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Pezice Tiro Dia FIRES BETWEEN TWO ESTABLISHED IDE 1912 u Mo Governor The Workman DEMOE.
THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNHOS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Pagr YOL. 18. No. 36 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 PRIJE CENTS DrPort Court of Appeal Quash Case Against Garvey Aikman JIM CROWING OF WAR WEST INDIAN CRICKETERS ON WAY TO JAMAICA PUBLISHER OF PANAMA AMERICAN MOTHERS PROTESTED HOLD TRIAL MAGISTRATE HAD NO JURISDICTION Criminal Proceedings Against Newspaper Must Be Tried By Judge And Jury Called Before Judge of Fifth Action Is Called a Slap at Circuit Court the Principle of Justice Enthusiastically Welcomed and cau Guu wa. cu We WU الدعاود قمه که به دنه وه شاه نده دية داده به به Alla and un burtua Nelson Rounsevell, publisher of the Washington, Jim Crow acl anama American must appear be commodations for Gold Star mothers Royally Entertained by Cricket fore fifth circuit Judge of Panama, going to Europe for pilgrimages to Carlos Guevara, to answer certain the graves of their sons killed in the Admirers at Colon.
question this judge will ask, regard World War have been adopted, War For the benefit of our readers who argument on this appeal has been coning the series of Editorials written Department officials say, because (By Dan Whyte)
bave beseiged us with requests for a fined to these two submissions, we by Rounsevell about the Panama that is the most feasible way of as UiO, March 26. According He said in part, that he was pratifull report of the findings of the have heard nothing as to whether the Corporation, and Elliott Alves, suring the mothers a pleasant and via, DJ. Lulu Due fied at seeing such a fine gathering Court of Appeal in the recent case words published amount to a sedi president of said corporation. satisfactory trip.
to welcome Messrs Roach and Grif.
of Mr. Marcus Garvey who was sen tious libel or whether one of the apThe result of the investegations Protests against the discrimination wany Waway. tith famous West Indian Cik crs.
tenced by the Kingston Magistrate pellants is protected by Section of conducted by the Procurador Gen are pouring into the office of Secrethe pleasure it a forded in to tu to six nonths imprisonment for se 14 Victoria 34 and therefore exeral of Panama has been sent to tary of War Patrick Jay Hurley.
present and hoped that succes woul ditious libel and against which he press no opinion on those matters.
Judge Guevara, who will decide just Typical of them is one from John attend them in the ofring appealed, we publish the following Seditious libel is an offence at com.
what responsibility Rounsevell as Davis, president of West Virginia. Lue Kingson, Jama. ca (sppinuze)
taken from the Jamaica Mail of the mon law and by Section 207 (e) of sumed when he took upon hisself to State College, who says:. esoil, wir respect. ve islanus My. Graham Lewis then rend: 20th inst:Law 89 of 1927, jurisdiction is conwrite the series of editorials, and also The very thought of sending on Let ma. ch.
following address to Mr. Griffith.
Following is the judgement prepar. ferred on the Resident Magistrate to one boat white Gold Star mothers We od buked by a comColon, Republe Panama ed by His Honour Mr. Justice Brown try all common law offences. This his motive for writing them.
As is known last week the Pro and on a separate boat Negro Gold wile culprising Mr. Joan Ave March 26, 1920 and delivered in the Full Court on jurisdiction is however modified by Mr. Griffith Tuesday last, in the case of Rex vs. The Newspaper Libel Law 1896. That curador General of Panama, Dr. Star mothers to visit the graves of u, tresen. aut. uccor Coriaur, Ismael Ortega, turned over to the sons who in common cause died for Preuen, Dear Sir: Marcus Garvey and Aikman, an Law contemplates that criminal pro laurel, Grabam Lewis SecreAs fellow colonials sojouring in appeal by the defendants charged ceedings against any proprietor, Secretary of government and Justice America and world peace represents the investtegations an influence which today is underwry, ur. Ford, Cam this the Republic of Panama, we take with seditious libel, from the con publisher, editor or any person re the results of conducted by this department, con mining the fundamental principles wridge, mir. De Veaux, Mr. De rarticular pleasure in extenling to viction of Mr. Agar, for sponsible for the publication of a statements of of our government. This sort of Freitas, dr. Cyrus, dar. Ji Kingston you the heartiost of welcomes on newspaper, for any libel published cerning certain of thing more than anything else will Gittens, Mr. Motley, Mr. this your short visit to these shores.
His Honour said: The appellants therein shall be tried by a Judge and the editorials, Duncan Elliott Alves denied the rob America of her proper place in islaues, and Mr. Walcott, who exIn welcoming you, were charged on indictment in the Jury. Thus Section shows that the we wish to cuced them a right hearty welcome. sure you, that this is not a tribute Resident Magistrate Court for the Resident Magistrate upon the hear statements, and Nelson Rounsevell the society of nations. Unless the alleged that they were true although 10, 600 white and 900 Negro women On disemoarking the visitors were appreciation from your rarish of Kingston with writing and ing of such a charge is holding a prefellow taken to the Gatun locks, Spillway colonists alone or from one Section publishing a seditious libel. The liminary investigation with a view he had nothing to substantiate his make the proposed pilgrimage toele. and shown the wonderful waterof our community, it is the sponalleged seditious libel was published to committal for trial by a Jury. It statements but the words of Alves gether this country will take a step (Continued on Page 8)
taneous act of West Indians.
in a newspaper of which one appel authorizes him to hear certain evi himself, told in confidence.
It was near on to 11 o clock when lant is described as Managing Editor dence which theretofore was not adOn your visit this morning to the missible at a preliminary investigathe party returned to the America and the other as the Literary Editor.
Catun locks, Spillways ete. you saw Theatre where a monster gathering the wonderful waterway, the Panama At the trial it was contended (1) tion for criminal libel and goes on of representatives of all sections of Canal, which has made this land that the Resident Magistrate had no to enact that the Resident Magisthe community had assembled to world famous. It was the marvellous jurisdiction to hear and determine a trate, is of opinion, after hearing welcomed them. The President ex engineering skill, charge of seditious libel against the such evidence, that there is a strong pressed great pleasure at seeing such spirit and unlimited financial resourunconquerable editor of a newspaper; and (2) that or probable presumption that the a large and representative gathering the fiat of the Attorney General was Jury on he trial would acquit the ces of the Great Republic of the who had met for the purpose of North, combined with the brawn and not in accordance with the require person charged, may dismiss the extending to the visiting cricketers blood of our West Indian people that ments of the Newspaper Libel Law case.
Herculean Struggle the heartiest of welcome for their made this gigantie undertaking one 1896 as it did not name the persons Again Seetion provides that if brilliant performances against the against whom the criminal proceed the Resident Magistrate upon the Kingston, Jamaica, March 11, 1930. by evacuating his seat immediately.
of the triumphs of the twentieth cen He then formidable team.
ings were to be instituted.
hearing of such a charge, is of His Honour Mr. Robinson was the prisoner, closely followed by the introduced the Rev. NightenThe Resident Magistrate overruled opinion that though the person charg. compelled to beat a hasty retreat other, then switched off towards the Now sir, we recall with pride your both these contentions and convicted ed is shown to have been guilty, the from his tribunal yesterday morning, judge bench, but were fortunately gale and asked bim to take the brilliant achievements in the British Chair.
Isles during the tour of the West the appllants and from that convic libel was of a trivial character, and when two infuriated prisoners darted not allowed to continue their transition they have The National and Panamanian annow appealed. The (Continued on page 6)
Indies team of 1928. Alhough handifrom the dock, one in advance of liency.
the other, and approached the Magis motley squad of constables, rousthems were lustily sung by the pupils capped by the presence on that team of the Technical school and brought of the two luminaries Messrs Contrate in a most menacing attitude, ed to action, leapt at the men with forth cheers.
stantine and Francis, you were not hurling curses of the most abusive simultaneous agility, and intercepted nature the while, at the man of their threatening advance.
In rising to speak the Rev. Night overshadowed, their presence evidentjustice.
Continued on page The two convicts were, however, engale was greetet with applause.
Ivan Thompson and Hubert Dawson not to be so easily subdued, and put the accused who figured in the up stiff resistance, necessitating the couple of batons, ty by His Honour the presiding which implements were eventually judge, of larceny of goods, the pro destroyed in the fracas, among the General perty of Taylor Bros. of West Pa casualities being a couple of constarade.
bulary helmets and cresta.
Jamaica. The case against Missed on behalf of the defendant.
His Honour had juat pronounced Henrietta Vinton Davis, Secretary The Crown Solicitor closed the case a sentence of twelve months on each and borne away in horizantal posiPass the Examination General of the Universal Negro Im for the prosecution, and Mr. Simp of the accused, when Thompson tions; the worst for wear.
provement Association and son proceeded to move for an acquit struck up the musie by spitting like The heroes of the occasion were NEW YORK, March 13. know excited over the prospects of hard who is charged with a breach of the tal on the ground that His Honour a gattling gun every description of Carporal Oscar Burton, Detective that can pass my work there, and tests at Annapolis.
Amusement Duty Law to wit render had no jurisdiction to try the case.
obscenity at the bench; in fact the en Myrie and Detective Worms. want become naval officer, visit to his home will reveal that ing a false return to the Collecttor After hearing the Solicitor sub tire Court was riddled and the bravWilliam Chisholm, selected by Con the walls are decorated with his diGeneral, was continued at the Haltnissions and Mr. Harvey Clark re est quaked at the axure flashes.
Rev. Wade Addressed gressman Joseph Gavagan to take plomas and certifiestas of scholarWay Tree Court on Thursday ply, His Honour decided to adjourn before His Honour Mr. Robin the case until the 3rd of next month, the chorus, and the former prisoner, Dawson, not to be outdone, joined Baden Powell Scouts the entrance examination for the ships. His mother wears a medal Naval Academy at Annapolis, is re he won in a national oratoriesl con son.
when he will give his decision on the suddenly dived under the bar and The service held on Sunday last ported to have told a reporter for the test, and in a bureau drawer sh.
Mr. Harvey Clark, Crown Soli points paised.
made in the direction of the Clerk of at the Panama Wesleyan Church in Herald Tribune in an interview.
keeps 18 honor roll slips, one for citor conducted the prosecution, The case against Marcus Garvey, the Courts Mr. Colin McGregor, the interset of the Baden Powell Boy Chisholm, a 17 year old freshman every month he attended Junior High while Mr. Simpson, appear will also be taken on that day.
who showed the better part of valour (Continued on Page 83 at Columbia University, is not a bit School No. 189.
AFTER SENTENCE (PRISONERS RUSH AT JUDGE CLERK Overpowered by Police After Charge Against Miss Vinton Davis Garvey For Breach of Amusement Duty Law. swiftmoving drama, were found guil application of Colored Cadet Rendering False Return to Collector For Annapolis The men were finally overpowered. Says he is Not Afraid. Confident Can a

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