
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Barbados LA MASCOTA Barbadian in Cuban Workers Must be Protected is Determination of President Gerarda Machado Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels LEST YOU FORGET Our Tailors Trimming Department IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL LA MASCOTA JAMAICA NEWS Jamaca Star (Continued from Page 2)
put to work building cartroads, streets and summer pavilions for the officer The food was not bad on the whole but monotonous. We were paid two Foreigners Win Not be but that this reduction is on the dollars every five days, and ten pence Allowed To Enter To Take other hand invested in the construe a day was kept back. Out of that Work Meant for Cubans tion and maintenance of hospitals, ten penee a day the cost of clothing asylums and similar works of pubIn the very Latest Designs was deducted and the remainder given us at the end of our service.
HAVANA, April 26. will not lie utility.
permit entrance to Cuba of any for The President further oldus We were given passes to visit th.
ALSO take over eign labour wishing to that he was one of the first to retowns at intervals, but there was no use trying to desert. The sufferings work intended for Cuban workers, duce his own salary and that he will in the Spanish Foreign Legion were General Gerardo Machado, President see that no man working for the government gets less than 50 a day.
so terrible that several of the men ut the Republic, yesterday told an General Machado further informwho enlisted with me committed oficial delegation of railroad men suicide.
representing the Brotherhood of Kailed us that at first he was in favour One incident remains fixed in my road employees of Cuba who called of immigration but now he is against it and from now on will see that ol.
mind murder. at the palace to protest against prosoldier was posed reductions in personnel and ficial measures are taken to avoid given an apple, the apple was rotten the entrance into Cuba of workers and he threw it away in disgust. wages by companies operating railways in the island.
detrimental to the interests of Cula: It struck against a wall. An officer labourers.
who was passing ordered him to eat he delegates and President exthe apple and he did 50. But as changed opinions for over an hour soon as he had eaten the fruit the at the palace and President Machado British iana officer coolly drew his revolver and prontised to do all in his power to shot him between the eyes. Not a bring a satisfactory solution to the Giant Bunch of word was said. It was reported to problem.
headquarters that he had died in acThe following members of the deletion.
gation visited the executive: Antonio (Continued from Page 2) MULLER Prop The punishment for a deserter it Gonzalez, Guillermo Urutia, Oscar eleven hands with 175 fingers. It caught is to beat him unmercifully, Troncoso, Manuel Iglesias, Sergio was grown without much care, and 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 then the flesh raw from the beating Agramonte, Eduardo Alvarez, Rueda, was regarded as giant bunch of is bat hed in sea water. Then a bath Rigoberto Martinez, Jose Comas, fruit.
of wet sand (75 pounds) is tied to Miguel Fuentes, Jose Saenz, Angel In a letter which the acting Govhis back and he is kept in prison three Alberro, Elio Puentes, Jose Rivas, ernor, Hon. Douglas Jones, the direction of overcoming Panama months eating sleeping and working Guillermo Castaneira.
addressed to Mr. Santos, His ExcelDisease and the borer, with that bag of sand on his should The delegates were interviewed by lency states: Very many thanks for proprietor of a wellen.
press representatives on leaving the your letter received on Saturday OVER NUMBER OF YEARS.
known musical warehouse in King. He has done so in Jamaica, in the tried to communicate with the presidential palace and gave the fol with the fine bunch of bananas which ston, and also a devotee of agricul interior of Panama, and in the Staun British authorities at Cadiz, Spain lowing statement in behalf of their you were good enough to send for tural pursuits, claims that as a re Creek region of British Honduras. He but was not allowed outside the camp organization: me to see. we can continue to Continued from page 2)
sult of scientific investigations which had two years training in scientific or to send letters. At Tetuan Moroc NO WAGES CUT grow bunches of bananas of this size members and friends of the Club for The President of the Republic be and in large quantities the banana he has carried out, he has discovered agriculture in England. His research co saw the British Council Mr.
their souvenir. He mentioned that.
a remedy for the banana borer, and work and his more recent discovery Simmonds but he said had enliste. lieves that our protest over the pro industry of this colony would appear great deal of his success, was due to that equally destructive element have shown beyond the shadow of a in the Foreign Legion and he could posed reduction of personnel and to be assured; but before you place his skipper, Mr. Holt, who known as Panama Disease.
do nothing. completed my three cut in wages is right and just as long too much faith in this, it would be had coached him, and given him tips doubt that he can restore to normal Yesterday when he was seen by a about the grand old game.
any banana tree or trees, that has, years in July 17th 1929 and was as the administration of the railways well to wait the result of experiments representative of the Jamaica Mail, Mr. MeCalla voiced the thanks of Professor Barnes, assured the press ruined by borers, provided the dam. there paid my passage to England. salaries and unnecessary offices in Director of Agriculture, or have, been attacked and partially discharged and sent to Spain. From does not eliminate alleged fabulous which are now being made by the the Club to Mr. Nelson for presiding man that his was by no means an age is discovered before the centre In England spoke to Lord Pass their administrative departments.
and the guests for attending.
idle claim when he stated that he shoot of the plant has been eaten Office, also visited several news cut in wages at the present moment field Secretary at the Colonial The President believes that PALAIS ROYAL Dancing followed until the wee has achieved wonderful results in the into. The chemical treatment which hours of Tuesday morning, eradication of borers from a banana ho applies produces results that are paper offices and told my story. It when the country is suffering a serifor The music was supplied by the Hot plot in which he is interested, and surprising. The same applies to Panchester and London. returned to cial for the country; that the adminwas published in Liverpool, Man ous economic crisis would be prejudiStrutters Orchestra. Mail)
he has also grappled with Panama ama Disease.
ARROW SHIRTS AND He tackled plants Barbados on Thursday 6th Marchistration has reduced the salaries of Disease on the same holding. The whose leaves had already turned yel last.
all high paid government employees CLOTHING treatment he has applied to plants low as a result of Panama Disease, that were affected by Panama Dis with equal success. One particular ease, and to those that were attacked plant which he has treated, has borne by the dreaded borer, has been pre a sixteen hand bunch.
eminently successful. Plants that Don ask me to disclose the sewere being ruined by borer, and cret, said. Professor Barnes. This FOR BANANA BORER others that were in the grip of you can state, however, am preAND PANAMA Panama Disease, have been restored pared to give DISEASE to their former state. They are in PRACTICAL EFFECT TO MY bearing, producing from nine to fourCLAIM The Jamaica Mail of the 24th alto teen hand bunches of fruit.
on any plot of banana land that has States that Prof. Barnes assured the pressman been attacked by the disease or the Professor Lipscombe Barnes, that he has conducted research in borer; but it must be understood that no one must accompany me into the field. No one must be within half a mile of the spot. repeat, the secret is mine.
Prof. Barnes confirmed a statement that upon his approaching business trip to Belize, he intends to purchase 500 acres of virgin land in the Staun Creek Valley for the cultivation of citrus and bananas.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA Banana production was undertaken in that part of British Honduras years ago, but was practically wiped out by Panama Disease.
and see the finest Assortment of a Alleged Cure Discovered THE CHORILLO TRADING SYNDICATE No. 59, 24th Street Chorrillo OFFER BARGAINS IN CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Photo Albums Scrap Albums ALSO BOX 649 ANCOU, Z a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous to mention Cirilo Sandford LOCKS of every description also the Finest Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS Attorney at Law OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL ATE, PLORE 183 Crockery of every description JUST RECEIVED Sovernirs, etc. etc. PALAIS ROYAL The Store of Quality Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere Give a call and be convinced DAVE CARDOZE JAKE PEREIRA


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