
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Governor of Leeward University for the sc nothing can be done. Then, Mr.
GARVEY The Recent Earthquake Editor, how does Canada cope, with The Alien Problem the situation? see no reason why (Continued from Page Continued from Page 2)
Continued from page 2)
In his fourth article in a series of My Experiences in Jamaica should be blind any longer due to exposure, death from injury West Indian Colonies, but we should differing from Prof. Belar who pre to this most alarming state of affairs.
America, Marcus Garvey, the most spectacular figure and ruin from personal loss, in its not forget that in the educational of his time, vividly describes the first convention of dicted earthquakes on March 3rd. Let all true Jamaicans who read this train. With properly constructed history of the Caribbean 9th. 17th and 25th) do not see the letter awake and cry Jamaica for the Negro people of the world in 1920.
two roomed concrete cottages, such Colonies of the Crown Codrington possibility of an earthquake on the the Jamaicans! Why should we be (By Marcus Garvey in the Pittsburg Courier)
as started in St. Kitts, hurricanes College in Barbados has long held 9th or 17th. There is every possi driven from the land of our birth by August 1st, 1920, was the red letter ended at o clock. Those who can be defied and a revolution brought the foremost place. It would be ap day for the Negro peoples of the marched in line made a circuit of bility of an earthquake occurring be these people? Jamaica has nothing about in the mode of living of the propriate, therefore, that should the tween the 21st and 30th inst.
to gain by their presence here, and world, in that on that day at 9:30 Harlem from the headquarters, 35 people.
University ever become an accomIt came yesterday morning 21st. what a lot to lose. Her sons and a. there assembled in Liberty Hall, 135th street, where the first line plished fact, it should be in connecdaughters all perishing, being crowd(5) St. Kitts especially for the tion with General Codrington hisNew York, 120 1440 138th street, marched off from, taking in Lenox MR. ABISDID AND HIS ADMIRERS ed out by these undesirables. And, working classes is, though smaller, a 25, 000 representatives of the race avenue up to 145th, to Seventh aveagain, look at what they give the more prosperous island than Antigun, has suffered from storm and fire and they came in groups of one hundred, nue, back to 35 West 135th street.
toric institution. Codrington College from every known part of the world. nue, to 125th street, down Lenox aveTO THE EDITOR: country? Hundreds of illegitimate and whereas loan to establish houses on the hire purchase system for it at present. But nothing can there is a strange lack of enthusiasm Sir. Permit me to use your valu children to be a further curse and in scores, dozens, tens and in units. When the first line of the parade might be remunerative there and destroy the fact that it is one of the We had them from Nigeria, the returned to 185th street the last line able columns to express my sincere burden on this would otherwise blessappreciation to my admirers for coned land.
time alone can show, very much few glories of our litle isle.
Gold Coast, Sierria Leone, Liberia was just leaving the same spot to gratulations have received today in If there are any Jamaicans left in doubt whether the povery of the AnWest Africa, from Cape Town and make their circuit in the parade.
tigun people would allow of suffi.
Johannesburg, South Africa, and The great excitement of the day connection with my prediction in your the island with any (excuse the term paper of the 8th inst, of an earth. Mr. Editor) guts let them awake cient rents to be paid to complete the from East and Central Africa, from was climaxed with the mass openquake occurring on the 21st inst. and agitate for reforms. They have purchase within a reasonable time, every known island in the West In ing of the convention, at the old will endeavour to continue to give outstood this sort of thing too long and a scheme which would drag out dies, including Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Madison Square Garden at 12th and BOX 649 ANCON, Arise! ye young bloods, the day of the uncertainty of owning the house Barbadoes, Trinidad, Grenada and all 14th street at night. At o clock predictions after the 31st inst.
decision has come. See that some for a score of years or so would be the groups of the Leeward and every available seat in the garden am, ete.
Cirilo Sandford thing is done to protect you and your Windward islands. They came from dromed to failure. It is, therefore, was taken. Fifteen thousand people MORRIS ABISDID.
offspring. would ask every true.
South and Central America: from Attorney at Law were seated inside and another 10, 000 Student of Astronomy.
rost necessary that any such houshearted Jamaican who feels as feel Europe and from Asia. Contingents were found accommodations in other Kingston ing scheme should be instituted on OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 183 to start a storm of protest through of thousands came from Philadel March 21st, 1930.
the most generous possible lines, the ways. It was at the garden that these columns until something phia, Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnatti, in night that the auxiliaries of the Covernment recognising that it will done.
the United States, and from every Universal Negro Improvement Assoset a valuable return for its outlay other nook and corner ciation of the recame into full play. The The British flag forever, but fo in indirect ways, even if it gets but rublie.
wonderful review took place, in which God wake let it protect us, in more Tule commercial dividends in It was at this hour ways than one, the oldest of its pos.
that the fa every unit of the organization was shantis money. The sites for the Under the above caption, a correthe miserable one roomed houses mous Black Star Line band of 25 in line. It was wonderful to see the sessions in the Carib. More anon Sondent writes the Jamaica Mail as would be acquired or provided at the will disappear.
places, under the leadership of Prof. coloring effect of the Legions, Black follows: am, ete.
cost of the Antigua Government. 7) The hundred cottages when Isles, and the celebrated Liberty Hall Cross Nurses, African Guards and Sir Kindly grant me space in JAMAICAN (6) The instalment payments for ask for as a start are not very choir of 100 voices, under the lea other auxiliaries. The New York your valued columns to express my Montego Bay, the first set of houses will go to many among 80 large a labouring deaship of Prof. Arnold Ford, struck and Philadelphia contingents of thoughts on the alien question. Every March 14, 1930 wards erecting a second set and so population, but they would forma p ond sang the celebrated Negro auxiliaries took the first prize; but country has closed it door on, or to on, recommend two types of houses, nucleus, and will release other cot hymn: Africa Awaken.
sections like Boston, Cincinnati, Newsome extent put a ban on, aliens; PALAIS ROYAL one for the slightly better class ar tages which, though by no means so ard and Cleveland came in for good then why has Jamaica done nothing?
tizans who can afford to pay a little good, are at all events better than Africa Awaken. second places.
We are in a sad way we are being for more rent and one for the ordinary the one roomed shanties.
The morning is at hand, It was said in reviewing the his driven to the wall by unfair and CLOTHING labourer. do this purposely, as (8) I, therefore, apply for a sum No more art thou forsaken, tory of the old Madison Square Gar unserupulous alien competition, chiefknow that there is a regular scale of 13, 000 for house building, half bounteous motherland.
den, by a writer in the New York Is Chinese.
for progression in these houses, and the amount as a grant and half the For far thy sons and daughters Times, that the thirteenth great hisWe at present are experiencing it Small if. for instance, an artizan formerly amount as a loan, free of interest Are hastening back to thee, orical feature in the garden in all hard, but what will our sons and living in a two roomed wooden cotDENTIST for five years, and in view of the Their cry rings o er the waters ise years was the historical opening daughters feel? Will they have to tage takes up one of the better style absolute necessity of improving the That Africa shall be free. of the convention of the Universal ge and work for the Chinese and MASONIC TEMPLE of Government two roomed concrete condition of the labourers and of the Negro Improvement Association in other undesirables. God forbid it.
Office Hours:8, om 1012 pm. 30 pm to 30 pm houses, his own house becomes imme fact that practically all the materials After the singing of this celebrated 1930.
Everyone to whom have put the Sundays, by Special Appointment diately available for some one a will be purchased from England, hymn, the mighty procession of the It was at the Madison Square Gar quesiton, Can something he done Masonic Temple i1th St, little lower down in the social scale, trust that Your Lordship and Lords robed officials of the Universal den that made the famous speech to at least restrict their trading? O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL and in turn the newcomer house Commissioners of the Treasury will Negro Improvement Association from that brought me into the limelight of Answer: They are British subjects PHONE: OFFICE 1604 becomes available for an ordinary be pleased to favourably consider the all parts of the world started up the the political world. At 11 o clock labourer, that in course of time same.
aisle in Liberty Hall; the whole con that night made the official speech 2010 IODO 20 DOL ODO gregation singing another celebrated in opening the convention, in which ODO 0 OPO 100 Negro hymn, Shine On, Eternal declared in the height of my enLight.
thusiasm that: Four hundred million Negroes were sharpening their Shine on, Eternal Light, swords for the next world war.
To greet our souls this day: Among all the things said these NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM Surgeon Dispel the gloominess of night, words were taken out and cabled to And drive our doubts away. every capital in Europe and throughIS TOURINC THE WEST INDIES out the world. The next morning 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P. The singing of this hymn was every first class newspoper proclaimenough to inspire the most mute soul. ed me as the new leader of the Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, It was an occasion that could not Negro race and featured the unforfail to stir, and everybody there tunate words used. Words which Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works among the 25, 000 was stirred. When have been making trouble for me the procession reached the celebrated ever since 1920. Despite what said Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment and read the records of past Liberty Hall platform that accomotherwise then and often after as a modated 200 persons the picturesque manifestation of my good faith, am Cricket Veterans ness of it was marked. It reminded still held as a dangerous man. It OBO ODO TODO 000 one of the great ceremonials at the is because of this danger why AND courts of Europe, or one of the coro France closed her doors against me nation celebrations at Westminster in Africa; and Italy and Portugal also Abbey, London. The people were and England became so scared and Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages greatly impressed the thousands in America watched me at every move.
side of Liberty Hall, and numerous (To Be Continued)
Summary of Contents: thousands peeping through the windows on the outside.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Hall on this day opened the day Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, celebrations at New York. Speeches (Continued from page 3)
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, CATHEDRAL PLAZA were made and the official sermon supporters. Wednesday March 12.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual preached by the Rev. Eason, Inaugurating their civil disobedience Players who was then acting chaplain gen campaign, Mahatma Gandhi, Nationeral of the organisation, and who alist Leader, and 79 of his disciples, Váluable. nstructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and and see the finest Assortment of was subsequently at the convention to day began a March to Jalalpur, Interesting elected leader of the American Ne 20, 000 persons gathered at the entrance of Gandhi quarters to watch Price 50cts.
After the morning display at Libthe start. Gandhi took the lead of erty Hall there was the parade and the procession as it began its long Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN review throughout the streets of trip to Jalalpur. Each volunteer Panama Harlem, in which 60, 000 members of carried a staff and a kit bag containthe organization, along with the le ing only what was absolutely necesOO Selection of 100 10 POE ODIO!
gionary and uniform ranks, includ sary for the trip. Hundreds of people ing Black Cross nurse motor corps, marched in their wake and police Juvenile and African Guards march. contented themselves with maintained. The military spectacle of these ing control of traffic. Everyhing thus JUST RECEIVED auxiliaries was wonderful. Eighteen far has passed off peacefully. It is bands of music were in line and noteworthy that the Moslems of the Custom Tailor marched.
community abstained from demonFully 30, 000 people saw the pastrations.
rade from the streets and homes in Mahatma Ghandhi is leading his Harlem. The demonstration was of people in a very systematic way, one such as never seen in Harlem before cannot but admire his skill and tact and probably not to be seen again. in bringing around the people to the NO: CALIDONIA PHONE 569 The parade started at o clock and fighting point.
CRICKET! CRICKET. Dr. Leo Pink. Dentist Get a copy of the West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 CALL AT THE Panama Hardware The morning service at Liberty Mahatma Gandhi LOCKS of every description also the Finest ARTIZAN TOOLS FLYNCH Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere English and American Styles

    EnglandFranceItalyWorking ClassWorld War

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