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Almost brutal in appearance, in After four years, of worshipping Englishmen Makes Record Score Wade human in thoughts, Dolozes Brown in the unfinished building, of the Si.
in First inning created a scene at 13th and street Joseph Church, Colon the worshipThe valedictory service held on Rev. Wade work as a Pastor, he late last week, when she slapped, kic pers the majority, West Indian St. writing in the Jamaica CLASSIC INNINGS Monday night last at the Panama mentioned his wife, Mrs. ked, bit, and cursed and threw salt Negroes will have within the next Gleaner of the 5th and 7th instants Like his first 150 on Thursday his Wesleyan Church in honor of the Wade, who in his opinion, must have and black pepper in the eyes of her five months, a sixty five thousand gives the following resume of the batting yes. erday was classic almost Rov. Wade who, for the past been responsible to a great extent, mother Miss Dixon. The story as told dollar building which will stand out progress of the Fourth test match every stroke might have been taken five years, held the office of Superin for the success of the Rev, and by the Dixon woman is, that the early as a monumental achievement of the played in that island:as a model of how that particular tendent of the Panama Colon circuit his work. He referred to him as a part of the same day, Dolores who negro Roman Catholics of this city.
scroke should be played, whether in of Wesleyan Methorism on the Isth. fine type of man and one whom he lives at home with her, was peacefully The St. Joseph Church, was for Yesterday saw cricket history atuack or defence.
mus, and who left for England on will not easily forget.
smoking the dreaded Ganjah in the merly situated at 15 Street and made at Sabina Park, when the Eng His strokes through cover were Wednesday last on furlough, was in Mr. Walters of La Boca was room, the mother took exceptions to Broadway now occupied by Powell lish side carried their overnight score again his most prolific scoring shots, every way a unique affair. next to speak; he eulogized the the practice of Dolores smoking and Garage. It was then a small wooden of 289 for one, to 700 for this but yesterday he treated us to many The chairman of the evening was pastor a great deal, and on behalf seized the ganjah cigarrettes and building, after years of labour, suffi being the highest score ever made beauciully timed late cuts as well.
the Rev. Cousins of Holy of the La Boca congregation, he read threw them through the window. cient funds were raised by the mem in a Test match yet; the next highest Watching him one does not see the Trinity Wesleyan Church (Colon) an address, and presented the Rev. Dolores became enraged at herbers, and the new building was com being 600, made by Australia against variety of shots of Hendren, or the who in this capacity, and for such an Wade with a purse. Mr. Fuller mothers action, backed out into the menced in 1925. Forty six thousand England. powerful hitting of Ames, but one occasion, was haardly ever heard to of Paraiso spoke next his remarks streets, and gave the mother an dollars were expended in the erection RECORDS SMASHED BY could say with safety that practicalbetter advantage.
were based on the same principles as oral lashing, using as her whip the of the first floor and it will take SANDHAM ly every ball gets the stroke that it In addition to this record for a side, calls for according to the just canons While there was a note of sadness the foregoing speakers. He also most dastardly expressions. The about nineteen thousand dollars to in the meeting, the chairman carried presented a momento on behalf of the mother not being able to tolerate complete the top floor, which will be Andy Sandham wonderful score of of batsmanship. That is the strength through in a most admirable manner.
Paraiso congregation 809 not oui, smashes many individual of Sandham stroke equipment more of the insults and disgrace that really the church.
The scripture lesson for the evening Mr. Harris, steward of the was hurled upon her head by this The inside fixtures, such as organ, records. perfect correctness of stroke and he was read by Mr. Harris and Panama Wesleyan Church spoke of wanton daughter approached her, altars benches etc. is estimated to It is the highest individual score allies to this a most extraordinarily ever made in the sterling qualities of the Rev. with the intention of administering cost one hundred thousand dollars.
Test mateh, the equable temperament. At the open prayer was offered by Mr. Walters of the La Böca Wesleyan Wade; his work on the a spanking, but this 16 year old de It is suggested that the first floor previous best being 287 by ing of his innings he is just as couChurch.
Isthmus in general, but chiefly in generate roughly attacked the mother which is now used as the church, will oster, made agamst Australia about hdunt as when he bas maue 100, and connection with the Panama Church with the above stated results, the be used for a High school.
1910 or 11. It is the highest inOn the platform were the Rev.
when he bas made 800 it is just as wh ch, during the last five yours, has mother in order to save herself reH. Marshall of the Balboa Union The brain and energy behind the dividual score made in the West Inhard to tempt him as when he has Church, Row. Wado, Mr. undergone complete renovation, and sorted to the troo use of her head. accomplishment is the veteran Father dies in any match Tarilton holding inade 60.
Richards of the Army and Navy it now a building of which its memAt this functure, the gathering of the Burns, Thomas, Teacher Kerr, the previous record with 304 not out If he has a discernible weakness He Quinland, Galindo and others. made for Barbados against Demerara it is for trying to make his favourite too, on behalf of the Panama K. Walters and Puller (ste.
which has stood for about 15 years. turn to leg early in an innings before gregation, presented a purse.
werde. It is the highest score made by his eye is thoroughly in, with the The Rav. Wade was last to speak The Rev. Cousins at this point, any player in any side in the present possible result of finding himself in made reference to Rov. Wade and, altho he admitted that it was tour, Hendren holding the previous front to a straight one, but you ve as being not only a Superintendent not easy to find words on such an best with 257 the highest made in got to be a very fine bowler to send of the Circuit, but his personal friend, vecasion, expressed himself as being a Test match during the present tour, down just the one that will tempt him at just the right time.
sentiments from representatives of to his coming to the Colon Church.
209; it is the highest ever AMES VIGOROUS DRIVES Mr. Richards next spoke and em the congregation and friends on hia As the tow line of the Majestic in Jamaica in any class of cricket, Patsy treated us to a delightful phasized the fact, that the Wesleyan behalf.
Perey Holmes having the previous exhibition of all round play, with congregation on the Isthmus and the The vested choir supplied the pier and gently pulled along side, best with 244; and, at last but not some real fireworks on the leg side.
Rav. Wade friends, will always have music for the occasion, and sang most while from her port side hundreds DEMAND.
FEE least, Andy beats his owa best score lie can, and does, hook. glide or pull happy memories of him.
the parting hymn of eager faces, were seen looking which was 297.
any ball that ventures near the leg The Rev. Marshall spoke next, in from the Methodist Hymnal Lord down on the crowds that assembled For Identification Card, The famous Greek coonquerer, stump, and if these orthodox shots addition and in connection with the dismiss us with thy blessing. on the docks, the music the remnant Strongly Resented by Alexander the Great, wept becausd aren sufficient to the occasion he of the once Municipal band of Colon, Chinese there were no worlds leít to conquer wh broom you one in a way to played a catchy Fox trot, as the. the famous Surrey batsman Alex. compel even Pass envy.
Bonstswain ordered the gang way The decree now in force ander the Little; may well weep now, For powerful, clean hitting of the lewered, and the returning Athletes with regards to the re because there are no more records sort that gives the fielders no chance, to the Pan American Olympics step registration of Chinese in left to break. Continued on page 6)
ped gaily to the docks.
Panama will not be altered, Wome Barris, hoc est en bolowe believe this proud ohne (Continued on rage 8)
Panama Athletes on Arrival at Colon and also spoke of his instrumentality eventily disappointed with the periode Is Interviewed by our Correspondent Bosht holding materie previous bet male steamer Ulun, was thrown on the CHINESE LEGATION; babe porte pathetically Reception Service at Panama Wesley For the Rev. Wright Large Gathering at Colon Wesleyan Church Su braced. who Leaves the Isthmus.
municipal Council greeted the boys the Foreign Office to an Following the departure of the Walters who represented the in Royal fashion, while cameras evening newspaper.
Rov. Wade (late superin Paraiso Church in the absence of Mr. clipped, and friends and family emIn accordance with Dr.
tendent of the Panama Colon Circuit Fuller, Arosemena declaration, of Wesleyon Methodism. a reception After the processional hymn, Mr. The following questionare, was the chinese must continue to To Take Leave of Rev. Wade service was held on Thursday night Walters, circuit steward, was then submitted to several of the reget their identification last in the Panama Wesleyan Church asked to lead in Prayer.
turned athletes, by one of our corre cards from the chinese Legfor the Rev. Wright, the newly The Rev. Wright was refered to by spondents.
ation before they can reappointed minister to the circuit, and the Rev. Cousins as one who is Was your voyage from Colon to ceive their new cedulas.
Colon April On Tuesday eve Wade, Rev. Cousins, at which the Rev. Cousins of always right, and when taking into Havana pleasant? Hell, no.
very large Mr. Cunningham of the Army and It also appears that the con ning last there was a the Holy Trinity Church (Colon) consideration the rites of the Church Were any of the Athletes sick on tention of the opposing fac gathering at Trinity Wesley Church, Navy Mr. Milling presided as Chairman for the eve and the right he has in being on the board between here and Cuba? Yes tion headed by Li Ying assembled to do honour to the Rev. ton, Dr. Moodie, Mr, Henry ning Isthmus now, it was concluded that several.
against the Legation was Wade Superintendent of the Hill, Mr. Airall and Mr. Nathan The platform was occupied by the the Rev. was rightly called Rev.
Was there any convenience on not received with favor by Panama Colon Circuit on the eve of Turner.
Revs. Cousins and Wright, Wright.
hoard for exercises? And was it the Foreign Office his departure to his home, Bristol, The singing of the Hymn No. 660.
Messrs Harris and Wal Mr. Harris who represented the opened to the Athletes. No. One However, it is understood England after serving over years followed by scripture reading by ter (stewards) and Adjutant Nor Panama Wesleyan Church expressed could hardly stand their feet. that the Foreign Office sent on the Isthmus.
Mr. Moodie and prayer by Mr. Milbeng of the Salvation Army and Mr. ContPage Continued on page Continued on Page 81 On the platform were the Rev. Continued on page 1). Aital and so


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