
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD Willard Clocks BRITISH GUIANA JAMAICA West Indies Agitating for Self Mr. Wint Cannot go Government to British Guiana the and keen Over FULLER a 16 nas ISO Oxford Scientist Scouts Leave for for uuiana Janiboree Bu De able to anThe Trinidad Labour Leader of seize this opportunity of showing thu не. expeciou Lue don. ineo. Wans First Batch or Six Go Off on The Carare Amid Great June 15 published the following. our appreciation to the Party for its UVC Universi. Expurution Canad hoped accept the invitatan Cheering With the Labour Party at presenterforts on our behalf.
Britahua, Luleshadowed in the eople Progress Party controlling the destinies of the Bri Two months ago Captain Ciprian, Le cireuiar o rubruary zist last, is British Guiana to be the chief speakThe first batch of Boy Scouts to tish Empire the agitation in the with his far seeing eye, calied a Pubabout war, says the weser and principal quest at the cene represent Jamaica at the Annual West Indies for relief from thene Meeting at the Pr. ncess Buiging. comm. de urcuar, va wybration of the organisation on the Jamboree to be held in England this yoke of Crown Colony Rule has and there and then told the thousands a paty ut eluven or twelve uxlast on August next, and on his way month sailed from that Island on the been revived with the utmost ri who had gathered from all parts of Lo scientists, including 2001ogus, British Guiana Mr Wint wou:ust instant. They embarked on the gour, Captain Cipriani, the ac this Coiony that the Labour Party SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY wanis, urn. noogists and entomo have met a delegation of West In Elders and Fyffes steamer Carare credited Labour Leader in these would be returned at the Generai STUDY OR DESK lgists and a suryeyor, will leave for cians at Panama to discuss the ques cound for Avonmouth.
parts has already received calls from Election in England. He made known There is an air of grace and decorgetown in the Ingoma, anation of emigration to British Guiana. The boys who numbered six in all, the neighbouring Islands to visit to his audience the substance of the But on account of pressing duties with their Scout Commissioner Mr.
them and there to join his colleagues tove demand and pledge, and com cance reminiscent of Colonial Days user spending two days in the capproceed to anterior, 10 Jamaica Mr. Wint has not found Croswell, looked smiling in an appeal to West Indians for a frienced the circulation of a monster about Willard Type Banjo Clocks Wu watery WOSLO. Ils members will reit possible to proceed to British and happy as they waved adieu to united effort to obtain in the first petition to be forwarded to the Im that appeale to people of culture, instance a Federated West Indies perial Parliament praying for Selt These clocks are high grade and win until January. The advantages which will accrue to British Guiana Guiana, and it is learnt that he will the many lassies and comrades gucable the eople Progress Party thered on the wharf to bid them bon and secondly, self Government. That Government for Trinidad. Thousands reliable, while the cases are of the from the visit of this all British exregretting his inability to accept yage As the good ship drew away Captain Cipriani will hearken to the have already subscribed to this pe best craftsmanship.
pedition are many and obvious. The gently from the shore, they raised a their invitation.
call we have little doubt, and as the nation, and with his prognosticat. ou Also a new assortment of other colony has hitherto been compararousing cheer which indicated the Legislative Council is now enjoying the Election verified, the Trinida good spirits with which they left its long annual vacation we hope in Workingmen Association contuues fine clocks that will surely meet uively neglected as a field for study these shores.
your every requirement in the home wy British scientists, and it is ex LORD TENNYSON the near future to announce the to be kept constantly busy attending The names of those who formed the or office at pected that the trail blazed by these WILL BE MEMBER date of his sailing. It is anticipated to those who are anxious to siga tue adventurous young men jarty are Commissioner CrossOF TEAM that the first Colony to be touched same. There are well; Rover Mates, beveny will be trodden by others, and it is will be Grenada and the Grenadines, pranches of the Association that are Sloley and Burns; First Janot too much to say that no colony The London Morning Post of re maica Sea Rovers: Soutar, where at present the Honourable spread over Trinidad, and as the peneeds propaganda more than our 122 CENTRAL AVE.
cent date published the following: Marryshow has for years been uition is no wise restricted to memClough, McGilchrist and Fong great possession in South America. Lord Tennyson, captain of the Kin.
engaged on behalf of his native vers of this body, all and sundry are schemes of native welfare: that agri loreover, none certainly offers Hampshire County Cricket Club, has home in the struggle for emancipa advised to get in touch with the Sec culture and the production of agri more promising field for research.
ure, we now publish the demand copies of it have been sent to every and encouraged by the Government; welcoming the decision of the Club tion. With matters shaping as they ary of any of the Branches, ascultural pursuits should be assisted We have another good reason for accepted an invitation to join the. team which leaves England JAMAICA GOODS in December for a tour of the West TO BE DISPLAYED zuiade by Labour and Socialism at section. Whether the present Govthat the Government should assist to make the tropics the scene of Indeis. Five representative matches AT PORT ARTHUR the 28th Annual Conference of the ernment remains in office for twelve and encourage the establishment of weir activities. So much has been will be played.
Labour Party held in England last months or for five years, the time consumers co operation among the written of late about the vital im.
been reported that The Jamaica Chamber of Comyear which was attended by Captain ripe for the appeal to be made, masses, and that the system of edu portance of increasing the supply of Cipriani as the delegate of The because it is the undoubted freedom cation should aim at. preparing biologists for the Empire that any Warred Rhodes, the famous Youk werce have received a communicaion from the Port Arthur Chamber Trinidad Workmen Association of the inhabitants of the British West them for the task of modern poli scheme which promises to provide shire and England bowler, will be a Inc. and which demand was pledged Indies to organize for the conquest, tical, economic and social life; the recruits for their ranks has a claimember of the side, and it is learnt of Commerce and Shipping station by the Conference. In those depen and the right exercise of Self Gov forms of this system of education to recognition.
Though biologists but a request has been made to the hat in May, 1930, the East Texas Chamber of Commerce will hold dencies with a population culturallyernment in such forms as may be should always be adapted to the need experience there is at present,. that Jack Hobbs should also heir annual convention in Port Ar.
be included in the team so that peo more advanced, e. with European best adapted to their institution and general cultural level of each colo no machinery for securing it comthur. The attendance at that convenpie of the West Indies would have ised or Oriental Civilisation, such as mentality. The Congress referred to nial territory, and that it must be purable with that which exists in tion will run into the British Crown Colonies (exclud entirely condemned the principle of provided out of public funds. These inedicine. for example. Towards fill. opportunity of seeing this great among those to attend are businessing those in Africa and the Pacific. racial discrimination in industry, and other equally important forms of ſing this gap, Oxford Expeditions men from Texas. It is pointed out The team will arrive in that members of the Jamaica Chamsuch as measure of Self Government and demanded a fuller meosure of relief for the Colonies under Crown have already done much, and they or form of administration as is de protective labour legislation, especial Colony Government are the aims of have already produced biologists of Junnaica on March 14th, and will be her of Commerce will have the opmanded by the inhabitants of these ly in the interest of women and chil Labour and Socialism. The people of promise indeed, one might say of there until April 7, when they will portunity of introducing Jamaican territories should be granted im dren, but agreed that foreign capital the British West Indies are fully actual performance, and if this has said for England.
commodities of export.
mediately. The Labour Party pledg ists and planters exploiting the nat qualified effectually to control by been achieved by visits to the Are It has not yet been decided where The Port Arthur Chamber of Comed itself to intervene to the utmostural resources should be obliged to democratic parliamentary institu tie, how much more may not be ac the five test matches will be played. merce propose to help at that time of its power in favour of all the re contribute sufficient portion of ſtions the intricate mechanism of a complished when the hitherto unex. It is certain that one will be played the exhibit of the products of the forms which tends to secure and wheir profits for purposes, e. the Federated West Indies and it is plored tree top zone of the British in each of the colonies of Barbados, West Indian islands for which that extend the right of self determina welfare and education of the people quite time that the exploiting class Guiana rain forests is penetrated? Trinidad, British Guiana and Ja port has direct steamship service tion for the population of these colo of such colonies, that wherever pos be no longer allowed in unrestricted We have had the privilege of en maica, but the question to be de and they have offered, without cost, nial territories. With such a pledge sible all natural resources should be fashion to continue its exploitation deavouring to assist the leader, cided is where the fifth is to be space in their Exhibit Hall for the given by the Labour Party, and the exploited by state enterprise, the (Continued on Page 7) Major Hingston and his played. There is a strong feeling in display of such exhibits of Jamaica Representatives of Labour and So yield from them should be used for party, and while wishing them God. Jamaica that two should be played products as the local Chamber of cialism throughout the civilised the development of the country and Drink Salada Tea the best for speed commend them to our friends there.
Commerce might desire to make.
world we in the West Indies must the promotion of far reaching the Troples in British Guiana who we may be The letter from the Port Arthur It is a question which will be desure will do their utmost to further cided in September of October of brought up at the next meeting of Chamber Commerce will be the objects of the expedition. this year at the meeting of the the Council of the Jamaica Chamber West Indian Cricket Board of Con Jor Commerce. 40, 000, 000 SCHEME TOtrol to be held in British Guiana GIVE 60, 000 MEN WORK during the Intercolonial tournament.
FOR YEARS It is hoped that Jamaica will see be made up take it to the If you have a Prescription to to it that she is properly represent. National Pharmacy, Santa Ana LONDON, July 16. Right Hon. Thomas, Lord Privy Seal, chargled at the meetings.
Plaza, where you will get cour ed with handling the unemployment teous and obliging service.
problem, is said to be considering a his deposits may be small, his is the satisfacscheme proposed by Viscount El DENTIST HOWELL bank for the construction of an underground freight railway in Lon House No. 912 La Boca BAPTISTE ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings don. Seventy five miles of track Canal Zone Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at would link all the railway stations, THE ARTISTIC wharves and such emporiums with OPPOSITE RESTAURANT 54 stations for the collection and PHONE 1941. BALBOA TAILOR delivery of freight. Viscount Elibank to the money you already have on deposit.
estimates the work would cost 40, Specialises in all Branches of 000, 000 and would provide four years Dentistry House M Street of work for 60, 000 men. He added ALL WORK GUARANTEED Panama, that money could be easily obtained RESIDENCE538 and the government would be asked to guarantee the interest on the capital.
of START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE The sensible man saves consistently. Though tion of knowing that he has a constantly grow4 per annum is paid twice a year and added PANAMA CANAL TOLLS Start saving now. Open an account with this Bank which, together with its predecessor, The International Banking Corporation, has faithfully served its West Indian friends on the Isthmus for a quarter of a Century.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN Tolls to the amount of 1, 108, 592. 48 were collected for the first fifteen days of this month from 260 commercial vessels and small launches which transited the Canal.


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