
The commonest of all aims is the first. We set out to make a boy Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 SALAS Co. PANAMA Ltd.
honest clean, useful, courteous, etc. CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, each one most desirable attribute. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon COLON, PANAMA CITY, But do we not frequently come across young men possessing all these, yet 5076 Bolivar Avenue Contral Avenue ONE YEAR.
lacking one thing. Somehow they. 40 Cy. Box 257. Phono 537 Box Phone 800 seem to be spiritless, mediocre, harmSLX MONTHS less, and not manly, effeetive, deTHREE.
finite men. Their contribution to ONE MONTH.
life is not positive. Their character Sole Agents For Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matis incomplete.
ters of public interest invited.
The second opinion, that character is goodness or badness, is, in its way, We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
correct, but it is only half the story.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS We are all acquainted with the good person who is good because he hasn THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 the vitality to be bad, and the bad who is so because he has never had the energy to try to be good. These SEVENTEENTH ANIVERSARY are not characters. but are due to defects in training or unfavorable THE WORKMAN nas arrived at another mile stone environment resulting in the absence in tne chequereu career oi ils existence and appears toof character.
uay garbeu new and with the same spirit anu determiSo we are led to the third notion, nation that prompted its coming into existence seventeen that character is a force, something years ago, when we discovereu that in the cosmopolitan dynamie. We are not at the moment community on the iscmnus, the growing iniluence ana interested in its goodness or badness, intelligence of the West Indians were greatıy unrepresbut in its forcefulness. It seems to ented. That the cause or a most deserving, and less am somewhere, to strive for somethought of people lacked a mouth piece. That we were thing and to have some purpose in. ine seast understood people of all the nationalities life. do not suggest that the aim, representeu nere ana tnat in the rush of events we were end, or purpose is worthy. It may not wont to be echipseu because of the obscurity in whien be, but it is there.
our reasonable demand was made silent?
Do not the facts of everyday exDuring our seventeen years existence we have strived conscientiousıy and assidiously to serve our people, Join the UNDER WOOD CLUB and take perience show us men and women who are without this definite purpose and convinced that we had launched out in a most legitimate and deserving cause we hung ourselves whole advantage of the opportunity offered and who are as a consequence mere cbodies, mere nonentities when they heartedly into the aray conscious that any sacrifice made or difficulties encountered were all in the interest of a to possess one.
should be giving a positive contribupeople, nay of our people, who, were subjected to intion to life. And why? Because dignities brutalities and other injustices that made the their life lacks unity. Well meaning heart burn and the blood curdle. If during our period they are indeed, but only well meaning. They are in the position of of existence we have accomplished anything it is for those who have followed our career closely, during the in order to scientifically and intel bribe them to forget themselves. For man who, with no definite literary Demilitarizing past seventeen years, to say.
igentiy instruct children, parents coercion and bribery involve an aptaste, is placed in a huge library with Like all other professions, as journalist, we may mental laws and principles of life; the one case, to greed in the other; und prospective parents in the funda peal to selfish motives, to fear in The West Indies permission to browse amongst the have erred or made mistakes at is human to err and the in kindness, tolerance, self respect, and to teach unselfisrness through books. He will most probably idle The following letter in connection man who never made a mistake, didn make anything, self reliance, politeness, purity, etc. an appeal to selfish motives is to with the disarming of the West In away his time. He does not know which book to tackle. Substitute but we are conscious that we have not done anything and to practice the Golden Rule of undermine the foundations which we dominant inWhich can be construed as a serious menace to the wel Jesus, and thus be prepared to es. are trying to lay. The best thing dian islands by Great Britain appears terest in life, with a hobby or pet care of the community and the people we represent. We tablish a paradise on earth; they that we can do is to set children to in the New York World of July 6: for him a man with To The Editor of The World: glory in the fact that we have accomplished a few re would indeed, be real human bene learn the greatest of all lessons for factors of Races. themselves. Here we forms which although not exhibited as beacon lights Pacolod erh education is too often a fundamental principle for which tons is responsible for the suggestion of his opportunity.
iome to the do not know what group of Bri study, and he will make effective use that all who run may read were recognized and carried case of the blind leading the blind some at least of us stand. We be that the British possessions in the We sometimes read of Scouters out promptly by the proper sources. to a opolan spite of everwhelming odds, we have battled on certain text book, is mentally unfit posed to learning by listening and Caribbean be disarmed and neutral whose Troops are so busy Scoutsingle handed, but we are not satisfied, to be plodding to instruct beyond the narrow limit nemorising and obeying the word of ised in order to demonstrate that the ing that they have no time for ations of a few printed pages. In command. This principle is applic British naval policy toward America badge work. Such Scouters along singularly, we need the assistance and cooperation Greece a different practice prevail able to education because it is ap. is absolutely pacific, but must say missing a great opportunity, for the of all true and loyal West Indian who believe that our edi.
There the teacher must prove plicable to life. It is therefore as that these Britons, whoever they may reason that if a boy earns six or seventeen years existence merit their support to rally his point and the student question applicable to religious as to secular be, are very ignorant of the military eight badges, he has six or eight into the cause and help to make the Workman a bigger, the accuracy of any statement at education. Indeed it is through its and naval strength of Great Britain terests which can form six or eight better and brighter paper, which will be more in keep any time. We ask you what would action that the distinction between in the Caribbean.
factors, in the structure of and sery.
ing with the progress and advancement of West Indians happen were every modern teacher religious and secular education of ice of an ideal in this Republic.
forced to prove the things he faces itself, and the two merge into Since the year 1904 Great Britain 22. teaches. And yet can any person one Experience has proved that if withdrew all her regular troops from What shall supply this ideal. We pride ourselves in the fact that we have met the conscientiously ask another to un learning by doing is to answer ito the Caribbean isands with the excep Surely a lofty view of Scouting. We cause for which we launched out seventeen years ago, derstand or to admit as true a state purpose, a generous measure of free. tion of one infantry regiment in Ber: must appeal to the imagination, for and in doing so we have served our people and this com ment which he cannot prove him dom must be given to children; for rauda, two black West India regi. this, after all, is the dynamie force munity to the best of our ability as the various compli self. if, when they are trying to do things of character once let us get the boy mentary contributions, from well wishers and support mission: it must equip the youth directing all their movements, they companies of infantry True education has a threefold you insist on holding their hands and nents stationed in Jamaica, and two to picture to himself, Scouting, as a ers, published elsewhere in this issue will bear out.
in Trinidad We now beg to return our wormest thanks to our cial plan so that he may always be to maintain himself in the commer will do little and learn less. kept there for internal order. The great purpose in life, and the foundapatrons, advertisers, subscribers and readers who have an independent and self supporting children freedom for self develop and the native artillery disbanded,. e must begin, then, by giving forts at St. Lucia were demolished tions of character are laid. As a man thinketh in his heart, given us their unselfish patronage, to make it possible unit. It must prepare him. so much Verabattle wagainst the many adversities during the past he eigantie comic responsibility or urenheympathetic hefredad judreiben und the skeleton battery of white o is he.
years. We appreciate with unexpressed gratitude the thorough understanding of those to good account. In the atmosphere ca and Bermuda. There are today establishing the by they need and can turn artillery distributed between Jamaiencouragement given us from time to time by loyal and clationships, ignorance concerning of freedom, interest in work and joy no fortified British islands in the genuine supporters to carry on. And although we have. which is the fundamental cause of in working will take the place of the Caribbean with the exception of BerCraceful And not realized the financial success anticipated on such the world social evil. 3) It must distaste for work, the unwilling mada and Jamaica, and these could ventures, we are contented in the fact that the support equip him to make a mental, ethical obedience, the perfunctory discharge searcely be called fartified, taking Unusual Jewelry we have received has kept us alive and enabled us to or physical contribution to the world of duties, which the dogmatie, die whather the storms and steer us clear of the shogiss on which has borne him and given him tutorial, disciplinary type of educa into consideration the experiences of. to Pearls the peoples condition, has foundered and failed.
for no is complete unless it ac When work comes to be enjoyed for ing the late war. This fact was so complishes at least one thing that its own sake the need for rewards patent to the British naval and milinas not been accomplished before. and punishments will cease. This itary authorities at the beginning of The Religous thodox educational and theological Speaking on the religious training will be a notable step in advance. the war in 1914 that they abandoned systemsfor near HolmesThe of punishment appeels to Training ly two thousand years. are not cap a who for nearly thirty six yeahmen. an unworthy motive. But the offer any hope of defending them against (Continued from Page 1)
ble of producing better peoples and inspector of schools in England, and of rewards is even more demoralis. an attack by a German squadron and environmental conditions and a recent lecturer at Oxford Univering, for it makes competition com depended entirely on the American cir, world to day, then it goes without ligious, if they are to attain to know. erate exploitation of ambition, vani from capturing and holding these pride in having our stock of conditions as we find them in the sity, says: If they are to become re pulsory and thus involves the relib Monroe Doctrine to prevent Germany We take a great deal of politan atmosphere, and the negative any argument that something is ra ledge of God, they must learn the ty, envy, jealousy and other forms islands.
euinstances with which we are con dically absurd with such systems.
fronted in these parts, we utterly of disinterested devotion of self love. With the passing of jewelry represent all that is SIX SHIPS to see how any honest and truly cious time speculating and prattling readier than we are; for they are to assert itself and the spirit of com Squadron, with its base at Bermuda, from the common run. Every Instead of wasting so much pre. They are ready to learn this lesson, competition between child and child.
not only newest and best, the co operative instinet will be free enlightened person could conscien about a far away three headed God less given to making profit and loss The British North American but that also is different tiously say that, the good manners, and an impossible heaven in the calculations, to weighing the advan. Tadeship will awake in the school.
etc. which are 80 sadly lacking seldom numbers more than six ships jewel loving woman should Yours sincerely, amongst the children and youths of skies, and thus stunting and detract tages and disadvantages to themthe largest of which is never more visit our store and revel in THOMPSON.
this Republic, the blame must be put ing parents and children mind selves of proposed courses of action.
than 10, 000 tons, and this squadron the glorious display of Jewentirely on the parents.
from the only one ever present God, give their hearts to it, and ask for. hen a cause appeals to them they is only kept in these waters in order elry and Precious Stones.
And after all, are not all of these and the possible and attainable no reward. But they must learn the House Rent Receipt Books in Span islands know that Great Britai still to let the native population of the folks that are being wholly blamed things here on earth, they ought to lessons for themselves. We cannot and condemned, born and bred under convert their ritualistic churches drill it into them. We cannot coerce FULLER the existing so called Christian or into school rooms and lecture halls them nto unselfishness.
ish and English for sale at the owns them, and also to return cour Workman Printery (Continued on page 11. 122 Central Ave.
are lesson We cannot


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