isthmian League ing. Mr. Dottin officiated at the or chairman presided. He deliveerd a church and friends. The children suc of British West Indians will meet gun with cornet accompaniment by very solemn address after which he rendered the Cantata this evening at 00 o clock in GedMr. Drake. The servhes concluded, explained the object of the meeting. Sing Unto the Lord for which they des hall for the ransaction of reThere were a few the procession formed and returned other speakers Labour Party Cannot Take Definite Stand Owing To Large Number were highly praised, as also Agular business, during the course of to the hall; here a programme of who gay very helpful addresses. SpeOf Supporters Who Want Better Beer And More Time Grant, superintendent of the school, which some very important matters cial mention must be made of Mr.
vocal and instrumental music was To Drink It.
ond Miss Vera Markland and the will be discussed. These business Robinson who entertained at rendered. There were teachers who trained the children. matters disposed of, the installation several adthe organ. His numbers were receivTRUSTS GET TIGHT HOLD ON HOUSES The programme for Monday evening of officers for the ensuing term will dresses from members of kindred so ed with great enthusiasm.
consisted of songs and recitations. take place. Many of the officers, of cieties. Refreshments were lavishly The acting secretary, Bro. Greely LONDON, July 16. Some stormy water will pass under the bridges of Every item was well rendered and the past administration have been served. The members and their Convention Drive conducted by the weather lies ahead for Premier Mac Britain and pints of beer down the received deserving applause. In his again elected to office, this, it is unfriends certainly had a very good Kingston division of the Universal Donald and his Labor Government, throats of the thirsty before it has closing remarks, the Rev. derstood, is in appreciation of their time.
Negro Improvement Association last but he is taking good care that it finished its task and made its pro Wade, complimented the children for valued services to the League.
Sunday was a success. There was will not, in the immediate future posals. Nevertheless it will be an in the enjoyable entertainment they continuance of the good work of ENDEAVOURERS HOLD nearly 100 per cent, attendance of league is anticipated by the anyway, develop over such a highly vestigation of first rate importance. provided, and thanked the superin the MEETING read an address that was delivered contentious subject as the nation The present restrictions on drink. tendent ond teachers who had done membership. Continued on Page 8)
consumption of alcoholic beverages. ing had their genesis during the so much to make the anniversary the Every member is urged to be preWesleyan Christian Endeovourers EXPLOSION KILLS. FOUR to appoint a royal commission to in made later, but no government has LOUGHRAN RETAINS TITLE It is reported to be his intention war. Certain modifications were enjoyable affair it was.
sent. met last Wednesday evening in Geddes hall, the meeting took the form vestigate the drink trade and to been willing to take the onus for exJOSEPH BROWN of Magazine Evening. Several inFour men were kiled and twenty nake recommendations. Wets and tending the eight hour drinking day IS DEAD Tommy Loughran retained his teresting and entertaining articles injured when the bronze power arys alike are keenly interested in lu twelve, or something like it, was light heavy weight title after his were contrībuted. Among hose who plant of the Aluminum Company the proposed inquest on John Barley. before the war. large number of encounter with Jimmy Braddock in a News reached the Isthmus on entertained with readings were: Miss near New Kensington, Pennsylvania corn. But royal commissions do not the 9, 000 or more clubs which have fifteen round bout at the Yankee Wednesday of the death of Joseph Ivy Myers, Miss Doris Rodney, Miss blew up on Thursday. The cause of work speedily, and in this instance come into existence in the last ten stadium on Thursday night. Brown at Point Hill, Jamaica, on Ambrozine Villiers and Miss Estelle the explosion is still undetermined. the question is such a big one and years have been pressing for relaxathe 11 instant.
THE WORKMAN The deceased lived here for many (Continued on Page 8)
has so many ramifications that much BOY SCOUTS MEETING 0000000000000 AT RED TANK years and conducted a drug store In the absence of the Rev. MONDAY, JULY 22 DENTIST PINK TO OUR ANNIVERSARY on Central Avenue. Of a very courR. Wode, president of the society, PRACTISE HERE NUMBER Persons living at Red Tank who teous and amiable disposition he won who is a patient in the Panama Hos Scout Masters are reminded of the desire to have the Workman, are for himself many friends who will pital, Mr. Grant presided. meeting of the Local Association Dr. Leo Pink, surgeon dentist, that enquires regret very much his passing. TII The special Anniversary number, hereby informed very enjoyable number was the Baden Powell Boy Scouts which will who for many years had an extenduet by Misses Anita Harewood and be held next Monday night at 30 sive practise in Colon, has transfer of the Workman will appear durine should be made at House 515 B, health compelled Mr. Brown to re Hilda Forshthe. The singing of the o clock, at the usual pllace of meet red his business to this city with of the coming month with interestine where all the necessary information turn to his native island a few can be obtained.
months ago. His friends had hoped Mizpah brought an enjoyable meeting. good turn out of members is fices at 126 Central Avenue. We wish articles from many local writers. Copies can also be had from Mr. that the change would have brought ing to its close.
the Doctor success.
Please look out for the issue. Phillips at the Paraiso Clubhouse. him renewed health, Government will Appoint a Commission on Drink Trade MacMilan.


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