p. 8


Theatres Band The Causes That Future of the Race Unemployed Starts a 101 in tion.
urger the handicapping ward to and St.
HORSE RACING (Continued from Page 1)
Continued from Page 1)
At Juan Franco Track (Continued from page Continued from Page Continued from page 1)
vf the Governor in Privy Coun avoid altogether anything that Mr. Steffens said it was like he has profited immeasurably ter robbing it of consider as To morrow cil published above, it is hereby injujres good morals, such wise about a great many things by his contact with Americar able amount of valuable goods notified that His Excellency the contraception and indecent dress arid intimated this was especial civilization, and has made good directed their attention to the Let the faithful avoid alte overnor acting under Sub Sec Eight races are presented for is true in America.
use of his oportunities. In re stores of Pucini Hermanos, Pa tomorrow afternoon sports al Lion (2. b) of Section 230 of gether whatever injures good turn he has given America his attend When we Americans speak unswerving loyalty and has of gano Hermanos, Luis Salas, morals. Let them not Juna Franco, and it looks as if The Kingston and St. Andrew Tarella, Faillace, Hermanas anc theatres and cinemas unless. patriotism do we mean it?
fered his life for his country La Sederia China.
race fans are in for one of the Corporation Law, Law of 1923 they are of good reputation usled Mr. Steffens. When we biggest meets of the has appointed the Honorable every crisis in the nation his Let them completely avoid speak of justice do we mean it Sir William Morrison, Knight tory. German propaganda wa Season. part of the crowd forced Seldom has the local dances which are offensive to When we speak of law and powerless against Negroes du their way into the offices of Bachelor, to be the person to pony track been honored with and Christian modesty ler and when we speak 01 ing the World and they the National Post Office, exercise and perform all the and eight events on a Sunday after plundered it. Much was noon lost This must be taken as powers and duties of the Counci prolong, as a rule, even modest imerty and attempt prohibitior are no less loyal today.
do we mean it?
We attemp The occasion of the address from it and various machines sure sign to continued and per of the Kingston and St. Andrew dances to late hours of the night We but indulge in them in modera prohibion on everything was the seventh anniversary o used by the postal clerks were manent improvement the Corporation until a new Counci prohibit trusts, too, and mergers: Gulfside association, unique racing game.
shall have been constituted under destroyed Let them shun obsence repre which however, must come and When the alarm and danger ligious, educational, and recrea Each he said Law.
event carries a good including do come We don seek the picture of the South Established compliment of entries, all ever Mr. Marcus Garvey, chairman Sentations, in had reached its highest the causes. That is not American ly matched thus making it a bit of the People Political Party postcards and illustrated papers tional, center for the Negroes ARMED POLICE ARRIVED Let them not read books, espe and our culture isn that way was sent the following letter to hard to pick winners.
1923 by Bishop Robert hut failed to check the disturt we talk and, don cially novels, except with the instead Serral of the old cracks.
he Government: Jones of New Orleans as thc ance in the slightest. In fact both in the native bred and im think we mean it. If we do, let only institution of its kind it 57 Slipe Road, advice of persons of establisher the presence of the police info us act integrity.
and take the cor Cross Roads ported horses have returned this section, the association has riated the rioters, and they action Catholic ig let St. Andrew, Ja, to the track and will be again sequences, but if we don developed a valuable 640 acre threw bricks, stones and other September 25, 1930.
against the errors and excesses.
seen in action tomorrow. Note: ns cut out the bunk.
property on the gulfront and missiles at the officers of the His Execellency the Officer of Socialism.
holds every year a series of cof among these are Alondro, ang daw During this labourer Administering the Government PANEGRYRICS Honey Dew which have FORBIDDEN ferences, institutes and schools Pablo Garcia beer was mortally of Jamaica, King House, St.
resting up and should Spring Workers, the decrees delcare her to deter others from work that attract 5, 000 to 10, 000 visi wounded. Little, by little, order em Hon ors annually Bidwell surprises tomorrow afternoon Andrew should be warned that a strike or to inflict injury on the was restored, however.
In each of the eight Adam. lieutenant governor of May it please Your Excellency: evente is not lawful in the absence of ployer.
In spite of the fact that the th the horses are sb evenly brough have the honour to for Mississippi, was present at the following conditions: with equal insistance employ anniversary and expressed the out break had been quelled, the Excellency Your together by There must be a serious un shall be deterred from de government has found it wise to that greetings and good will of the anyone can win, so the accompanying resolution that the just cause.
orotect the banks with armed claring a lock out.
role of the dopster is of little state.
vas passed at a monster Mass Attempts to settle the contr military, as the crowd might at versy amicably must have beer Ponyrics by laymen in cem account nowaday at Juan Fran Meeting of citizens of Kingstor any moment reassemble and Andrew, gathered at tried in vain.
teries are also forbidden with PALAIS ROYAL continue their work of punder CO the Coke Chapel steps on Tues Violence may not be used ei out he bishop permission. FOR BEST CLOTHING ing Here is the program, study it tay night the 16th inst.
It is understood that a hear for yourself and be at Juan The meeting was held under FLS4LIFE Franco tomorrow ALLELLTILFL 45:14 int was given the delegates of afternoon che auspices of the People Po the labourers by the But don you forget to take litical Party, as a protest of the govern ment, and that as a result the along an extra dollar for you citizens of Kingston St. Ar government has decided to com entrance fee, and at the Same drew against the rumoured pos mence many works of magnitude time, get another chance at the sible dissolution of the Counci including extensive road build dashing two year old thorough of the Kingston St. Andrew ing, so as to provide emplo bred being raffled off on the Corporation.
12th inst ment for the people of the land am also forwarding under. AT:and so relieve the present serious Ist Race Furlongs Feparate cover for Your Exec1 Colombia. 12 Tency information a copy of Plyen. 110 the Daily Gleaner containing Almirante. 116 report of the speeches made First Concert By Bright Night. Dampwing.
at the meeting Paramount Musical Lucky Strike. 112 It is hoped that You Exce Seorpion. 120 lency will take into consideration And Literary Club the sentiments and opinions of 2nd Race 6) Furlongs the rate and taxapayers of the El Major. 104 Corporate Area of Kingston the Para mount Musical and Literary Mareial. 106 St. Andrew in the matter of Infimo. 112 Club gave their first concert at. Hot Water.
any proposed dissolution of the. 126 the Hall, No. 29 Silver Star. 100 the Council of the Corporation Street on Sunday last the 28th Rippling Water. 124 created to look after the interest ult. The attendance was of the Corporate Area not 3rd Race Furlongs It is felt that Your Exce large but music lovers who at FEATURE EVENT: tended. May. 110 lency will give due consideration undoubtedly enjoyed a Mayara. 126 to the substance of the resolt very pleasant musical evening Moti Mahal. 100 the desire of the people tc The program was excellent Laughing Water 110 tion which is an expression of and varied and the members of Half Rate. Gypsy. preserve their representative the club are to be congratulated Don Simon institutions.
for their work in its presenta The resolution was moved by tion.
Ith Race Furlongs Mr. De Leon and second Some of the best West Indian Huerfano. 11 ed by Mr. Johnson and talent contributed to the pro. Tribunito. 11c carried unanimously by accla gram among whom were Mr. Tunney. 112 mation.
Beckles, the noted and well Honey Dew. 126 have the honour to be, etc.
known tenor, Miss White Trigo. 106 Mascota. 126 (Sgd. MARCUS GARVEY, one of the best of our West In Chairman, Peoples dian violinists, Mr. Moore Political Party and Misses Buckley and e.
5th Race Furlongs Resolute.
118 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Hall sopranos with great pro Rowdy Lad. 108 Frivolous. 124 mise. Administrator. 112 Boo Gentry. 106 Tramcars direct to and from Track The Peerless Saxophone Clara Jo. 126 Maria Louisa Quartette made a great hit Corazon. 126 Elsewhere.
with the three numbers which Royal Spade. 126 Bomba.
6th Race Furlongs they rendered and received over Hindoo Claprock whelming appleauses from the Kin Joy. 108 oudience. five piece orchestra 8th Race Furlongs Alondra. 126 directed by Mr. Neilson Kitty Gin. 123 Pauline. Unkle Parks.
played some very fine classical Royal Eagle. 110 selections. On a whole the pro. 110 Nobody Home.
106 gram was so splendid and rare 7th Race Furlongs Bistour; Oro.
12 that on request it will be re Marcella. 110 Foxy Peter 108 peated at an early date.
situation JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK. 115. 105 Tomorrow Sunday Oct 5th The members of Good es Races 114 116. 100 Clap Rock, Kill Joy, Alondra, Kitty Gili Royal Eagle, Nobody Home, POST TIME 00 General Admission::50c.
124. 126 PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager. 104 Boyer


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