
PAGE SLX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 Labor Defense Demands Release of rker HELD ON ALLEGED Interesting Excerps CHARGE OF ATTACKING WHITE WOMAN (Culled from Everywhere)
Death of Ex Governor of British Guiana cable despatch from London records the death of Brigadier General Frederick Gordon Guggisberg, late Governor of British Guiana, on the 21st April. He was born in Toronto, Ontario, July 2nd 1869, and had a distinguished career in the late World war and in the British Colonien.
Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good LORD HEADLEY TO VISIT TRINIDAD ular stomp Aw That Big Big La Rosa Grill that it isn a dream, after all.
Man. From the South, and Real Italian atmosphere in Arthur Bryson are shoving us to Jesse Cryor, Joe Turner and the answering yells.
Harlem. We saunter in, a bit and fro in an effort to stop the Tabb sleepy by now, but determined Just in time to hear Irving to see the night through. We successfully while customers are sleeping act that we are doing so Miller tell one of his latest park at a table and soon discover waiting in line for seats.
laugh getters. There are five of the pretties brownskin girls that we have seen in several blue NEW YORK, April 24. The In later when the woman who was sup moons, sitting at his table, a. ternational Labor Defense has taken posed to be attacked by McPherlistening attentively.
up the defense of Anderson Me son as brought in to identify him Mexican Joe FOR Pherson, a 19 year old Negro worker for a second time, she made a stateof Cincinnati, Ohio, and has sent out ment that she was attacked in the The surprise of the evening a a ringing appeal to all workers office where she works. Disregard beautiful olive compplexioned throughout the entire country to de ing any facts, the Negro hating person behind the counter, lookmand his immediate release.
and grand jury has already indicted the ing as winsomely fresh as a The young worker was arrested in worker, who now faces the gallows.
Mexican rose, but whose fiery Crescent Springs, Ky. rabid JimThe determination of the lynchers eyes belie that innocent expresCrow town, where Negroes are not to carry through their plans is seen sion. typical Latin beauty.
permitted to enter nor to live. He from the fact that when representa She is new to us, but certafily see was returning from a visit to his tives of the went to the looks like the real thing. Gleetparents in Georgia and was hiking prison where the worker is held in ings, senorita mia de los ojos mas his way back to Cincinnati. Arriving communicado (his sister not even hermosa (my senorita of the at Crescent Springs, Ky. hungry and permitted to visit him. the officials beautiful eyes. we stammer without any money, he stopped at remarked, Say, what is it to you?
No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
the first house he came to and He is only a Nigger, the string is too boy, talk English. know what knocked at the door, expecting the good for him. At the same time it all about, she comes back at is. bowl of chili, please, we Panama, occupants to be kind enough to give they have placed machine guns him a piece of bread. white around the jail to create an atmosmanage to whisper.
woman came to the door in response phere of terror and to coerce the to the knocking, and as soon as she jury when it is elected.
FLY FILTELELTELIS saw the man she began to scream.
The International Labor Defense In a few minutes, a lynch mob, com points out that the legal lynching posed of the sheriff and other agents now in process against him. is part of the bosses arrived, and began to of the general terror of the bosses shout string him up. Because of against Negro workers (lynching of some miscarriage in their plans, Wilkins) and against the whole which prevented the lynching, the working class. The will prosheriff immediately arrested McPher. vide all necessary legal defense to son on the charge of attacking a save Anderson McPherson from legal white woman.
lynching and calls upon all workers, At first, the local papers stated that Negro and white, to fight against the man committed the crime in the this brazen railroading of this workpresence of a 14 year old girl, but er to the gallows. REID The Rt. Hon. Lord Headley.
Taroog. Cantab. Ireland) is expected to visit Trinidad shortly. He is the only British Peer to embrace Mohammedism and preparations are being made by a section of the East Indian community to give the distinguished visitor a hearty welcome. Maulana Sahib from India, will accompany His Lordship through the courtesy of His Exalted Highness the Nazam of Hyderbad who is interested in this tour of the West Indles.
GAS STOVES Lord Headley it is stated is a West Tadian and was born in the Island of Trinidad He is a cricket enthusiast and took keen interest in an English cricket tour during the early twenties when he made it possible to be in Trinidad when the team played that islandEd. note.
ös Time Payments DE :9 23 COOK WITH GAS Ownow was included at that time Gold Black and Tan Thrill Seekers Find Common Meeting Place in Night Clubs and 300 or More Speaks By FRANK BYRD sand dollar Chateau Madrid down NEW YORK. Harlem is the in 54th Street. Even the Club goal of every wide eyed tourist Richman. Harry (Clara Bow)
or New York thrillseeker hail Richman place. although doing from abroad or Cedar Oaking a record breaking business junction.
No matter how much they in Broadway dark list, with know or how many places they the Trocadero, Casanova Roof and several other boop boop ahave seen, their sophisticated education is never complete until doop temples, while the Lenox they have been duly initiated into Club, Neste Club, Connie Inn, the mysteries of Harlem inner Saratoga Club and Small Paracircle of nightclubs, and 300 or dise wer turning em away and more exclusive basement speak being offered competition by easies, discovering and partici the popular Pepper Pot and only two other places in townpating in the merry and often Pirates Den of Greenwich Vilstimulating hilarity that has made this section of Manhattan lage.
the accepted Capital of Jazz The Fiume and Jungle of Joy.
You must have heard of the Mutual Meeting Place Fiume. Everyone has. Ishmael, The most popular reason for the manager, was there. This is the Nordic migration to Sepia the only place in Harlem that is land, however, was a mutual dean accepted hangout for newsmand for cosmopolitan meeting paper men. You ll run into them places where the ofays and their there from all over town.
Hershey hued, Lindy hopping Domenick companions could get together peep into the famous Italianand moan their woes in emanci American Restaurant. Domepated unison. Both groups had nick s(most delightful seafood declared war on the color line. in town. Here they are in Harlem and Greenwich Village crowds theatrical and nightclub being the only two sections of folk, a number of them from Manhatton known to be in accord Small Harriet Calloway. Roy with such taboo ideas, immedi White, Willie Jackson, Bea ately became the centers for Footes, and Myra Johnson, all nightlife activities, leaving poor having a hilarious time, Broadway, with its stiff bosomed Professional Row shirts and suavely efficient wait ers, holding the well known bag. performers from everywhere at Just the right time to catch the Broadway Clubs Closed the Band Box. Monette Moore Several of Broadway biggest sending the house into a frenzied clubs were closed temporarily, rock with her original rendition one of which was the fifty thou of Tin Pan Alley newest pop29 Es Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that gives more pure happiness than making someone else happy.
Is there?
When we present a gift, we want it to be packed with all the rentiment, affection and good There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; And pay for your STOVE or have no usefulness at all, is whilo you enjoy using there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart it.
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FULLER 122 Central Avenue 000 JOSEPH MASON Mattresses made and renovated to order Furnitures also repaired at moderate prices GAS STOVES ARE PRICED FROM 50 TO 125. 00 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOUSE OWNERS BUILDERS. If it is done with heat, You can do it better with GAS House No. 10, 21 Street Cuachapali EO Cia. Pan. de Fuerza y Luz log Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon Small DENTIST co MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 pm to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Sea Prons: OFFICE 1664

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