
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1990 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS Jamaica Trinidad The Political Copper Mining Labourers Unrest In Prospects Strike The Island LOCAL NEWSPAPER APPEALS TO POLITICIANS ST. LUCIA Time to Stari Development Work His Excellency Meets AT CEDAR HURST The Port of Spain Gazette of March 14, states that over one hunInterested Parties Visit died labourers of the St. Anns and Mining District Diego Martin Local Road Board have Writing editorially on March 12th, do not advocate any obstacles being gone on strike the Voice says: placed in the way of would be emiA representative of the Jamaica This strike follows upona potition Since the beginning of this month, grants but we do urge the authoriMail accompanied by two men, exfor an increase of pay, presented on two hundred and thirty thre. men ties to expedite the beginning of To Weigh Carefully Everyties of the situation may be bestperienced and interested in mining, the 8th February last and published and women (28 women and 210 men) the works bearing in mind the great Scheme and Save Country and, indeed, easily met by a frank went over to Cedar Hurst on Wed in the columns of the Gazette.
have left this Colony presumably need of our people and the utter from Disaster Lying acceptance of the unpalatable fact nesday to see the copper prospects. In this petition, the labourers asked for Martinique, but actually, it is inability of the Government to place Ahead that in times of the depression reIt was agreed by those who saw for an increase on their daily pay of alleged, for Maracaibo, Venezuela. anyone on the dele.
trenchment in every direction coupled the place where Capt. Gully was 50 cents which, it was alleged, was We have reproduced in these columns The Agricultural Reporter of the with some scrifice of income wages, working, that the vein is about four insufficient to meet their family despatch stating that coloured 15th March writing editorially on the or dividends, is the price that must feet wide with two foot enrich responsibilities, which entailed about West Indians are not permitted to political situation of that island be paid for salvation. We see no ment. It is evident that values are 11 hours work daily and the departure land in Venezuela. We have read a says:reason whatever to accept the advice there; the gront question is, and al from their homes at such an early despatch from the Britis Consul With Accident There is an impression abroad in some quarters expressed that we at Maracaibo to the Governor of which is not altogether true that the must wait and see. The position ways has been, how much. Until hour as to make the cultivation of a actual digging is done, no one can kitchen garden impossible, Barbados to the effect that there is political complexion of the House has is simple to our minds, Budget or no The same few days ago, not having receiv scarcity of work for West Indians paper of even date been so long conservative, and so Budget, a subsidy to the sugar intus say whether it will go to depth. The ed an encouraging reply to their and that much distress prevalle. In says: free from the incursion of radical try may be expected of the Labour opinion was expressed by one of the men that it the vein did not pinchpetition, several labourers in the spite of these truths our fellow St. We learn that last Saturday eveelements, that its Members have Government. But, as we are never Laelans are locking to that place. ning, when crossing the drawing billed themselves into the sense of weary of repeating this will make out, it would have to be followed down Santa Cruz section struck.
by a shaft. tunnel into the moun On Monday last, they were followed We hear a rumour to the effect that room at Government House, His Exsecurity that comes from the lack of our position no better than it was tain would be following a wrong by an even larger number in the the brother of the President of Ven celleney the Governor, stepped on a opposition. In the past two decades last year. It will merely prevent lead.
Diego Martin section.
exuela who is a large landed pro small rug carpet which slipped from as a general rule whenever the House complete disaster from overtaking divided sharply over disputed ques It is stated that on Saturday last prietor, has permission from the under him on the highly polished the whole industry. It will still re In spite of the surface showing on tions of policy, the divergence was main our duty to put our finances on a property in St. Mary where work there was an attempt at a demon President to import labourers for his floor and caused him to lose his estates and he is stealing mareh balance. Being a heavy man and of due rather to temperamental dif sound basis for the future. It will is going on, having been poorer than stration at Diego Martin.
ferences than to opposing schools of still be necessary to place the burden they are at Cedar Hurst, very little Over a hundred workmen are reon the other landed proprietors by an age when no longer in possession thought.
of taxation equitably on the should work attracted the attention of two ported to be idle as the result of this taking full advantage of the permis. of youthful agility, he as unable to sion granted.
recover his balance and came down The result we 860 today in the ors of those best fitted to bear it mining engineers who at once secur strike.
All this may or may not be true heavily on his right hip and has since provailing political unrest (which has ed a two years working option on the but this is pointed out to us as given the quietus for a decade to MESSAGE OF SYMPATHY place. They consider that they have been laid up. At first, due to his fact: no Martiniquans are included suffering it was thought that the hip conservative representation) in the a good proposition, and yet the British Guiana in the number of men and women Parish of St. Michael, and to the was broken or dislocated, but we can The Barbados Herald states. original showing was poorer than which wils from Martinique to happily state that a medical examgradual spread of more liberal and The following is a copy of a telegram that at Cedar Hurst.
even radical ideas in other parishes. despatched by His Excellency the Venezuela and Curacao. With the ination has revealed only, contusion It is hoped that in the near future UNEMPLOYMENT IN The future alone will show how far Governor to the British Ambassador, active operations will start at Cedar THE COLONY projected opening up of roads and and shock. Although making all the other work in connection with the beneficial to the community is this Washington.
Hurst to prove whether surface political evolution which was inovi 10th, Mareh Shall be grateful if showing of copper extend sufficiently The Daily Chronicle. of Demera grants made by the Colonial de progress desirable under the circumtable sooner or later. Disease is as ra, in the course of a leading article velopment Fund that ought to be stances, he will not be to attend the Legislative Council meeting on you will kindly express the deep to make it a paying proposition.
in its issue of March 12th observes: begun shortly, there ought to be Friday. It is hoped he will be able Mr. Graham Yearwood reminded the sympathy of the Government and House quite possible if our finances people of Barbados as well as of myIn spite of the trying times through employment for a goodly number of our people and we do not think it to meet the Council to deliver his become involved and we overspend. sell with the President and people of which we are passing, and the urgent our firms this morning by letters, We may it our leader bring us to the necessity with everyone admits exis a wino move for such an exodus address and go through the 1980 the United States and the family of of the present condition which we to be encouraged to continue. Estimates a week later.
brink of bankruptcy. find ourselves ists for doing something to create the late Mr. Tatt in the loss which want amended.
like British Guiana bereft of our they have sustained by his death. Continued or Page 1) Lowering the present time constitution, but this unmitigated evil Governor a. to p. to a. to Crown Colony Government, will come not so much, if at all, from the in Raising the present wages by of politi 00 more. We have also given them up to As whole conservative and liberal 16th March to consider. On the alike to look ahead to 10th and they do not decide, we PUT COUNTRY BEFORE SELF have made up our minds already or elmas and to be prepared to ruftor OR WILL GO ON STRIKE INCORPORATED 1869 to conse work on 16th March, it needs be rather than that community should sutter. We deprecáte Notice of Same Posted at Dated March, 3rd 1930.
elase feeling and class legislation.
The present rate of pay is 60 por Wharf We are opponent of anything trip for a 25 ton lighter manned by coming from conservative or liberal four men, and the demand as shown Barbados strange but not unoxin the above notice is for 60 per It matters not which is obviouslypected turn of events has taken trip. The existing time is a twelve PANAMA COLON inspired by or the product of class or place on the waterfront during the hour day to and double wagen Santa Ana Plena Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets racial feeling. For this reason we week. notice posted on an elec overtime.
appeal today to politicians of everytrie polo on the Whart was the first kind to weigh carefully as if it were intimation of any discontent among On enquiry yesterday represen solemn duty resting on their should lightermen. This threatening notice tative of this paper was informed ors, every scheme that may possibly read as follows: that the firms employing lightermen save us from the disaster that my be Take Notice Lightermen received certain anonymous letters lying ahead of us. For ourselves wo And be in the Right Spirit for containing the same threat as that in see no cause whatever for undge the wayside notice. the 16th Mareh.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including999 pessimism. We think that the realtIt is, however, thought that in view We have awakened; and notify of the present economic depression the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank his demand is an unreasonable one, is in a position to render the best possible service.
as the handling of produce at the FOR waterside is already an expensive item to be reckoned with in our sugar Antigua Dominica Mootorrat output. While it is hoped, that the Bahamas Grenada matter will be easily readjusted.
St. Kitts Advocate.
Barbado Jamaica (2)
St. Luda and British Honduras Trinidad (2)
British Guiana (2.
eian. from the failure of. How Deck Workers Want Mere Pay The Royal Bank of Canada Head Offico: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good see REID HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST One of the immediate consequences of the awakened political consciousness of the community, observes the Barbados Herald as manifested in the last election has been of a recent date, the hundred per cent attendence of members of the House of Assembly at the two last sittings of that body. Last Tueday and the meeting (Continued on Page 7)
No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, PAID ON DEPOSITS General Banking Business Transacted.


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