
THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 CECILIA THEATRE CONTINUOUS SHOW EVERY DAY FROM p. TO 11 TALKING PICTURES The Greatest Attraction for Our Patrons WATCH OUT FOR The Talking Colored Comedies Soon to be Screened at the CECILIA THEATRE Home and its Influences At Daisy Lamb at home and very often away from that come up every day, it is patience had influences. And isn that what the mother needs. think only GOD, we want?
only a mother, only a teacher can Good books are also a great incen know the meaning of patience, a We are Showing a Beautiful Selection of tive for children. Not the milk and patience founded on love can know Ladies and Misses Dreses of Excellent water fiction of the present day, but the result of that patience which is the good books that will ennoble and not weakness but strength.
God intended that home should be home, that it is comparatively light.
Materia uplift us. What is better than Father Fortunate are those who later in our Paradise on earth, a foretaste The story is told of a monk, who Finn books for boys. hfe have memories of a happy Chrisof what He has prepared for us in visiting his sister and her family, Our Sports and Dress Hats of Felt and Straw are the realms above, and the hub around remonstrated with her for not going Early instil into the children tian home; they are the magnet that Latest Models in a Variety of pleasing Shades into other realms, which He has built that home is the to church oftener. She told him she mind that they must contribute their leads onward mother, the good christian mother, could not, that the care of her chilshare of pleasure to the family circle. where peace stands sentry and every who has gone down through the val dren and her home were so great Novelties! Novelties! Novelties!
Have them invite their little friends heart is glad.
in, but be sure you know who those ley of death, that we might live. To that she was fortunate in going as little friends are. Many a good child hur we turn with all our childish often as she did. So he said he would ALL REASONABLY PRICED is spoiled by bad companions, What ORDER BOOKS sorrows and joys, and few people stay at home and let her go; when ter Your Patronage Solicited we want in our homes is rest and understand the tie that exists be slie returned he said: Never again tween mother and child. She supplies will censure a mother, for her care peace, the sweet calm of an untroub SECRETARY genuine love, that only the mother, is known only to herself and her Box 428 led fireside, to which, weary with the Phone 1198 AND Le Printemps train of outside cares, we may turn who bore it, can give the child; the Maker.
TREASURER HAINA Ancon, Panama yearning, unreasoning passionate af. The mother is the door keeper of with eager happy eyes. Little bicker FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY ings, unkind and thoughtless expresfection that makes the memory of the home, it is she who stamps the sions rob our home of all this. It ON SALE childhood so dear, an affection often character on the boy and girl. There unwisely administered, but which to just like building a house on a vol At the Workman be deprived of robs us of our birth. hever has been a good, noblo man, Children will not be satisfied with and leaving her son and daughter to cano, for you do not know at what but that there has been a mother of nothing else and neither will grown the care of fashionable boarding time the peace will be destroyed.
Printery right.
strong character before him. aps. After meeting with rebuffs and schools and to strangers. We hope For the innumerable little things Then imagine the influence that It the mother duty to see that disappointments with the outside the lady had a good intention, but rother must have on a child. To the father and husband belong the mid the home is pleasant, but she can not world to go home with a cheery, hap. her influence was lost on her own dle of life, the time of action and make it so herself. Our homes to be py home and meet with encourage companions; the daughter died by strength. To the mother is given inviting must be cheerful and hap. 19ent and kindnes is like sunshine her own hand and the son WAS the oasis of the SOLE AGENT FOR the beginning and end of life, the P, and, if it is garnished with kind after rain, like murdered.
or desert to the weary traveller.
time of weakness and of suffering ness, no matter how luxurious There is nothing that contributes The class of persons who cause more to the pleasure of the home and of sorrow. She stands near the how humble the house is in which we cradle, near the cross and near the well, we will turn longingly toward most of the trouble in the world, are than musie. To cultivate a love of grave. There is eradle over which it from the trouble of outside cares nut those who come from christian music among children creates and the smiling or anxious face of and it will be the dearest spot on homes, where the love of GOD is fosters a refined sentiment that is not GUARANTEED woman does not bend. There is no earth for us. sharp bitter word taught, but rather they come from forgotten when they arrive at ATHLETIC GOODS cross at the foot of which is not seen may darken sa whole day for an unchristian, ungodly places, that we naturity. Do not be afraid that the the weeping woman. There is no entire family. One frown may cast can not call home, but where self little chubby fingers will leave marks FOR grave unwatered by her tears or un a shadow over a household, and the interest and selfishness is the key on your piano; they will easily rub ALL SPORTS hallowed by her grief.
day begins a little more darkly than note. Just a few weeks ago we read off. Mushe renders home more atSo we should think more of the it need.
in the papers of a woman who had tractive, interesting and beautiful, IL MADURO JR.
mother place in the home than we We all demand a welcome when wealth and position, but used both and in every home circles where we We might think because her returning home, and we want that for the betterment of strangers, find it we notice a greater freedom Opposite Hotel Central Phone 749 Panama, work does not take her outside the welcome to come from the mother, thereby neglecting her own family from discord. It will leeep children GOLDSMITHS do.


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