
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1929. THE WORKMAN Trinidad has a Way of its Own The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada. 20 70. 50 am a By Mrs. Amy Garvey, West Indian Sociologist, Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 Writing In The Trinidad CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 Guardian Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon CZ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION have travelled a great deal but ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
seldom have been privileged to viSIX MONTHS sit a place like Trinidad.
It seems to me that this little isONE MONTH.
land has a way and manner all its Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets own. Lady Dorothy Mills visited Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matTimbuctoo for ten days then returnters of public interest invited.
ed to England and wrote o book, We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 a very interesting book of that country and its people, but unlike her The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS have not been able to see all that your beautiful island presents conTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1929.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including sequently am loath to give an opinion.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank Anyway, this much can say, PoriHOW WILL IT END is in a position to render the best possible service. spain as by car the best laid ou city of an West india islands tout muve so lar seen.
Party feeling is running very high between the two Antigua Dominica Montserrat Jamaican and perhaps peen camps invo which the Colony, of Grenada has Bahamas many, persons from that island may Grenada St. Kitts not agree with me. Nevertheless that divided as the result of differences between Sir FredBarbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia is my opinion, and have been prierick Seton James, Governor of the Colony, and mr.
Albert Marryshow, Editor of the Grenada West InTrinidad (2)
vileged to travel extensively in the British Honduras Martinique United States of America, on the dian.
Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
Continent of Europe and in Africa, for sometime the Editor of the West Indian has The Spanish countries have visit been carrying on a campaign against the formation or ed are not to be placed on a level a Volunteer Corps, and for the removal of the Coloniai with Port of Spain. Without a doubt Secretary; this nas led the Governor to deprive Mr.
THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST this is one of the most orderly and Marrysnow or his commission as a Justice of the Peace.
well behaved cities in the Western The Voice or St. Lucia commenting on the deplorPAID ON DEPOSITS Hemisphere. At eight o clock at might or before that this place is so able situation that has arisen, under the caption Rucquiet that one believes that all the tions. says: General Banking Business Transacted.
foiks are dead or gone away until Grenada has been the scene of much excitement the next morning when signs of acduring the past iew weeks. The West Indian has not tivity, begin to manifest themselves.
been seeing eye to eye with the head of the GovernEarly Closing ment and the fat has fallen into the fire. The Editor of INMIGRANTS TO MUST BE EXAMINED am very much surprised to find The West Indian nas been carrying on a campaign all the places of business closed so against the formation and maintenance of a Volunteer Boston despatch of a recent carly. It is hard for me, a mere visitCorps, and for the removal of the Colonial Secretary date states: or, to determine what advantage the who has been in Grenada for about twenty years. Both Beginning July 1, by special or population derives from it. But it is campaigns are well within reason and neither the laws ders from Washington, every person safe to say that the smaller busiof the Colony nor the best traditions of journalism need entering the by land or sea ness man must suffer a great deal must submit to questioning and ex by such a law as this of early closbe violated in such campaigns. The Governor has evid hibit documents showing that they ing.
ently got irritated by the continuous ridicule of the are legally entitled to enter. The beautiful parks in Port o. Volunteer movement and the F, Ferguson Must citizens of course, mill merely give Spain are picturesque. They are an Go) articles and took up a stand against the campaign proof of citizenship, but aliens will invitation to romantically inclined of The West Inian. There have been clashes between be required to have filled out their persons.
the Governor and The West Indian which have degenvisas and identification cards, one As a matter of fact have fou. erated into personal attacks between Sir Frederick for themselves, the other for the the ladies whom have met distinct Seton James and Mr. Albert Marryshow, both of Government files at Washington. uy charming and the men very rowhom have, in their zeal, overstepped the bounds of The records will be kept here, and mantically inclined.
propriety and what, a few months ago, could be termed The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro mach of the bother now connected My impression of Trinidad is not a dignified difference of opintion has degenerated into duced for the motorist who uses his car for long with the looking up admission will one shall easily forget.
a common quarrel. By the last mail we learn that Sir Summed up, it Frederick has seen fit to deprive Mr. Marryshow of his ipells on bad roads, or in other ways involving be eliminated.
Racial Impressions means that no person will be admitcommission as a Justice of the Peace in a most autoparticularly arduous service conditions.
The racias ted to the until actually passimpressions gathered cratic manner. He may or may not be right in doing it; ed by an inspector on American soil. the Negroes here practically, if not hardly complimentary. find but his method savours more of the Middle Ages than VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE The practice of examining a person entirely, devoid of race consciousof today, VERY EFFICIENT at the Canadian port of embarkation We learn that Mr. Marryshow was summoned to will be stopped.
ness. They are strictly British and think in terms of Englishmen. As a meet His Excellency and on his keeping the appointmatter of fact the word creole is ment he found the Governor, the Colonial Secretary and ENDEAVOURERS HOLD adequately applied.
the Attorney General awaiting him. paper was read ENJOYABLE MEETING It is hard to think that a people out by His Excellency and initialled by the Colonial could so completely lose their identiSecretary and the Attorney General on the call of His Last Wednesday meeting of the ty in a few hundred years. If the Excellency. The sum total of the document was that Mr.
Wesleyan Christian Endeavourers destiny of the negro in the Western Marryshow was by noon on the following day to send in took the form of an evening with World is to be determiend by the ata written apology for his ridicule of the Volunteer Francis Ridley Havergal, one of the titude of the negro in Trinidad, well, movement and a guarantee that he would cease his opSee the famous hymn writers of her day. it is indeed a hopeless case for any position; or, his commission as a Justice of the Peace coloured would be cancelled! To say that His Excellency, by medallion The entire programme of music and man or woman to try to bring about adopting such methods, has lowered his dignity in the on the literature was made up from her la cohesion between the various negro dde eyes of the public is putting it very midly indeed. What The famous writings. Mr. Harris presided groups existing.
wall Dunlop Tyre as chairman. Miss Doris Rodney pawould the public of Grenada and of all these islands think AMY GARVEY.
per, a biographical sketch of Miss of Mr. Marryshow if he had succumbed to such a puerile of Standard Your Dealer Havergal, furnished very much in: SOLDIER FINED FOR SPEEDING suggestion? What would His Excellency and his party will be glad Construction formation.
think of him? If Mr. Marryshow had agreed to such a to show you is, of course, nefarious proposal he would have been despised by all, this latest Among the other contributors were still available Dunlop pro Nrs. Ada Stephens, Miss Steph pur Aupuog uo zanos O2 pour rem Ans punoj and he would have laid the best traditions of journalism duction.
ens, Miss Holness, and Mr. Lovoqlug ay u pozeodde oym fog aenssen in the gutter. Mr. Marryshow did the right thing when Dottin.
he asserted that his manhood was not on sale. Is a DUNLOP RUBBER aouәр хәрроѕ хор әшgѕud әers s commission of such importance that a man should COMPANY LTD. The meeting closed with the sing uadxa paaoud anoy, we sapu St. James House, stultify himself for it? Nay, not this Albert MarrySt. James St. London, ing of the Mizpah.
Driving on Gaillard highway at 40 Brunches throughout the World show; not even a knighthood would tempt him from a path which he was convinced was the correct path.
Things have come to a sorry pass in Grenada and heaven alone knows where they will end. By private letters received from there it is stated that the Colony Surgeon is divided into two camps and party feeling is running For Sale at Leading Garage very high between them. It is a sorry thing. Better far 125 Central Avenue Panama City.
if His Excellency had allowed things to take their ESCOFFERY. Distributor course. The duty of a newspaper is to suppport or opPhone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, pose any project as the director of its policy thinks is in Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works the best interests of the public. No undue pressure or ADVERTISE force can alter the policy of a newspaper if there is a Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment man at the helm.
With an even greater reserve of Strength!
DUNLOP FORT are FORT Dr. Leo Pink Dentist in the WORKMAN


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