
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 PAGE IIVI MUSICAL JOTTINGS News for the Busy Worker 100000 00 GREAT NESTLE CONTEST a WE WILL PAY: Third Prize. 100. 00 the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR ST. LUCIAN SOCIETY TO and very anpatriotic too, we suspect MEET.
that he is supported from the rear, By A. Jimbo)
and the rear we expect would lead to The next meeting of th: St. Lucian Wall Street, In an effort to keep this weekly you than the trashy stories and books Benevolent and Protective Society Initi future success depends on juice and secondly the hearts of column interesting, am introducing you find time to read. For both of will take place at the Panavna Capital two important limbs; the first. The the gods of Wall Street is softened Mr. Elliott Alves has anived this very fascinating article from the you musie is a wonderful character Hall on Friday next, 21st, when all attitude of the Hoover Commis und tonapered with a little justiceon the Isthmus to over Look his Cor pen of a brilliant writer. which feel builder. Everybody is born with a members are requested to be present sion. the second, the heart of Wall there is bound to be more blood shed poration Interests. The recent now: no doubt worth the time and pains love for it. It is within you, waiting Street. Unless the Hoover Com in the Black Republie than is st papers sensational and impulsive spent in reading same:mission is willing to stand by their to be cultivated and brought out.
present anticipated out burst of Fear of Alves British PALAIS ROYAL promise to the oppressed people of Government and the Panana INFLUENCE OF MUSIC AT HOME Then do your share to make homu for Haiti. The Commission is seeing It is clear that President Bernois Canal is giving the Panama Corhappy and life contented.
CLOTHING to it that they (the Haitians) get sory anp»pular, will the Haitians, noration an abundant of gracious adBy Clyde Norwood vertisanent. Especially is this true OPO Longfellow once said: Show me of the gentleman Mr. Alves 100 2100 00 The high degree of diplomatic trainthe home where musie dwells and ing a Britisher receiver before he is will show you a home that is happy, 99000 permitted to launch in the profes.
peaceful and contented. He was sonal field have always given them not a musician himself, but he was the fasstery wer the other fellow fully convinced that musie would wten, contse neupape bring peace and contentment to any 2re involved household. And, of course, he means In ernational deman by this good musie.
tien 05 jobles reople is rer In these days of unrest and lack of gnficent and is bad omen to discipline at home, can the influence world peace.
WILL BE PAID TO THE WINNERS WHO CORRECTLY of good music ever be measured?
In Cash Whou a man is in doubt of hor OR MOST APPROXIMATELY GUESS THE FOUR ENDING No, it is beyond all things precious!
and where his next maxl will FIGURES OF THE SERIAL NUMBER BORNE BY THE ONE DOLLAR BILL DEPOSITED WITH It can chase dull care away, help provided THE MANAGER OF THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK IN PANAMA build character and bring cheer and On the first of February 1930 we deposited in a sealed envelope with the Manager of the Najoy.
tional City Bank of New York in Panama a ONE DOLLAR BILL whose serial number is not Church Notices When the poet penned his wise known by anyone.
sentence there were no Broadway Everybody knows that each bill of United States Currency bears a serial number of figures. FOR THE SECOND successes, no records of the latest therefore, what is required is that you guess the four ending figures of the serial number of the hits, and, above all, no jazz to disONE DOLLAR BILL which we deposited with the National City Bank. It is not necessary to SUNDAY IN LENT turb the serenity of the home. In mention the letters which precede and follow the serial number.
St. Peter Church, La Boca those days the music that brought On the 30th of June 1930 at 11 in the presence of the Manager of the National City Bank contentment was personal coming and several witnesses the envelope will be opened and the correct serial number of the said ONE from the heart, sung with the voice DOLLAR BILL will be published.
Matins and address, 11, a. Mr. Palmer, Lay Reader Church and played with the hand. Then it School, 8, was that mother played the hymns Evensong and Sermon, 30, on Sunday evenings, all the family The Rector.
gathered about the piano or meloFirst Prize. 500. 00 to the person who will have guessed correctly or most approxi Leaten Services Monday to Frideon. Then it was that the eldest mately the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE IN CASH daughter of the family day, 7, a. The Rector.
was given DOLLAR BILL depositd with the National City Bank.
Confirmation Class Meetings, Wed.
music lessons, and practiced every Second Prize. 200. 00 to the person who guesses the second most approximate number nesday, 6, mm. and 30, o. respecday, happy to have the privilege of to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE studying. Her work in music was a IN CASH tively; Friday 6, DOLLAR BILL deposited. Mulcare, joy and education for the whole famRector ily.
IN CASH BILL deposited.
So to day, one member studying St. Simon s, Gamboa, piano and practicing music daily will Ten Prizes. 10. 00 and 3rd. prizes and eliminated the corresponding numbers, are to the ten persons whose guesses, after we have paid the 1st, 2nd.
bring peace and contentment to the the numbers most approximate to the four ending figures of the The Litany, Holy Eucharist and home, uplift the atmosphere, and EACH IN CASH serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited.
Sermon, 11, a. Rev. Xalcultivate a taste for what is good.
to the twenty persons whose guesses, after we have paid the first, care.
Then the cheap, ugly and degenerate Special Sacrad Musical Program, music (80 called) will not be toler.
EACH IN CASH corresponding numbers, are the twenty numbers most approxiated. Deep in the human heart is mate to the four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE Mulcare, the love of good music. Why not DOLLAR BILL deposited.
Priest in Charge.
have, then, what is really desired!
Should several solutions show the number of deterrained prizes, the respective amount of the prize will be It, out of a family of six, one ha distributed equally between them.
St. Bartholomew s, Las Cascadas the privilege of music study, it should TO TAKE PART IN THIS CONTEST IT IS NECESSARY to include with each solution the quantity of Matins and address, 11, a. Lay be looked upon as an honor, a high labels or wrappers of either one of the brands indicated and illustrated below: Reader, Mr. Brathwaite.
calling, not as a piece of drudgery Church School and Confirmation to be shunned and neglected. The PORATED MILK or 10 la5. labels of the large size or Class, 230, boy or girl who loses the chance, does Mulcare, ST. CHAES 10 labels of the small size NESTLE not appreciate the gift, will deeply MILT Priest in Charge.
regret it a little later. Many have tin of the well known NESlabels of the oz. tin of the honestly mourned the loss of TLE CONDENSED MILK LAPORATE WECTURE great opportunity that slipped out of NESTLE EVAPORAT Pleasant Sunday Afternoon or ST. CHARLES EVAAt Gamboa their fingers and could never be ED MILK grasped spain.
On Sunday 16th, instaat, the Choir Should the opportunity come in the of the St. Simon Mission will give guise of music lessops, may it be Or 10 wrappers of the famous NESTLE Pleanunt Sunday Afternoon Conwelcomed with all the beart! What cert assisted by friends. The work are a few little inconveniences, such CHOCOLATE BARS. cents sellers.
of this Mission is improving. The ay the practice hour, when playtime work of thus Mission is improvins, is calling, compared to the joy in the Each solution must bear ONLY one number of figures but each person can send as many The Gamboe vllage of the post is home when studying is done caresolutions as possible, provided cach solution is accompanied by the required number of labels or not the Gambon of today. There ape fully; the pleasure to parents and wrappers.
many persons who do not know friends when proofs of industry can Write clearly on a piece of paper or on the form printed hereunder, the four ending figures Gambos Village, this is your opporbe shown; the happiness of attending of the number which you think is on the ONE DOLLAR BILL deposited and do not omit to inditunity.
a good concert and knowing what it cate your name and address clearly.
The work of the Mission is for the is all about?
Bring your solutions starting to day to either of the following NESTLE MILK spiritual as well as the social adBoys, the music study hour win vancement of our people. We are keep you out of mischief, and you OFFICES: therefore inviting you to our Pleasant will thank your stars, one day, that PABLO AROSEMENA AVENUE, JAVILLO FILL, PANAMA or 057, BALBOA Sunday Afternoon you had it. Girls, the lovely meloAVENUE, COLON The road to Gambos is greatly dies of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven or send them by mail to NESTLE MILK CO. Box 803, PANAMA CITY.
improved; you will have on opporare worth a thousand times more to The solutions will be accepted up to the 28th of June 1980 at P. and the correct serial number and names tunity to see the Madden Road that of the winners will be published in the weekly paper the Tribune on the 6th, of july 1930. Also we shall write branches off from the Gamboa Road Small separately to all the winners.
at the foot of the Paraiso HiU.
DENTIST Our decision will be final in all matters relative to this contest.
The Madden Road entrance, which The rules of this contest have been approved by the Mayors of Panama Colon.
is wide and beautifully paved is MASONIC TEMPLE worth while seeing. The drive to Office Hours:8:93 to 2pm. 30 to 30 Gamboa, apart from its beautiful FORM OF ENTRY OF NESTLE CONTEST Sundays, by Special Appointment scenery, is invigorating and refrestiMasonic Temple lith St, To the NESTLE ANGLO SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. Box 803, Panama City, ing. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Enclosed please find. labels of NESTLE PRODUCTS to entitle me to enter the NESTLE contest.
Take a drive out on Sunday, and PHONE: OFFICE 1664 wrappers have an enjoyable time. The Panama The four ending figures of the serial number of the ONE DOLLAR BILL. are: Gamboa Bus line of the Messers Palmer and Austin will take you at NAME a moderate price on Sunday. The bas leaves the Panama Railroad Sta ADDRESS. CITY Mattresses made and renovated tion at 50 noon, you will find the to order Furnitures also repaired Kindly write clearly. figures)
courteous Mr. Austin, whose reliable at moderate prices service will be at your disposal.
Come and give the mind something ODO House No. 10, 21 Street 100. ODOOPO OSOB new to think about in the coming Cuachapali week TOP10 100 05E0F0F00FF00 Twenty Prizes. 00 second, third and the ten prizes of 10 each and eliminated the 80, NESTI bels of the 16 oz. tin ox 20 NESTLÉS JOSEPH MASON


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