
PAGE STE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1080 Marcus Garvey Writing History of His Life Records Youthful Career and tells of Early Struggles yere he WBS centers a ganization grew from a membership that brought to the Universal Negro world. The result of which tended of 600 to 12. 000 Improvement Association millions of to create more branches for the Just at this time we started to supporters from Central America, Universal Negro Improvement Assecure our own premises after hav. South America, Africa and the West sociation.
ing rented a portion of the Lafayette Indies.
The state of world enthusiasm hay.
lodge rooms for a short while. In mediately after the growth of the The idea became immediately pop ing reached to such a height, New York organization started the ular that was born on the 17th of August, of having ships. The thought the best thing to do was to 1867, in the island of Jamaica, cclebrated newspaper. The Negro Negroes of the West Indies, Central call a world convention of the Negro America and Africa could better ap race. Notice was therefore served British West Indies. My parents World, in which was published my preciate the scheme of steamships throughout the world that on the vaze Nogrom. My father was a man speeches and articles, eirculated over than the Negroes of America. And first of August, 1920, an internationoi brilliant intelleet, and in his youth, The world, applications were made for so at that time with very little per al convention of the Negro peoples of dashing courage. Up to his mature the organization of branches of the suasion they subscribed the major of the world was to be called to asunafraid of conseassociation. was therefore in im portion of the money and purchased semble at New York, to which each quences. In life he took human mediate requisition to visit different the first ship off the Black Star Line Negro community was to send delechunees, as most bold men do, but at of the country to form Most of this money came from Cuba, gates. Between the launching of the end he failed in his career. He branche. In the space of six months Panama, Costa Rica, and from among the first ship in October, 1919, and was once independent. He died poor had formed 30 branches in America the British West Indian Negroes the first of August, 1920, several My mother was a sober and conscienand had issued charters to several laboring in those countries. It was hundred branches of the Universal tious Christian of the soft and good abroad. All this happened in the not until after the first ship, the Negro Improvement Association were natured kind. She was the direct inter part of 1918 and the early part Yarmouth, afterwards christened organized in the West Indies, Central opposite of my father, who was of 1919. By the middle of 1919 the Frederick Douglass, was launched America, South America, Africa and severe. To this strange combination organization had over 300 branches in New York that the American Ne all over the United States. owe my birth in America and abroad. It was at groes got to know what it was all The immediate success of the Black grew up in my home town, St.
this time that we launched the idea about, and subscribed speedily their Star Line also enhanced the success Ann Bay, to the age of 14. There of the Black Star Line Steamship quota to help to purchase the other of the Universal Negro Improvement attended grammar, public and high Corporation.
ships Association. The world was in schools. found myself afterward state of excitement to witness the in the metropolis of the island, where Most of the money subscribed in lived for some time continuing my America came from Negroes who first convention of the Negro people audies. At the age of 18 started THE BLACK (By Marcus Garvey in the Pittsburg Courier)
lived in Boston, New York, Philadel of the world. So, realizing the importance of the gathering, underto take interest in public affairs, organization had created To prevent Samuel Duncan overreaching STAR LINE! pia and New Orleans. The moment The politics of my country so disthe first ship of the Black Star Line took to prepare the meeting place for throw off the political influence of us and taking away the organization was launched the whole movement of the convention in New York. It was gusted me that started to travel, in these men was even forced into from us. The organization was in. Purchase of the First Ship the Universal Negro Improvement then that the organization acquired which course visited several councourt, for had to somewhat beat up corporated by Attorney Conway. The Call of the First Association was referred to as the the premiæs known as Liberty tries in South and Central America Hall, 120 140 138th street. In and in Europe. By the age of 211 Duncan in detaching him from the who was one of the charter members. Convention of Negro Peo Black Star Line Movement, addition to the smaller building that had further added to my education presidency of the newly formed divi. The first lady president of the New ples of the World.
The fact that Negroes had launched we previously occupied at this spot spent three years in Europe, which sion of New York. After this hap York organization was Mrs. Irene a ship in New York became a world around June, 1920, a purchase was broadened my outlook on human af pened those who were following me Morman Blackstone. For safety The Black Star Line Steamship sensation, and the news was flashed made of the Baptist Church of adfairs, particularly the affairs of the and myself had to make desperate also was elected president of the Corporation that organized in 1919, from one centre of our civilization joining lands, and a contract made Negro race.
efforts to have the organization in incorporated organization. In the under charter from the State of to the next. Thousands of letters of to erect a temporary building to From early youth discovered that corporated in New York, so as to space of a couple of months the or Delaware, was the great attraction inquiry came from all parta of the house the convention. The contracthere was prejudice against me betors worked day and night for two cause of my color, prajudice that months to erect the building, and on was extended to other members of the first of August, 1920, it was my race. This annoyed me and help ODO: OPOZODOE ODO ready for the great convention that ed to inspire me to create sentiment really commenced the world history that would act favorably to the black of the Universal Negro Improvement man. It was with this kind of inspirAssociation ation that returned from my trip (To Be Continued Next Week. to Europe to Jamaica in 1914, where organized the Universal Negro ImSOJOURNERS SOCIETY provement Association Communities MEETINGS League.
When organized. this movement Members of the Sojourners Beta Jamaica it was treated with connevolent friendly Society are hereby tempt and scorn by a large number reminded of their meeting nights of the bighly colored and successful which are now the second Monday, black people. Jamaica the colored the third Tuesday and the fourth and successful black people regard Friday of each month. Early atthemselves as white. This is also tendance is requested at all these true of the other British West Indian meetings.
Íslands. The result is that racial movemente tending to the better The Greatest Thrill ment of the Negro bave to undergo great difficulties. Such difficulties in the World encountered with the new organizaI labored in Jamaica with the bope of making the movement successful for two years. Seeing how First Payment Monthly Payments Total difficult it was to sueceed with only in 10 Umiting politicians of the Harlem One Light 60 at 00 60 disposal, communicated with Dr.
Booker Washington of Tuskegee.
Two Lights 60 00 11. 60 He encouraged me United States on a lecture tour and Three Lights 60 at 25 13. 60 Stop and analyze it. there promised me his help. Unfortunate.
nothing in life that gives more ly, he died before was able to reach Four Lights at 50 15. 40 pure happiness than making America.
However, arrived in America in Five Lights someone else happy. 60 50 16. 60 Is there?
the spring of 1916, after which When we present a gift, we started to study the sociological, want it to be packed with all the economical and political status of YOU CAN BURN 50 WATT LAMP FOR FIVE HOURS PER DAY FOR LESS Centiment, affection and good the Negroes of America. This took me through 88 states. It was after THAN THIS NEWSPAPER COST YOU There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in my return from these trips to New Some respect. They wear out York that founded in New York quickly; outlive their usefulness; the New York division of the Unior have no usefulness at all, is versal Negro Improvement Associathere ANY THING that will tion. had great difficulty in New 650 employees quicken the recipient heart York in holding the organization, in beat. that will tell her more that as often as organized it there eloquently than you could that would come into the movement you wish her well. that speaks scheming politicians of the Harlem its quality every time it is seen.
district, who would attempt to turn that never wears out. that re: the organization into a political club. can remember well the activities of Mr. Isaac Allen, Messrs. Samuel Duncan and Levelle and we will be glad to show you if others who had political designs and you will pay us a visit Coon.
who thought that they could work OPO them out through the newly formed 13, 500 PEOPLE Could not be wrong in using Electricity for LIGHTING IRONING Are you using this modern convenience Yet?
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