
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 790005 WEST INDIAN INTERESTING NEWS JAMAICA BARBADOS The Recent Earthquake Turn of Events in the Colony Shock ANTIGUA Governor of Leeward Island Makes Successful Appeal TO SECRETARY OF STATES FOR ASSISTANCE To Provide Better Houses for Poorer Classes at Antigua poorer classes A University for The a West Indian nationality but until the majority of the inhabitants of these colonies have learned to place the West Indies first and their own island second we shall not attain the goal at which we aim. The sympathy and interest which have been shown by BARBADOS JUST AWAKENING TO our neighbours in our political evolution will, we have no doubt, rous AND THE PLACES THE FACT the imaginations and stir the emotions WHERE IT WAS FELT of Barbadians to a sense of the funThat Island Being Regarded as a damental unity of these colonies. The The Mail of the 22nd inst says:increasing pressure of economic cir.
At 10. 30 a. yesterday, an earth Drag Upon Progress of other cumstances is forcing the West In.
quake shock was experienced in West Indian Colonies dian colonies to realise that their Kingston. The motion was one tenth economic salvation lies in co operaof an inch, and the direction from The Barbados Adv cate of Feb sentative chamber. In politics as tive action. The Agricultural Con.
Scuth to North ruary 17th says editorially: ference at Trinidad last month emin games the spectators usually see The Grenada Guardian, of a re vilized people. The best way to The shock, which lasted about four cent date, publishes the following. have a happy and contented people Barbadians are as a rule singular more than the players themselves, phasised the need for co operation not only in agriculture but in marThe Governor of the Leeward Is. is to see that they have decent homes seconds, was felt as far away as Negril Point and Montego Bay in their West Indian neighbours, and ly unconcerned about the opinion of and it is possible that the estimate op onlookers in Jamaica and Trini keting and in the interchange of lands, Col. St. Johnston, has to live in. Unfortunatetly, this is a fact, practically all over the island.
goods. But the gospel of economic successfully appealed to the Secre matter that cannot be put right in a it is only recently that they have be dad may be more accurate than Bartary of State for assistance from the moment. There are many thousands gun to awaken to the fact that the badians believe. In any case their unity will bear fruit more rapidly if WALLS OF GARAGE CRACKED Colonial Development fund in the of such wetched little hovels, and it other West Indian colonies regard sympathy and encouragement at this the feeling of national unity can be created. This should be the central provision of better houses for th requires a heavy capital outlay even Barbados as a drag upon their pro. juncture is most welcome and heartAs a result of the shock of earthaim of all those who are earnestly in Antigua The gress. While we have been smilingening. The knowledge that we are to erect hundred new houses, a quake, which was felt in and around not fighting an isolated battle but are desirous of the progress of these colfollowing is a copy of his despatch: capi al outlay which this GovernKingston yesterday morning, the upwith smug complaceney at their eftaking by no means an insignificant onies. Barbadians are deeply touchment has at present no mans My Lord. In continuation of my forts to obtain a share in the conper walls of Mr. John Crook Garage ed by the interest and goodwill which despatch No. 486 of the 17th in facing. reference in the local in Harbour Street, was cracked in trol of their affairs they have been part in a general movement for pophave been shown by our neighbours ular control of Government in these on the item Promotion of Public newspaper to that speech says The watching the process of oligarchic several places.
and in this colony at least the signs Health of the Colonial Development housing conditions of the masses are Government in Barbados and taking islands will assuredly confirm our are favourable for a rapid develop Act as applied to Antigua, stated unsightly, and the quicker the Govcare to avoid such a pitfall. The lead opinions and spur us to greater efTELEGRAMS FROM COUNTRY forts.
ment of the patriotie emotion which in paragraph 10 that one of the three ernment takes the matter in hand PARTS ers of public opinion in other West will weld these colonies into a great outstanding features of the sanitary and builds houses which can be sold Indian island have not been compliA certain result of this sympathetic dominion and powerful nation.
interest will be conditions was the deplorable state mentary to Barbados. Mr. Wint, Mr.
realisation that to the people on the hire system, the The following telegrams were reMarryshow and even such a conserBarbados is an inseparable part of of the houses of the labouring classes. better. No island can be prosperous ceived from Correspondents of the The expedition sent here by the less its people are in a good stat Jamaica Mail in various parts of vative as Mr. Kelshall have had hard the West Indian family. The intelRockefeller International Health health; and the moral tone of any the country: things to say about the constitution lectual conception of West Indian Board described them as unsatisfac ountry must be base when the peo.
of Barbados. The letters of Barba. unity has long been grasped by all.
West Indies tory and fraught with danger. ple are living in very small oneroomAT FALMOUTH dian Governors are seldom made pub THE POLITICAL THINKERS myself could describe them in far ed huts.
lic, but now and again an illuminabut the emotions of the mass of West The Agricultural Reporter of reworse terms, and since have been The English fournal. The Spee FALMOUTH, Friday. Precisely at ting document or an indiscreet speech Indians have not yet been stirred. cent date says:in this colony, have consistently tator, in a leading article on Augut 10. 15 a. today a sharp shock of discloses the disgust of those who Even now there is no West Indian tried to get them improved. Lack of 17th, stated: Where are the poor earthquake was felt here. The rumbadminister our affairs with the unre patriotism.
There has been good deal of to find houses at rents they can ling came from the North East of the Loyalties are insular discussion in the West Indies, princifunds has of course, been the main presentative character of our legis.
and often not far removed from pally in Jamaica, about the necessity stumbling block, but Your Lordship offord to pay? How can we deprive town, and lasted for a few seconds. lature. But if they have been severe prejudices. Even in the realms of for a University in these parts. In may be aware that as far as St. Kitts our people of their hovels when we was felt distinctly by persons in in their strictures they have shown sport we think of our colony or ishave nothing better to offer them?
Was concerned was able to make spite of statements belitting such an the Court House, which shook. swift generosity towards any move land first and of the West Indies experiment, Sir Edward Stubbs, the these question must a start in this matter by the raising The answers ment for political emancipation. The second and sometimes not at all.
he national, not local.
of a small loan last year to initiate TWO SHOCKS AT CHAPELTON West Indian Press 89 a whole har But although local patriotism is strongly in favour of it. He evidentpopular Governor of Jamaica hire purchase housing scheme. attack a photograph of a typical welcomed in uncertain fashion praiseworthy it is not enough. West CHAPELTON (2) The Rockefeller Internation hut, which speaks for itself.
Friday. Two the signs of the breaking up of the Indian Federation will only be acly desires to found such a Univer al Board of sity in Jamaica before his term of Health expedition to (3) It is an urgent matter that heavy shocks of earthquake were feit old oligarchy and some are more complished when West Indian conAntigua reported the office expires houses in the houses of the masses in this col here at 10. 30 a. today. Up to the werjoyed at the turn of events in sciousness is torn. It will undoubtwhich the people live mere shacks, ony should be improved, both for present, no damages reported. this island than those who are ac. edly be a long time before local paWe in Barbados do not envy the shantles and hovels, ramshackle conmoral and hygienic reasons. There tively engaged in the work of transtriotism is merged into the larger progress and prosperity of other trivances made chiefly of wood. At jo another aspect also, and that is AT MANDEVILLE forming an oligarchie into a repre. conception and the deeper emotion of (Continued on Peme7 night am told as many as 16 people the colony cannot withstand much have been known to sleep in one of longer the continual drain on its MANDEVILLE, Friday. pretty these eight by ten shanties. The man power by emigration of its best heavy shock of earthquake was felt Government Chief Medical Officer in and most energetic workers to foreign about 10. 25 this morning. Oscilhis ammual report, said, referring to countries, like the rival sugar island lation lasted little over a second.
the condition of the working classes of Santo Domingo, Porto Rico, etc. Much alarm was caused amongst the where NO much depends on the nnd like the oil fields of South Ameri residents. No damage done.
labourer for the reaping of the staples and the oil refineries of Curacao.
crop, the economic factor should not the people of this colony have an AT CLAREMONT INCORPORATED 1869 be overlooked.
INTENSE LOCAL PATRIOTISM. In my own address, on taking the and they have enough sense to recogCLAREMONT, Friday. fairly onths of office as Governor the other nize that the higher scales of wages few seconds, was felt here at 10. 30 heavy shock of earthquake lasting a day, said am in very earnest abroad are often balanced by the this morning. No damage reported.
sympathy about the higher cost of living, so that if they MISERABLE STANDARD OF only had better homes here they PANAMA COLON FELT AT LACOVIA LIVING might be more content to remain on Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Stroeta that exists among the poorer classes and make a certain living in their LACOVIA, Friday. Sharp shock of this colony, and one of the first own country. And the sooner such of earthquake was felt here at 10. 40 things to be put right is the housing homes can be provided the better. a. No damage done.
question. We have heard a gooddeal (4) Finally, as Your Lordship is about immorality and the illegiti aware, there is the constant risk of FOLLOWED HEAT WAVE macy question, but it is asking for demolition of their present flmsy trouble when people of opposite sexes huts by hurricanes. Each time such BELFIELD, Friday. Heavy earth are herded into a little one roomed a calamity occurs, it brings sickness, tremors travelling South East toWith 900 Branches throughout the world, including hut that would be a disgrace to any (Continued on Page 7)
wards North West, were felt at 10. 18 this morning, following excessive the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank heat wave. Shock lasted a few seeis in a position to render the best possible service.
FOR AT STONY HILL Antigua Dominica Montserrat Bahamas Grenada STONY HILL Friday. Two St. Kitts Barbados shocks of earthquake lasting several and St. Lucia seconds were felt here at 10. 25 a.
British Honduras THnidad (2)
today. The second shock was much Martinique heavier than the first, and of longer Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
duration and ranks among the heavies see felt here for many a year.
no The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Jamaica (2)
Panama, PAID ON DEPOSITS It is interesting to recall that certain astronomical predictions which the Rev. LL. Abisdid. London, made in this journal on the 8th inst. he stated. after (Continued ee Page 7) General Banking Business Transacted.

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