
IT had to be good to get where it is ova Cola Di (trada Dr. Leo Pink THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1930 PAGE SEVEN TRINIDAD 0001 Senator Borah Demands Sentence of Death discharged on ticket of leave and given gratuitles. In proportion to the Free Vote in Haiti (Continued from page 2)
remission earned by good conduct.
such question in opposition to the discharged prisoners was 1869 e.
The total amount spent in aid of Should be Shamed to keep judgment of the majority of the Military on a Helpless People members thorool 74d.
It is clear that though our system The Superintendent thanked the WASHINGTON, Jan. free and untrammeled of revising such setences differs Probation Ottieers for the ready ss.
16. Senator Borah, Friday election in the island reslightly from that in force in Gront sistance given to dlacharged prison. urged the appointment of a public of Haiti, as a proper Britain, the result in etfeet theers, whleb in many cases has enabled civilian as American High method of dealing with the them to obtain employment.
BABE HAPATOS TERESA Commissioner to Haiti and situation.
It to the same swift and deliberate immediate provision for a AZX Senator Borah made this statejustice feature of British Governwent after a meeting of the Senate mentand It avoids those long and Sacrilege in a Foreign Relations Committee, at British Guiana torturing delays which provide which the President request for series of sensatione in so many of the Cathedral johnt commission to study conditions law courla in the New World. And Stringent and formulate policy looking to though it to switt, it is not too swift DRUNKEN MAN the establishment of stable for Legislation to give every condemned person full SURPLICED ernment was deenesed.
opportunity to advance wery eir don know whether you cannot (Continued from Page 2)
eumstance in his or her favour.
While no action was taken, it indicated that the committee will be charged with sacrilege. bave seeking to get his views recorded and Ørink never heard of anything like this. he hoped the President would give vote a favorable report on the com Fall In Prison said the Acling City Magistrate, Mr. them the assurance that this matter mission next week with the expecte Population bo the a Vincent Brown, to Corneltus would be referred to a higher tribun tion of early action by the Senate.
proper conduct in church.
be sent to the Secretary of State and viding for the commission just bein botiles DOES NOT MEAN LESS the third reading of the Bill hold up, fore the adjournment for the ChristCRIME.
Campbell under the influence of as the fourteen Electives had already mas recess.
drink apparently believed for the expressed their opinion about the The sentiment of the committee FINES moment that he was a priest. He Bill and opposed it. They wanted The Panama Coca Cola is that the United States should stay went into the vestry of the Roman people outside the colony to know in Haiti for an indeftnite period, no Bottling Co. Substantial reduction in Catholie the Cathedral, Port of Spain, why they were to be kept out. He matter what solution of the problem number of prisoners committed in donned a surplice and other vest thought that a man should be guilty is projected. The committee also 1928 is revealed in the report of the ments, and came out into the church. of some moral turpitudo before be agreed that the present military polSuperintendent of Prisons, Capt.
He was ajected, but made several should be kept out of the colony. ley is getting nowhere. Prawer. The total was 11817. attempts to retarn and was eventual Mr. Gandhi, who was a Saint wanted below the average of the previously handed over to the Constabulary. to come here he should not be pre am not opposed to the commisten year.
He pleaded rullty, mying ho had vented because he had served termsion proposed by the President, said heen drinking Magtatrates Discretion of imprisonment. He again soked Senator Borah, but feel that some The reduction to attributed by the COLOURED UNDER that the third reading of the Be be thing ought to be done without wattdeferred.
ing for the report of the commision Superintendent to exercise by MagiaSECRETARY Surgeon We should appoint a civiliana Dentist trates of the powers to allow time The Bill went through Committee for the payment of fines, and the MARTINIQUE MEMBER OF stage and was read a third time and high commissioner of a governor Imposition where formerly peremp.
for that to what it is of Halti. See passed. 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P.
FRENCH GOVERNMENT ondly, we should give the Haltian tory imprisonment was compulsory.
people a free and untrommeled eleeIt should not, he states, be talen Aleide Delmont. member of the Elective Members tion. At this election they should Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, as shewing a reduction In crime.
French Chamber of Deputies who has be permitted to yote for members Present United Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Money Gufta been appointed Under Secretary of of their Congress whleh will elect There were four executions during State for the Colonies in the Tardieu Front their president.
Ministry, is a coloured man from Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Porty four male prisoners were Martinique We have been of much service TO SECURE CHANGE IN to the Haitians in some respecta, CONSTITUTION ODOOROOO partienlarly in the bettering of their GEORGETOWN, British Guiana, assisted them in the slightest tn posanitary conditions, but we have not December 27. Manifesto signed by all the electives of the Legislative for self government litical affairs or in preparing them Crunell and published in advertisement columns of all the news Over 12 years ago we dissolved their assembly by force of arms and papers here states: since that time they have not been Custom Tailor Electives in conference assembled with an unanimour voice and deep nermitted in any sabutantial way In the World Pookat conseiousness of one serioun plight in have anything to do with their gov.
which the colony finds itself, appeal franchised. The United States gor.
ernment. They are completely dis and high in the World English and American Styles to every man and woman to rally Loteam.
ernment ought to be ashamed to around them in one grand demonstraNO CALDONIA PHONE 569 stand before the world at this time, tion of unity to secure to British with all our professions of peace Guiana constitution commensurate MISTELI. THE JEWELER with its need and potentialities, and against military power, in the Attitude of keeping a military heel ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY UNITY IN ALL RANKS QUALITY QUARANTEED Just as the Electives have been fundamental matter of policy an!
upon a helpless people. This is a able to achieve unanimity among will have to be decided by the govthemselves some expeet that the enernment.
tire colony will present one front with one atm and purpose. They ask There is now in Haiti a legislative in the name of the country for untty cuuneil of 81 members, appointed by in all ranks and an electorial roll President Borno, who will select the much as will impren the anthorities next president in the spring of 1980, with the carnextness and determina instead of legislative body of three tion of the people.
houses composed of 15 senators and It all the Electives are returned 36 members of the Chamber of Dep. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages at the forthcoming General Elections, uties, as provided by the constituthe Manifesto concludes, we solemnly Summary of Contents: pledge ourselves to two things, vie, CATHEDRAL PLAZA The Haitian people are protesting to press immediately for an amend against the selection of their presi.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years ment of Constitution to provide for dent by 21 men, mostly relatives of Full Particulars of 1900 Tour. a) Universal suffrage on Ilterncy; the present president, although Presi.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour. b) rearrangement of the Elec dent Borno has announced that he Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, and see the finest Assortment of toral Distriets to return teen is not a candidate for re election.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individus Electives for the colony, e, two ad The legislative connell has not had Players ditional members the eonfidence of the people for sev. Valuable. Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and ELECTIVE MAJORITT eral years since President Borno (c) An Electivo Majority in the just before the last election removed Interesting of every description also the Finest Loglalative Counell with the reten 18 members of the council and ap.
Price 50cts.
tion of Nominated Unofficial Mem pointed in their places 18 new ones, Selection of bers and reserve power to Secretary mostly relatives and close friends, of State. a) An Increased pro to be sure he was re elected.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush portion of Blectives on Executive for them.
Council and greater freedom of acMain contention of the Haitians tion therein.
is that they have no voice in the gov.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN JUST RECEIVED ernment at all. They want an elecPanama (2) To ask that As soon as an amendment of the Order in Counell tion to be held in the early part of 1980 under the auspices of the has been greated an immediate die American marines, to order to olect Come in and Inspect the Stock solution of Counell be ordered and their legislative body, provided for consequent General Election at before Purchasing Elsewhere.
which eleetivos a welcome contests by the constitution, but which has niet litical organizations in Haiti have tional Assembly which is catitled, urrequested President Hoover to help der the constitution, to lect the and render accounting of thett been organized for 12 yevrs.
stewardship in wery constituency. Seven or eight of the larger po bring about an election for this na Haitian president, NYOMEGA WATCHES QALEGA VW FLYNCH STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History. AND CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 tion.

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