
FAST ALLTILASTELE LASTEALTH BESTELLEN British Motor Cars Again riumph YZERETETTEL ODO TODO TODO TODO 10 DO British Guiana Chamber of IN THE GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE ENDURANCE RACE FIRST FOUR CARS IN RACE BRITISH MAKE GOOD JOB PRINTING ODO 10 POE 10 DOI 1000 200 0101 plays a very important part in the success of your business (Continued from Page 2)
ly, TRADE AGREEMENT letter from the Government forwarding copy of a telegram from the Governor of Trinidad to the Governor of British Gujana, suggesting a conference of the Colonies which are par ties to the Canada West Indies Trade Agreement with the object of taking steps to obtain a revision of the Agreement by extending prefernces for the mutual benefit of the contract.
ing parties, was considered. The letter also invited the Chamber to nominate a delegate to be sent to a conference at Trinidad at which the colony has been asked to send two delegates representing the Administration of the Chamber of Commerce.
After discussion Mr. WS. es was proposed by Mrd Aguilar and seconded by Mr.
Seaford. This nomination was carried unanimously.
It was decided to reply norinating Mr. Jones and stating that the Chamber thought the expenses should be borne by the government as such expense should be a Colonial matter. The Daily Argosy.
LONDON, June 23. For four Successive years British cars triumphed in the twentyfour hours Grand Prix de France en durance race at Le Mans, France yesterday.
The victory was more complete than ever before.
The first four cars to finish were all British. The results were, first a Bentley driven by Captain Woolf Barnato and Lieutenant Commander Kidson average speed seventy six miles hourly. Second, a Bentley aver age seventy three miles. Third a Talbot average sixtynine miles.
Fourth a Talbot average sixtyeight miles. The Bentleys had a terrific struggle with a German Mercedes Benz driven by Caracciola Bitkin driving one of five Bentleys immediately challenged Caracciola and broke the record for a lap but burst a tyre which lost him the leading position.
Other Bentleys took up the challenge and after eleven hours fight the Mercedes retired owing to engine trouble. Thereafter the victory for the British cars was assured.
Of seventeen starters, repre senting five nations, nine finished. An Alfa Romeo driven by English drivers was English drivers was fifth. The British Lea Francis 6th. Bugatti 7th, a Tracta 8th, and a Tracta ninth.
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS TO GET GOOD WORK DONE With the Sages We do only the BEST We are ruined not by what we need, but by what we think we Roed.
at Reasonable PRICES at Our character is our will what we will, we are.
Trinidad Electric Company If the man who did things talked half as much as the man who knows how things ought to be done, life would not be worth living.
We shall make matters not better but worse if to cure one wrong we establish another.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Biography teaches us that character and will can transform the most ordinary material into a great destiny undo every Your tongue can thing you do. Continued from Page 2)
and the exclusive right granted them for 30 years was merely in addition to the existing right.
They characterise the franchise as old fashioned, and stated that they had offered certain terms of the Government who refused to act in the matter.
SUIT IS FILED later despatch from Trinidad states that Mr. Solicitor.
Kelshall has filed a suit on be half of the company in the Supreme Court to determine the status of the company with regard to the tramways and lighting services of Port of Spain.
The action is against the Attorney General and the Mayor, Alderman and citizens of the city of Port of Spain claiming a Tuing on many important points bear ing on the question of the perpetuity of the franchise.
The municipality of Port ofSpain desires to acquire the tramway and lighting concession and operate each as a going concern.
72 Carlos Mendoza. Ştreet NEAR JAVILLO Words are little things, but they strike very hard. Use them with care.
The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavour to be what you desire to appear.
RUBBER STAMPS Always look forward confidently to the future. Never look back regretfully at the past, Never confide your secrets to paper; it is like throwing a stone in the air you do not know where it may fall.
Manufactured to Order There is something in every man which, if you knew, you would love him for it.
St. Lucia Our Visitors AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking. Continued from Page 2)
It would be wise on the part of the management of the Steamship Companies if they would foster auch interchange of visits by offering a special discount to week end trippers between the Islands to parties of six and over during the Summer months when there is no tourist trade.
Firm adherence to duty car enable a man to do without praise, or encouragement or adulation from man.


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