
PAGR THRBE DEEP SEA EXPEDITION CALL AT THE Gets Good Results off Bermuda Coast Panama Hardware CATHEDRAL PLAZA AND SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also the Fine Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED HAMILTON, Bermuda. Some as pand in one case two fish devouring tonishing discoveries have been made each other.
at Nonsuch Island, where the Beebe Dredging at 1, 100 fathoms Dr.
Deep sea expedition, under the au Beebe this week had the misfortune spices of the New York Zoological to lose an enormous amount of Society, has been at work for several chain net which must be replaced so!
that investigation may continue. There is a big field here. said This is merely to show the expense Dr. Beebe recently, and every day of such an expedition as this. While we find new material of vast scien in his diving helmet, Dr. Beebe has tific value. Only a day or two ago found many new fish which yet he we noticed a dark streak on the wa has been unable to capture. These ter. We netted a quantity of the were seen miles down in the depths floating life and discovered it to be of the ocean.
millions of young jelly fish. Beyond The expedition will remain at the reefs there is a vast field for ex work here until the 1st November ploration. am thrilled with joy at when the Beebe party will return to the discoveries we have been mak New York with the largest and most!
ing. am a scientist and confess to remarkable of deep sex life ever a thrill of pride with any measure found by a modern scientist. There of success during the day. But at are now eight persons in the expenight my joy is my telescope. dition including a photographer and Through it gaze at the stars, and three artists am, hope, brought back to the proper sense of proportion and Values.
If you have a Prescription to Nonsuch Island, in the words of be made up take it to the Dr. Beebe, is an ideal center in an National Pharmacy, Santa Ana island already admirably adopted to Plaza, where you will get cour.
the work of studying marine life. teous and obliging service, Up to this writing 125 specimens of fish have been found and properly BUY FROM THE WORKMAN classified. very delicate fish was ADVERTISERS AND GET caught at a depth of one mile, a fish VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
so delicate that it defied dissection or the examination necessary for classification and record. Using a chemical solution the amazing result Kirton of decolorization of the flesh was obtained and a clear view of the Modern Tailor bone revealed. There are fish in the Beebe collection, all stomach and all mouth, some with eyes that seemed No 57 unnecessary for their outlook on life.
Calidonia Road There are queer creatures with tentacles longer than their bodies There were found fish within fish Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE tered in a Guianese newspaper. We question whether there is any car nest desire on the part of govern ment of people here to have the union effective from every point of view. One has to reside on the spot to secure the correct angle for viewing men and things. Government is the beginning, middle and end of everything in the various communities which constitute the Leeward Islands Federation. Antigua, which is headquarters, is an illustration of the ubiquitousness of government The population is less than 30, 000; it would not be exaggerating to compute it at 25, 000 and for the current year expenditure is likely to reach over 100, 000. We depend on exporting sugar, cotton, molasses, ete. One factory expects to manufacture 10, 000 tons sugar which at 212 per ton will give 120, 000 the other factory output will be about 000 tops which will fetch 22, 800.
Te we value the remaining commoaities at 20, 000 we have a grand total of 162. 800. Is it fair, is it business like that we should carry such a top heavy administrationthat industry should be burdened to such an extent to support a govJernment? The cost of government to this island should not exceed 60, 000.
If there was determination to cut our coat according the cloth it could be done, but nobody is sufficiently strong to take the lead. We would not expect one belonging to the system to try to wreck it; bis toain idea would be to preserve rather than destroy and the private individual who sees the folly of the whole affair hasn the nerve to lead an agitation against it. He is content to grin and bear. Why? Be.
cause he either has relatives or very close friends in Government jobs or it he opposed Government he would be ostracized socially. If he can stand that treatment his better half is generally of such vain nature that she would make his life a burden until he ceased his agitation, became a nice boy again and re.
ceived the usual invitation to tea.
We are afraid that it will be a long while before the mass is sufficiently educated to demand a change in the system of government. Even the leading scholastic institution 05chews politics. We question whether such a subject as civics forms part of the curriculum; and if that study is neglected by the sons of the better class it would be considered sinful to encourage Quasbie children to dabble with it. We console our selves with the belief that some day an awakening will take place.
125 Central Avenue ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU ANTIGUA Colony Needs a Change of Govt.
WE OFFER But Officials Will Not Move And Unofficials Have Not the Nerve To Act EXCELLENT PRICES ARTICLE IN MAGNET FOR THE DUMP (By the Straggler)
The dump! the dump! the same old dump Which months ago, did make me jump: Has come again its tale to tell, By giving me its nasty smellt AND Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 And in addition, now to they burn The mess they bring from Colon town; This mixture, sure, does give me hell, The smoke and then the nasty smell.
The following appears in the Antigua Magnet: Closer Caribbean Co operation is becoming more and more a reality, All the Colonies have had a chance to read about St. Vincent recently, Antigua has also been getting her share of publicity, but it has neither been as extensive nor as favourable as St. Vincent In this issue we reproduce an article which appeared in the New Daily Chronicle Newspaper of British Guiana. There is reason for having faith in Closer Caribbean Co operation. Formerly each of these Colonies was satisfied to be engrossed in its affairs and resented interference from outside.
Nowadays each is concerned with what is happening elsewhere and so just as we sympathised with British Guiana in having her political status reduced to the level of a Crown Colony so the attention of the Guianese has been attracted to political conditions in the Leeward Islands and comment has been passed on a product of officialdom which has turned out as big a failure as the system which created it. union or federation binds Antigua, St. KittsNevis, Dominica, Monserrat and the Virgin Islands. The only purpose of the federation seems to be to pron vide increased salaries and subsistence allowance for certain of ficials. The Wagnet has adopted as one of its slogans Make the Federation a reality! but the cry has been that of a voice raised in the wilderness. Now suggestions which could prove valuable have been ofAT wonder what these dump men think?
They give me smoke and smell to drink; They bother me and stop ny breath, And try to stiffle me to death.
This stinking smoke it makes me sneeze, And my poor eyes, have to squeeze; What next twill do tis hard to tell, But it makes my ropa smell like hell!
Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard Mr. Dump Foreman, this ask, It will not be a heavy task; Please stop the smoke, for tis no joke To swollow smoke and smell then choke!


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