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PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930 HEALTH RELEASES 10DOE FURREALITATEA GRENADA PODO Spanish Priest Long Distance GOOD JOB PRINTING. ODOLOROSODOC 2000 10 DO 2DOE 2000 MO (Continued from Page 2) engines. Her cruising speed is 100 but she can do 125 miles an hour. In keeping with their policy of safty first the plane is equipped with collapsible boats capable of holding 30 persons and carries extra stores for at least 15 days, in case of a forced landing. Of course, said Pilot Cobb in ex plaining before that time exour wireless operator would have got in touch with a ship or our land station.
pired plays a very important part in the success of your business AGRICULTURE IN GRENADA THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS At a recent meeting of the Board of Agriculture of Grenada, says the West Indian. a scheme for a stock and dairy farm was discussed and a subcommittee was appointed to consider the matter more fully with Captain Metiver of the Trinidad Stock Department on his to Grenada during the course of this month.
The Board agreed to recommend to Government that legislətion to provide for the grading of fruit and vegetables should be introduced and that a standard registration mark should be used.
The Board proposed to recommend to Government that 100 be allocated annually for the repurchase of peasant lots coming on the markets.
TO GET GOOD WORK DONE We do only the BEST SPICE GROWERS OF GRENADA at Reasonable PRICES at The Grenada Spice Growers Cooperative Association brought their campaign to a close on Wednesday with a meeting at the Beaulieu Catholic School which in spite of the inclement weather was well attended.
After the Associations programme had been fully explain ed a number of those present signed the forms expressing their readiness to support the scheme proposed. It is to be hoped that the Association will keep peggins away, as no matter what action the Government may or may not take in the matter the success of the movement will still depend, to an increasing extent, upon the whole hearted co operation of all elections of the industry (Continued from page 3)
a band of pilgrims, young men and women, bound for Lisieux, in Normandy Ho remained in Paris however, while the remainder of the party went to Lisieux. He joined them again on their return here last Saturday. Last night he astonished the hotelkeeper by going out dressed in sports costume, whereas until then he had always worn his clerical dress.
SOUND OF MOANING janitrix in the Rue Blottiere heard the sound of moaning outside her widow at two o clock this morning, but paid no attention to it. At five o clock a man passing through the street discovered the body, and instantly alarmed the police few hours later this morning a young Spanish woman called at the priest hotel and inquired for him. She was greatly upset when she heard he had been shot and killed, and hurried away sobbing without leaving her address.
The police are now combing the city for her, as they believe she may be able to throw light on th priest mysterious end. At the same time they are questioning the members of the abbe band of pilgrims.
DOUBLE LIFE PARIS, July 15 The double life led by the priest, Abbe Cypriano Etcheverria, who was found murdered in an obscure Paris street early on Monday morning, wearing a sports out fit with a woman fingerprints stamped in blood on his white shirt, is being traced step by step in the night clubs of Montmartre and Montparnasse. young Spanish woman who was seen with him in a number of danec halls shortly before his death has not, however, yet been found The investigations have reveal ed a pathetic story of how a priest succumbed to the tempta tions of modern Babylon Vicar of a fashionable parish near St. Sebastian, the Abbe Etch everria was chosen as one of the guides of a reigious pilgrimage of Lisieux, in Normandy.
PILGRIMS DECEIVED He left home one day in advance of the pilgrims, and arriving in Paris, bought himself some clothes, took rooms that the best detectives of Paris have So far failed to discover. and went out to see the sights.
The next morning, however, when the pilgrimage arrived, he was on the station platform as though he had just arrived also Members of the pilgrimage told the police to day that they had not noticed him on the train, but he had assured them that he was there all the same.
He also took a room at an hotel near the pilrims, but still kept his private lodgings.
After the pilgrims had left for Lisieux, the abbe continued his adventures in Montmartre and Montparnasse.
On Sunday night Several Spanish servant girls from the same town, who had heard of his arrival, went to his hotel to inquire about their families.
He was just dressing to go out again, and so he said. My children, am in the midst of prayer, and it is impos sible for me to see you. Please come to morrow.
When the girls came the next morning they learned that he had been murdered during the night.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO MATIVALR ST, LUCIA Federation of RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured to Order (Continued from Page 2)
franchise; a say in our own affairs; the amelioration of the very bad conditions under which the masses existat present; more of our Revenue spent for the improvement of local conditions and less spent of officials with high sounding names and in some cases, not much brains. We. want improvement all round. To obtain these we must go out for them. We must sink our differ is ences if any. If we are divided. we are lost. If we are to wait. until the masses are educatied politically; we might have to wait in vain. Our aim is Federa. tion of these islands as a preliminary step in obtainning greater things. Let us cease bikering and move towards the goal.
stone GIVE US TRIAL ab AND BE CONVINCED AMAVAT 102 Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ifth St, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: 1664 OFFICE DENTIST HOWELL House No. 912 La Roca Canal Zone AN 10 DIOR be ODO FERIE SALAT RRRRRRR
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