
Alleged Slavery In Liberia INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE CONDITIONS THERE Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID WE BUY ANY OLD OR BROKEN IRONS apparent sincerity and loyalty; ness, organize yourselves to get ed by communism, artisans, labbut at the same time they should hold of each establishment; re ourers and domestic servants ETIQUETTE remember that their bosses sort to sabotage and arme if would be expected to run riot in have no interest in them; they necessary.
the city and other parts of the By Roberta colony. Thus, Kingston and the should, therefore, regard words Naturally while office staffs island in general, would teem How long should a bride of praise as gestures. Their line were engaged in the malicious with disorders, which would, in wait to return a call?
of conduct should be, Damn the waste, or destruction of their the language of Otto Huiswood, If a an eets a man ac employer; undermine his busi employers property, a prescrib mean serious clashes with the quaintance in a restaurant, Liberia, Four months has been recruited and employpolice.
should she let him pay the bill?
have been allowed the Interna. ed.
But no one has been found to Is it good form to repeat the tional Commission of Inquiry PROBE FERNANDO POO organize typists and other clerks name of a person just introduced FOR into the alleged conditions of To shed light on the reported in commercial establishments.
to you?
slavery in Liberia to complete shipment of slaves to Fernando Men of intelligence who entered its investigation and a report Poo, the commission has been the Trades and Labour Union How large should individual and recommendations must be ordered to find out whether or left after Huiswood had told tips be after a long stay at a in the hands of the Liberian not the shipment of contract laand them what was behind his mis hotel?
Secretary of States one month borers to that territory under sion to Jamaica. The union is What color should a debutaftler.
the terms of arrangement with but six hundred strong; and ante wear at her coming out reThe commission has already Spain, or shipment of such laborthere is no reason to believe that ception?
been empowered to issue sum ers to the Congo or any other it favours communism.
see At an elaborate dinner, what mong for witnesses and to en foreign parts associated with force the attendance of such wit slavery and whether the method PALAIS ROYAL course is preceded by the first nesses under provisions of the employed in recruiting such laFOR entree?
law of 1926, defining the powers borers carries any compulsion.
SUITS Is an answer to an invitation of the investigating group. That the government intends to to tea required?
GOVERNMENT SHOWS throw the investigator search No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. When in conversation with HANDS light upon private individuals as BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Panama, someone not so well known to The Liberian government, in well as the government, is seen ADVERTISERS AND GET you, what important thing view of the removal of all doubts in the request that the commisVALUR FOR YOUR MONEY should be avoided. with respect to the existence of sion report whether and what What is the most approslavery within the territories of leading citizens of the country LATEST priate form of gift at a christthe republic, has outlined for the have been participating in the investigating commissioners cer trafficking of human bodies. Inening?
tain leads along which they have quiry is also to be made as to 10. Should a wine ever visit her already begun to conduct their whether the Liberian governhusband office unless absoluteinquiry. That the governmentment has at any time given sancly necessary?
feels that its hands are clean is tion or approval to the recruit11. What is a demi tasse?
evidenced in the stipulation that ing of labor with the aid and the commission report as to assistance of the Liberian Fron 12. When one does not wish to whether slavery, as refined in tier Force.
carry money with him in travelthe Anti Slavery Convention of TO CONSIDER RECOMMENing, what is a safe method for 1926, does exist and whether or DATIONS conveying funds. not the government of Liberia If private individuals or other 13. How may one ignore an is participating in it or encour persons holding official positions undesirable acquaintance met in aging it.
or in government employ have The commissioners have been been implicated in such recruitFor Seventy Five cents each if you a public place?
asked to ascertain to what ex ing, the commission is expected 14. May the best man at tent compulsory labor exists as to report it. Such recommenda buy a New THERMAX Iron from us.
wedding be a married man?
a factor in the social and indus tions as the commission may 15. What kind of slippers should trial economy of the state, either make will be given due considera woman wear at dinner?
for private or public purposes, and ation, government officials have if it does exist, in what manner it informed.
16. What is the proper hour for the Sunday night supper?
17. When one is asked some OF THERMAX IRONS 75 information by a stranger, what should he do?
at Jamaica 18. Should a man hold his hat (Continued from page 1)
in his hand when in a shop with activities of Field Organizer of sending a delegate from the a woman?
Huiswood and his communist society which he was bent upon Answers society in America that is as forming, and which he actually far their operations relate to formed here, to the International Not longer than two weeks.
Price Only No, unless he has specially inJamaica. On his last visit, the Negro Communist Conference field worker was accompanied which is fixed for next month vited her to join him. Yes.
by his wife. It is interesting to in London. It is presumed that They should total about 10 per cent of the amount of the bill.
note that both of them received the British Government will White. Meat. No, it is una course of instruction in com prevent the holding of the Conmunism and the spread of the ference in that country, in which necessary. The asking of perBroken Iron. any sort of sonal questions. Money. 10.
dangerous doctrine in Russia, case the delegate from Jamaica No; for it embarrasses him not which country they visited some sailed two weeks ago with inIron Accepted)
time ago. Huiswood commis structions to go on to Hamburg to show his wife every attention and therefore distracts his mind sion which is signed by Joseph if he is denied admission to Engfrom his work. 11. It is a small Stallin, of the Soviet Goverland. Huiswood, as already statcup, generally used for the after ment at Moscow, and which he ed, went from Jamaica to Tridinner coffee. 12. Either by trarbrought with him on his first nidad from which island he was This sale Positively ends July 1st or eler cheques or a letter of visit to this island in August expelled by the police.
last year when he came credit. 13. By averting the eyes.
under Before if all our irons are sold out.
SENT TO JAMAICA 14. The groom chooses his best the guise of a delegate to the Convention of the We come to the circulation of friend to act as best man, irrespective of whether he is mar is printed on art paper. It reads: communistic literature in King This admits Otto Huiswood to ston, and possibly, other sections ried or not. 15. Satin. 16. Seven o clock. 17. Be as cheerful as membership of the executive of the island. Copies of The committee of the Union of the Liberator, the organ of negro You can iron electrically in comfort for only possible and give him the formation in a courteous manSocialist Soviet Republic of Rus communists in America, come sia. JOSEPH STALLIN. here through the Post Office.
ner. 18. No.
Before coming to Kingston Literature that has its origin in few months ago, Huiswood and Moscow, and which is printed in his wife proceeded to Haiti in English, has been sent here in FOR the interest of communism; but the hope that it would convert then that country was under typists, clerks and other workers SUITS martial law owing to an out to the dangerous doctrine of break against American domina ammunism and world revolu PALAIS ROYAL tion, and so they failed to or tion in favour of the proletariat.
ganize a following. The pair One set of documents received travelled by aeroplane to Cuba. here contained instructions to In the latter republic their stay typists and clerks, generally, how Small was limited to a couple of days. they should proceed to underThe Cuban authorities were mine the influence and authority DENTIST wide awake and so they thought of their employers. For instance, MASONIC TEMPLE it advisable to quit the country. these workers in commercial Office Hours:8, a to 2pm Their next place of call was establishments should, in the. 30 to 30 pm AT YOUR SERVICE Sundays, by Special Appointment event of employers Kingston offering Masonic Temploitth Huiswood brought with him them commendation for their O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Soviet money to defray the cost work, receive such, remarks with PHONE: 1684 One Regular Price Further Details of Communism SPECIAL SALE CASH and Your Old or 300 AGT NOW!
inten cents for four hours if you use the RESIDENCE COMBINATION RATE FOR LIGHTING IRONING.

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