
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 PAGE THREE INTERESTING JOTTINGS Atlantic Cricket Council The Greatest Thrill 10 Heard Under the Almond Tree Prospective Division Hat Stealer Gets 60 of the Days SHEDULE OF GAMES FOR THE 1930 SEASON (By ELIJAH HUNTER) rather unusual mass meeting of Colon, March 26. After a very COLON, Friends and Countrymen: To day, pour out the emotions of his inmost the Prospective Division of the short and lively chase on Tuesday it is a story about a lad who become heart, and as he embraced her, JaFIRST HALF was held at their Hall 25 street morning last, David Britton a younginfatuated with a Lassie named mima burst forth saying: Chachapuli, on Sunday night last, man of 21 years of age was caught Jamima. His name was Peter, and DATE HOME TEAM VISITING TEAM GROUNDS when Secretary Greely was the by policeman Percival Martin ona he was an intelligent boy. He was Safe in the arms of Peter, chief speaker of the evening. He cited charge of larceny of a felt hat, the in reasonably good circumstances, Safe in his sweet caress; Warch 30 United Sussex United very important matter, which, if property of Wing Jick, chinese mer and had finished his education. He Westmoreland Kent Kent There let me lay and ponder, viewed from a business stantpoint and chant at 11th street.
had no yet received an appointment April Sussex Pickwicks Kent impreved on, might tend to help the About 30 o clock Britton walked Over my sweet success!
to any position, so he was kind Victori United United future working of the organisa into the establishment and after idle for the time being, while he 13 Kent Oh! wat a boy my Peter, Bocas Kent The staement is this there are about being shown various articles, grabbed Wanderers Westmoreland United 200ganizations among West Indians the hat and made a hasty retreat.
awaited replies from firms to which Peter, my heart incline; 27 Sussex Kent Kent throughout the Isthmus of Panama, The policeman who was on duty in he had applied for employment. One Bright has become my future, Vietoria Wanderers United the majority of them being used chief the vicinity saw the upstir and purnight he went to movies, and sat Peter, my love divine!
May Pickwicks Bocas Kent 1y for sick and burial purposes, and sued, capturing him at 12th Street him down on a chair in a smug and United Westmoreland United cosy corner. Jamima walked in later Lard, Peter boy, come kiss me, he felt sure that many of them could and marched him to the Central 11 Bocas Sussex Kent he successfully used for business cow Station, and sat direetly in front of him. Press to my cheek those lips; Westmoreland Victoria United operative means which would be of Jamima had full eyes, prominent Though they be somewhat hefty: He was later on taken before the 13. Kent Pickwicks Kent considerable benefit to the community. Alcalde who after hearing the stateforehead, white Size do not frighten me!
teeth, dimples on Wanderers United United He cited an instance where a certainment sent him up for 60 days both cheeks, and have heard that 25 Sussex Victoria United land lord told his tenant that the whenever she laughed, every youngOne thing ask, dear Peter, Pickwicks United Kent reason why rents are raised is be man in her presence fell flat to her One thing beg of thee; June Bocas Westmoreland United West Indians put all of their feel, seemingly bewitched by the Please, never kiss a goosey, Kent Wanderers Kent monies in Friendly Societies.
captivating influence of her teeth, Long as you spoon with me! Wanderers Sussex Kent The meeting was presided over by eyes, and dimples. When read this Victoria Kent United Mr. Jeffers who also acted as in the World story, felt peeved because had And Peter answered and said:15 United Zocas United Chaplain for the occasion and gave a not the opportunity of seeing Jamima Westmoreland Pickwicks Kent very interesting address. Communimyself. Now, as reproduce it, Come unto me, Jamima, cations from the parent body were have the same feeling, old as am, And will give you rest; ALL GAMES START AT 12:00 with HALF HOUR GRACE.
read, while songs and recitations and believe me, if be permitted the Thou with be mine, Jamima, ANY GAME STARTED LATER THAN 12:30 WILL NOT BE formed the remainder of the proni happiness of seeing Jamima now, Always in my caress!
CONSIDERED LEAGUE GAME gramme. The meeting was brought would straightway fall for her, in IF THE UMPIRES APPOINTED BY THE LEAGUE ARE NOT PRESENT to close with the singing of the Come close to me, Jamima, ON THE GROUNDS BY 12:20 BOTH CAPTAINS SHOULD spite of what my wife would think Benediction And give me of thy best; about it. But suppose she knows PROCEED TO SELECT THEIR OWN UMPIRES SO AS TO START And lay with motion tender, THE GAME ON TIME.
Owing to the lack of space, it was of the pronouncement, he that Thy head upon my breast!
impossible to mention all of the falleth for a girl and riseth up again, contributors who took part in the Stop and analyze it. there doeth no harm unto himself; he that Now, thou art mine for ever, Anniversary programme, on the 16th nothing in life that gives more falleth down and stayeth there, the To hell with all the rest; inst. but, we take pleasure in refer pure happiness than making same is he who hath no desire to am thy sole possessor, THE MUSIC HAS BEGUN, the two motions which have created ring to the two Clarinet Solos by Mr.
someone else happy.
rise. And this say with test! JUST WHAT WE HELD wide spread interest in the city and Gray, Miss Bereton Organ Is there?
But to come back to the story:IN MIND throughout the island.
Solo and the addres by the represenWhen we present a gift, we Peter beheld Jamima, and the sight promise you, Jamima, Public opinion is naturally divided tative of the Montserratian Society, want it to be packed with the of her was captivating to his emo Upon my cred word; Marcus Garvey Motions over the resolutionsThe capitalist and Mrs. Simpson Solo.
entiment, affection and good tions, and comforting to his soul.
To shun the gooslana, For Minimum Wage and The local officers beg to thank all and aristocratic classes have joined There a multitude of things He was overcome with the beauty For ever in this world! Hour day, Will Meet issue with the Municipal authorities who took part and asisted in making that will serve, but they lack in of her crrriage, the comeliness of her Severe Attack to defeat the measures, on the ground the anniversary programme the sacSome respect. They wear out person, yea, and the look in her eyes, Good resolution, friends and counthat their passage by the Council cess it was.
quickly; outlive their usefulness; all these had straightway placed him trymen! An experience like this is PUBLIC OPINION IS would herald their univeral applicaor have no usefulness at all, is in captivity, not as one in captivity interesting, awakening as it does a DIVIDED tion throughout the island, thus ODO there ANY THING that will TOO really, but as one captivated by the creating an increase to their weekly quicken the recipient heart whithering influence of a chairming desire the desire to become acA verbal battle is expected in the pay roll.
beat. that will tell her more girl. So, with open arms, he bado quainted with romance in lovo land. Municipal Council over the two reThe working and labouring classes eloquently than you could that her accompany him under the spread. Methinka hear the mutterings of the solutions of Mr. Mareus Garvey, of the community and of the island Mattresses made and renovated you wish ber well. that spoulos ing branches of a tree which stood boys and girls saying wish notices of which were given at a to order Furnitures also repaired in whose interest the motions have its quality every time it is soon.
with towering majesty outside the wore Jamima, and wish were regular meeting of that body, one been introduced forvently hope for at moderate prices that never wears out. that te walls of the movie house, there to Peter. Mercy!
for a minimum wage and the other their adoption by the City Fathers, tains its value. that around for an hour day for Corporation and it is a foregone conelusion that House N, 10, 21 Street the admiration of all who see it?
labourers while they are being discussed, the Cuachapali Yes it fine jewelry such as Corporation authorities have per gallery in the couneil chamber and son тогое we will be glad to show you if OBO NEURALGINA sued every possible Avenue of re all the approaches thereto, will be you will pay us a visit oon.
PALAIS ROYAL search and secured every available crowded even as they were on former FULLER for data, so as to set up violent attack occasions when the Negro Londer sat SUITS 122 Central Avenue Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any particularly through the Mayor on among his colleagues (Blackman. neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
viceroy of India, replied NEURALGINA Cumming, in part follows: India Dear Mr. Gandhi, His Excellency the Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches Viceroy desires me to acknowledge and reduce the fever of children AND HIS CIVIL DISOBE your letter of Monday March 3rd.
DIENCE CAMPAIGN He regrets to learn that you contemplate a course of action which is (C. clearly bound to involve violation of Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart On Tuesday, March 4, 1980, the law and danger to the public Mahatma Gandhi, lender of the peace. Yours very truly.
GIVE US CALL AND Indian people sent his Ultimatum to Shaukat Ali, while addressing a Lord Irvin, Viceroy of India, that if Big gathering of Moslem, said BE CONVINCED THAI the Indian Independence is not grant Gandhi action is unwise. Ali is AT THB ed, he immediately would inaugurate one, or was one of Gandhi leading a campaign of civil disobedience. Continued on page 7)
AMERICAN PHARMACY On Thursday March 7, 1980, Lord very interesting program will be other divisions, but we are always JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor staged at the St. George Church willing to stem the tide. The Colon Gatun, The Unique title gives a hazy Division suffered this kind of underPanama idea of the nature of the play. current, more than any other Division Child of Jesus. TRIAL ONCE WILL on the Isthmus of Panama, until one Mr. Cyril. Thomas came on BRING YOU ALWAYS Editor; the scene, and then all was changed. The Workman all was changed from this under Panama, eurrent to a progressive and respect Sir: ed Division In an article that appeared in your Some day, the good will also raise The Tennis fever has caught the Mr. Clunes out played the Gatun News paper of last Saturday isque up a man, who will raise the Gatun Lock City, and we opine, that if the hope. The score follows. March 22nd. asking questions of Division, just as the Colon Division feaverwave continue, say for three the Division No. 16, of is raised. The time is fast approachmonths, all Gatun will be Tennis Gatun; would like to inform the ing, perhaps, is, already here, when 72 Carlos Mendoza Sireet 72 Mrs. Brasard of Gatun defeated the writer that Gatun Division No. 16 is a man will arise in the Gatun DiStars, or at least, every other person good looking Miss Elie from La Boce still carrying on, and nothing will vision, to put it among the success(NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
will have a tennis ball.
Score be able to kill the spirit already ful branches of the World Wide OrSINGLES CHAMPIONSHIP grounded in the hearts of the people. ganizations.
Teler bere 454 Pix 1102 RESULT The Girls reserve under the leader. Wo suffer the undereurrent of maliMr. Clunes from the Pacific side ship of Mr. Laurie, is praticing very ciousness and jealousy, just as do PANAMA ANCON Very Truly Yours, against Mr. Perry, The Light footed Hard with an Easter Cantata. The other associations, and perticularly Samuel Panton.
JOSEPH MASON Mahatma Gandhi of through his private secretary, FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING NEURALGINA For sale both Wholesale and Retail we do only the best at Reasonable Prices CANAL ZONE NOTES GATUN The Workman Printery


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