
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 4, 1930 PARA JAMAICA RRRRRR ODO 10D TODO ST. VINCENT New paper Strongly What Will Happen GOOD JOB PRINTING ODO ODOL 2000: ODOC OBO plays a very important part in the suco uccess of your business PRAE (Continued from page 2)
the setting up of a responsible authority to direct the affair of the Corporate Area, a com munication is being forwarded or has been, to a well known person in this city, not uncor nected with the Corporation Council, who has in the past served in an administrative ca pacity.
The representations of the Privy Council, on the recom mendations of the Commission, have it is understood been called to Sir Edward Stubbs, and the point taken, it is understood, is that as the Council of the Corpc ration would not be dissolved for more than two years and as the law lays it down that the Council comes into effect in the month of November, the move to dissolve it and set up a gov erning body would have to be so regulated that at the expiratior of two years the time would be ripe for a November election of the Corporation fathers. other wise between September and November there would be no municipal authority. To get over this, it would be necessary for the Legislature to amend the law which would not be possible within the time on hand, hence it is believed if dissolution be decided on it would not come in to effect before the end of Oc tober Just how far the above glean ings will be borne out remains to be seen, but the publication of the official report is being awaited with much interest.
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS (Continued from Page 2)
South Africa. In the case of Australia it was not isnularity but distance and difficulty of travel in those days. Ten years after American occupation the Philippines they were feder ated and those scattered little islands out in the South Pacific can boast OF THEIR OWN UNIVERSITY After more than a century of British occupation could it be considerand impractical to raise these colonies to Dominion Status? However practicable federation may be, one very great difficulty stands in the way gruping the Colonies Bringing Britis!
Guiana ta gether with Trini Trbadoe the Winward and Is lands would be tatter but we believe in of fusion, Jamai miles away grouped with Honduras e Bahamas and that group be Pated as New Zealand in relation to Aus tralia. This would be establishing two Dominions in the Caribbean but what does this matter since progress demands it? However confederation of the Caribbean colonies may seem far away yet, but it is, nevertheless occupying the minds of prominent British Statesmen and being fully sen sible of the benefits of accrue from it, the Press of the West Indies must assist in keeping the question alive here and in England. 2185 TO GET GOOD WORK DONE We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at BARBADOS Murder Charge Mr. Marcus Garvey Addresses Meeting At Port Antonio THE WORKMAN PRINTERY (Continued from Page 2)
Julia had been working. When the body was discovered and the people gathered around the Bcene a sister of Inez accus ed her of killing her moth er She at once began to beat her sister and had to be separated by Corpl Thompson It was then seen that the rings which Juliia had been wearing were not on her finger. plait of hair was also missed fror her head and it was seen that the skull was smashed Search revealed the missing plait of hair and the hoe with which Inez had been working hidden in a plantation pen. script was also found in the dead wom an hand. The script was re cognised to be in the handwrit ing of Inez and was supposed to be written to one Jackson After hearing other evidence His Worship remanded the ac cusd until the 10th instant.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS The Port Antonio Correspon dent to the Gleaner writing or the 15th ulto says. There was a large gathering at the Liberty Hall here yester day afternoon to hear a lecture from Councillor Marcus Garvey The meeting was presided over by Mr. Buchanan the local president of the here, who explained the rea son of the meeting and spoke on the subject, God has a plan for everyone. He then went. on to illustrate the lives of 7!
Moses and Joseph, showing that with all they had passed through God had a plan for them that was to heldp their people; therefore, since there was a plan for every man, God, he believed, had chosen one of the Negro race to guide their destiny. That per son was Marcus Garvey. short musical programme then followed, after which Mr.
Garvey arose amidst applause to address the gathering.
MR. GARVEY ADDRESS He expressed the pleasure it gave him to be present and took as his subject. The purpose of life. He said: When a man finde himself without a purpose in life, he is like a helmless vessel. having nothing to be guided by Among the races of the world, there is none so neglectful in this purpose as the Negro, race. 11 makes us unfortunate, and not till we select. live up to a purpose, will we be able to live like other racs.
He further went on to il lustrate the great achievements of the other nations and how they were assisted and inspired by, the women of their race, but the black race could show noth ing. He urged the negro people to wake up, and arise, so that when God came they would be able to give a good account of themselves. He stressed on the women to help the men by giv Manufactured to Order a AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE ing them good inspirations to have a set purpose of life. As men and women God created them for a purpose in life which they must try always to have refore their min Mr. Garveying and eloquent spex content with these words. Live for 501 bint have purpose And that purpose keep in view. Drift like an helm ess vessel Thou can st ne er to life be true.
Half the wrecks that strew life ocean If they had some star to guide Might have now been riding safely, But they drifted with the GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED tide.
The chairman then made his closing remarks, thanking all who had taken part in the or gramme, also all those who had at tended. The singing of the Ethiopian Anthem, and the Na tional Anthem, brouht an enjoy able evening to a close, 1000 moon RRRR 2006 ARRERAS


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