
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 Court of Appeal Canadian Demand Riddance of Klan; Leader Fined was Klan. Any organization that tend to, preferring to let the matter attorney general department, Wides its identity under the hood of drop where it is. He announced that The Klas has appeared in Canada anonymity and like nighthawks find he would make no further comment as three distinct organizations It best to make its fornys under the to the press, and wished to forget the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada, the Kanshroud of darkness, acts like outlaw, whole thing.
adian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Continued from Page and the law should deal with it like It has been rumored that the reason. British Columbia branch, and the that the offence might be adequatecutlaws. No honest man is ashamed the girl mother appealed to the Ku Klux Klan of the British Empire. ly punished by virtue of the powers to disclose his face, he said.
Klan was because Johnston intended It is understood that the three bodies of this Section, the Resident MagisDr. Wyke felt that it was leaving Oakville for another city have now united.
trate shall cause the charge to be well to strike while the iron was hot. after he and the Jones girl were Organizer Deported read to the person charged, and then (Continued from last issue)
I! unconstitutional means had to be married.
Following trouble between address question to him to the The resolution follows: one for nonsupport.
resorted to in order to establish the Klan Has No Ontario Charter Hawkins of Newport, Ve, one of the following effect: Do you desire to Be it resolved that we, the Ccl. Hideous Crime principle, the beautiful pages of his The Ku Klux Klan has no provinfirst organizers of the Ku Klux Klan be tried by a Jury or do you consent pred citizens of Toronto, do hereby Rev. Jackson said that our tory might be blotted with massacre. ciel charter, officials of the provincial of Kanada, and Lord, especially to the case being dealt with sumvuice our indignation and protest people had fled from the United he said.
secretary office stated.
in the western provinces, Hawkins marily? and if such person consents ngainst this outrage, and request States to Canada in slavery days to Mrs, Alice Loeb spoke on behalf of Revocation of the charter of the came to Hamilton and established his to the case being dealt with sumthe attorney general of the province find justice and fair play.
the Women International League Klan was one of the objects sought rival organization there. Deported morily, the Resident Magistrate may Ontario to take definite and im It is a hideous crime for a secret, for Peace and Freedom, an organiza by Toronto Race citizens when they from Canada, Hawkins lost control, summarily conviet him and adjudge mediate action in this matter by Looded gang to come out in the night tion which passed a resolution con passed their resolution appealing to and an amalgamation between the him to pay a fine not exceeding fifty means of a thorough investigation, with a mob law, he stated, and gº demning the action of the Klán. the attorney general for an investiga orginal Klan and the Hamilton or pounds, and in default to be imprison.
and to initiate the prosecution of the high handed into a man home and Rabbi Speaks tion at the mass meeting held Mon ganization recently oceurred.
ed as a first class misdemeanant for party or parties responsible for the ty intimidation compel him to make Rabbi Eisendrath felt that the deed day evening.
Investigation today disclosed that any period not exceeding three violacion of the law.
cortain promises.
was a challenge to the legislative The Ku Klux Klan applied for a while the head office of the Knights months.
This section.
The resolution was presented by lle quoted from scripture: Men forces of the country. He spoke as provincial charter in 1927, but it was of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada are Cross and seconded by Dr. CLEARLY INDICATES se darkness rather than the light a pacifist, and said that this was the refused at that time by Lincoln still in Toronto, there is no local or Wyke that the Resident Magistrate must Lecause of the evil they do in refer time for the Negroes to show their Goldie, provincial secretary. ganization here. The office was hold a preliminary investigation with The meeting not concerned ence to the activities of the Klans. heroism as they had done on previous Code, Toronto barrister, who made found at 615 Yonge St. and belongs with the actual incident or the probmen.
occasions, not on the field of battle, the application, stated that when the to Lord, the imperial kligrapp. a view to committal for trial and lem of intermarriage between ColThe Ku Klux Klan are trying to but on the field of peace.
application was refused he had noth or secretary, who is a member of that he has no jurisdiction to try the ored and white citizens, but, in the get a foothold in Canada, he warned.
Color Didn Matter ing further to do with the Klan. the New Brunswick legislature, and proprietor, publisher, editor or any words of the chairman, Rev. Lawperson responsible for the publication By this action they hope to create Mrs. Annie Jones, mother of John am sure that they have been unable left the city a week ago to attend the rence McNeil, with the constitufavorable public sentiment. But if ston sweetheart, stated that she ha to register since then, he said. legislature sessions at St. John.
of a newspaper for a libel published tional rights not only of Colored citi.
therein except as provided, and not we fondle the lion cub now, he will not opposed the marriage for racial Clues as to the headquarters of the There is no Klan organization in zens but of all citizens.
son grow up and as a lion he will reasons, but for other reasons which Klansmen who participated in the Toronto now, Mr. Lord secretary then, unless the party charged conRev. Constantine Perry, minis fondle you, he concluded.
sents to being so dealt with.
she failed to disclose.
Oakville incident are the mail ad stated. There hasn been any Klan ter of the Methodist Episcopal church It was contended that this Law The issue did not involve racialism would not care to what race dress, The Scribe, Box 294, Hamil. here for a long time.
in Oakville, described the Oakville nor any side issues, but only the deals only with defamatory libel of the man belonged so long as he ton, which has accompanied the let There is talk around that the Klan incident as the most revolting, unprivate individual. It will be broad principle of injustice that showed he could support my daughters to the press, purporting to come has reorganized here just lately, it precedented episode in this country noticed that the Law and also the Act had been done, Rev. Laurence Mc. ter, Mrs. Jones said, from Klan headquarters, and the was suggested. If there has been with regard to our people.
of 1851 which this law supplements Rev. Jackson of St. James Neil, chairman of the meeting, stated. Johnston and Girl to Wed statement of Chief David Kerr of any organization, we don know or amends deal with both civil and This does not concern Colored peoBritish Methodist Episcopal church, When interviewed, Miss Jones in Oakville that he recognized some of about it here, and it doesn belong criminal proceedings and by Sections Toronto, said: Never in the history ple alone, he said. It is an evil timated that she still intended to the Klansmen in the Oakville in to us, she said. and the Law excludes from its of Canada have we had such desecrathat can grow and do immense harm marry her sweetheart, although the cident.
As for the action at Oakville, the protection any seditious, blasphemous tion of the civil rights of any people to all minorities, he said. We feel coremony would not be immediatels Police have not yet announced secretary could give no information.
or indecent matter.
confident that the attorney general enrried out. She stated defiantly that what their investigations have re It would simply be local action by Whether such as in the town of Oakville.
will take due action to our appeal.
matter is seditious, blasphemous or the Hamilton branch of the Klan.
she was of age and would marry vealed. report was submitted by Spencer Pitt, barrister, deindecent would be a question for the clared that he would stand alone and Klan Denounced whom she pleased in spite of the Chief Kerr to Crown Attorney Dick she said.
decision of the Jury. There is nothing fight the issue, if necessary. He reE. Cross said that he was con Klan or anything else.
of Milton, and it is expected that BUY FROM THE WORKMAN which restricts the generality of its fused to compromise. He did not fident that every right thinking per Johnston has not sought legal ad other reports will shortly be forth ADVERTISERS AND GET provisions and, unless we are com.
condone the action of the mayor and son condemned the actions of the Ku vice in the matter, and does not in coming from the investigation by the VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY pelled to do so by plain words, the chief of police in Oakville. They Law should not be so construed as need not send us any pious resoluto deprive the persons mentioned in tions. They need not try to fool us, Sections 2, and of the right to he said ironically. We are suffering ODOC trial by a Jury. We are unable to more than any other group in the interpret the Law as referring only world because we are too easily foolto defamatory Ilbel and we will go ed. What we are face to face with further and say that if there be any is that they approve of the action of doubt about it, the doubt should be the Ku Klux Klan.
resolved in favour of permitting the The Ku Klux Klan is neither great right of trial by jury to prevail. The nor white in its organization. That objection was, in our opinion, a valid great white organization is a villainone and should have been allowed.
ous black organization, the speaker We also think that the objection to went on with a HOTPOINT Electric Iron on the that fiat of the Attorney General was The organization had objected to good and is fatal to the conviction.
intermarriage on the grounds of naSection provides that No criminal tional purity. Let them unmask proceeding shall be commenced and say that their fathers and foreagainst any proprietor, publisher, fathers have never contributed any editor, or any person responsible for thing of impurity, Mr. Pitt stated.
the publication of a newspaper, for Not a Color Question any libel published therein, without The Klan were supported to stand the fiat of the Attorney General for integrity and Christianity. It being first had and obtained. It seemed to be the tendency of some was contended that this fiat was only people to hide their evil by the pres.
necessary in the case of a prosecuence of the Cross of Christ, he said.
tion fur defamatory Hbel and that in voice from the audience called. TIME PAYMENTS any event in this case such a fiat was They burn it. 75 obtained and is in evidence. If made up my mind to marry a ALLOWED TO It will be observed that the section white woman, a Chinese woman, a implicitly requires the fiat to be Japanese woman, or any other, and 00 obtained prior to the institution of the Ku Klux Klan attempted to ina prosecution for any libel publishterfere, they would have to take up ed in a newspaper. libel may be my dead body, the speaker said.
OUR CURRENT either blasphemous, or seditious, or The Ku Klux Klan is an unlawobscene or defamatory of a person or ful, illegal organization, an organized 80 body of persons. There is no justifiband of night prowlers who seem to cation for cutting down the general think they can intimidate law abidwords any libel so as to exclude ing citizens. It is not a British therefrom blasphemous, seditious or organization, nor does it represent obscene libels. Such authority as anything British. If we sit idly by there is, is against such a construcand allow them to do this, we shall soon find that their efforts will go In Bradlaugh 15 Cox 228 for further. This is the most important blasphemous libel, the fiat of the tide in the affairs of the existence of Director of Public Prosecutions was the Negro in Canada, he concluded.
obtained before criminal proceedings Mr. Perry pointed out that Ira were commenced and in Archbold Johnston was not a member of his Criminal Pleadings and Practice the church, but of the Salvation Army.
necesvity for it seems to be clearly He said that the chief of police of indicated.
Oakville was not present at the disASK FOR DEMONSTRATION The next question is whether the turbance as reported in certain pafiat which was given in this case is pers. Mr. Perry read a statement such a fiat as the Law requires.
from the latter in which he said that This fiat.
during the 11 years of office in OakMENTIONS NO ONE BY NAME ville, there never had been any but allows the prosecution of the trouble among the Race people, they proprietor, publisher or editor of were law abiding and during that The Blackman, or any person time the police court record showed responsible for the publieation that only one of our group had been 01 ODO TODO 10 DO therein of a seditious libel on the arrested for being drunk and only (Continued on Page 8)
THAN THE Hotpoint SUPER IRON WITH THE HEAT CONTROL Cia Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon


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