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Zapo. 110 Dr. Fairweather. 120. 130. 108 FLFELELAHI THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930 Another Good PANAMA WESLEYAN CE. was also discussed.
Colonial Ball by St. Workers condition Colombian SOCIETY Beautiful hymns and papers Race Program on missions, contributed by mem Lucian Society Government (Continued from page 1) bers of the Society, made an en(Continued from page 1)
According to the subjoined pro He regretted very much how lit. joyable programme which is ap grand Colonial Ball will be al peoples (India, Indo China, Continued from Page 1)
gram, tomorrow horse races ilé sympathy is shown at pres pended as follows.
staged by the United Friendly etc. had failed to carry out its agree look like another big event, bid ont (by members of the Panama Hymn 1090 Society for St. Lucians, No. Patterson of the American ment with regard to the adop ding fair to eclipse last Sun Church) on behalf of foreign Scripture Reading Psalm 107 on Saturday night at p. in iegro Labor Congress made an tion of a collective day meet. There are eight races missions and added that if a sim 16 Mr.
Broadley the Liberty Hall of the appeal for a vigorous scheme that would provide listed and each event is likely to ilar attitude had been taken by Prayer Mrs. Ada Stevens at Sth Street and Hudson struggle against forced labor and compensation for workers who create a thrill.
the missionary society in Eng No Minutes Lane.
poll tax. He warned the Negro were injured while in the Here is the program ste for land many years ago with resHymn 1084 Invitations for the Ball are ble workers against the legislative til vice of the company. The Minis yourself: pect to the work on the Isth Reading The Cross Miss ing sent to the different Colonial lusions deliberately created by ter was further questioned as to 1st Race Furlongs mus the present progress of Anita Harewood Sucieties and friends of the the League of Nations and the whether or not he had know1 Sibarita 112 which Wesleyan members can International members to take part in it. AtHymn 1070 Labor office ledge of authenticated reports bing Water 126 now boast, could never have been Reading The Power of the tending to the music will be the and called upon them to that labourers were being fined De Eraesto Black Water Cross Miss Alice King resort to direct action to recover Lawson Jazz Pilots who have and otherwise punished by Half Rate. 108 The work in connection with Reading The Cross on the been engaged to play for that their lands, refuse to pay taxes American bosses in the compa Marcial Miss Hilda night.
or rent, repudiate indentures, to ny plantations, Those the Valient mission which is be Leper Church who Don Simon ing carried on in Bocas Del To Forthe The members of the Dance fight against the pass and the turned out to work a few minto by the Rev. Ephraim Alfonze compound system, Mrs. Maud Bishop Committee are doing everything against their tribal chiefs who to forfeit a portion of their Solo fight utes after a. were ordered 2nd Race Furlongs Reading Among the Valiente possible to give their guests an Indians of Central America are agents of the imperialists.
114 enjoyable time, and it is expectpay. This was stigmatised by the Trigo 126 ed over to the proper authorities Miss Myers Representative as harsh Special resolutions were pass treat.
ed that most of the societies will Hot Water 100 in charge of this, worthy cause.
President Closing Remarks. 124 Le represented as this will bring ed against lynching and against ment something that was out5 Rippling Water It is therefore expected that a side the province of any organiBenediction the white terror in the them to know each other better, Orange Crush record crowd will be there. It is. 112 Mizhap and teach fraternal friendship protesting against the McDonald zation outside the courts of the understood that tickets have government for refusing permis republic to enforce.
been going fast and this is somesion to hold the conference in The Minister of Industry ad3rd Race Furlongs what reassuring that the attend Huerfano. 105 London, and against the Southmitted that he had heard of sice will be beyond expectation.
African and other governments the alleged abuses practiced up Lagrimita. 112 Honey Dew So better get busy and secure on labourers. Thereupon the As for refusal to grant passports.
Socia yours today as waiting for toPHYSICIAN sembly agreed that the Minister new Tunney. 110 national committee should place himself into tele morrow may cause inconve was fomed consisting of graphic communication with the neince.
HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Ford (USA. Hawkins (USA) Governor of the Department 4th Race Furlongs Promotor Sol has made every To. K STREET George Padmorte (USA. concerned to see that prompt Otelo. 114 preparation to handle the big Reid (West Indies) Cacaulay steps were taken by the divi Hindoo. 120 crowd expected and will be PANAMA CITY (Nigeria. Small (Gambia. Cartagena.
sional manager of the United Albert Noula Dunroi. 110 delighted to see you. South Africa) Fruit Company to protect la Kitty Gill. 126 Kouyate (French West Indies) bourers against destitution in Resolute. 100 Representatives from Haiti, Li the event of any of their number ESCLAILSELFELESLALALALALTY beria and East Africa are to be being injured while in the com added.
pany service, and, further, that 5th Race TRAINERS RACE The conference was marked the unlawful system of fines re1 Pereque, Rodriguez. 30 by enthusiasm and lasted threesorted to by the company should Palo Loco, Monroy days An official Fifth World forthwith be discontinued. Bright Nite, Jackson Congress of the Rilu as guests. Spectators in the Chamber ap Colombia, Davis Many accepted the invitation, plauded the House upon the de Scorpion, Gittens. AT: cision. Tarico, Brown. 28 CHAPTER 186 OF THE A. Ernest McKenzie 6th Race Furlongs Don Simon At the regular weekly meeting Cococha.
held under the auspicies of the (Continued on page 8) Mayara 4Sibarita 104 Garvey Club Inc. Aug. 1929 of left for the United States in El Major.
128 the world on Sunday last, at November 1916; arriving in that Half Rate. 100 liberty Hall 25th Street Guacha country on November 14th. He May. 114 pali, much enthusiasm was man.
was married in August of the ifested by the members and following year. He took out his 7th Race Furlongs friends of this division.
first papers in 1919, and received Hot Water.
his final papers in 1926. Zapo. WEIGHTS Secretary Greely opened the He graduated from the New Trigo.
DECLARED meeting with the singing of the York Evening High School BusTribunito Hymn from Greenland Icy iness Course in June 1923; and 60. Crush Mountains, while President from the academic course in Ramona. RACE Jeffers conducted the reli june 1927; afterwards studying Ripling Water.
gious section of the programme. Accountancy FEATURE EVENT: at City College The reading of the President (Evenng Course. In connection 8th Race Furlongs Excuse Me. 100 Hindoo, Maria Luisa.
the next item and was followed Kenzie attended the Cooper La Chiquilla.
Kitty Gill, by the singing of the Hymn School of Oratory and Debate, Rifle Father of all creation and an four year course. Saturday BContest. 118 address by Mrs. Gordon. Evenings) graduating in 1928; Caragena. 126 POST TIME 00 very interesting article from in the meantime attending the The Blackman dealing with Law School of the College of Big Fight Tomorrow the two Princes who visited Ja: St. John, graduating from that maica on special mission to the school with the degree of LL.
At last, the anxiously awaited Honorable Marcus Garvey was on June 12 of the present year.
fistic encounter between Kid read by Sec. Greely.
The accounting firm of which PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Herrera and Kid Mendoza for After the singing of the next joys a lucrative practice. Mr.
Mr. McKenzie is a member enthe Featherweight championCU hymn, Secretary Greely deliver McKenzie has already taken the ship of the Isthmus, comes off Tramcars direct to and from Track ed a very inspiring address foltomorrow at the Bull Ring.
lowed by another Hynm. An: bar examination of the State of This fight will be a fifteen round other address was then contri his being admitted to the bar, New York. and is confident of go and fight fans are assured buted by Miss Coward.
in which case he intends to prac one of the best bouts ever seen The singing of the national tice law in New York.
at the Bull Ring in many moons.
anthen and the Benediction hard and untiring worker, As has been generally adverbrought the meeting to a clase. who believes that success is tised the fight is intended to asAt tomorrow, another bound up in hard work, he is sist the Fund for providing milk HART. Manager meeting will take place in the ready to plunge into the big.
for the orphans of Panamahall when the public is cordially legal pond, where we hope he part of the proceeds will be turninvited. com will make a big splash.
HORSE RACING 40 45 62 18 70 102 122 130 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Aug. 24 Good aces AFTER 2ND Otelo, Cartagena, Resolute. 110 120 120 General Admission. 50c.


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