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The Panama CanaHibrary esh NOV 11 1930 No.
YORKMAN VOL. 19. No. 12 PRICE CENTS BABY PANAMA 27th ANNIVERSARY BAHRIPRENEES WITH WORTEKE AN CEA RED FIRSTI STATE OPENING OF OF INDEPENDENCE BRITISH PARLIAMENT LEAVES FORTUNE COLOR WOMAN WATER FROM JORDAN انابيلا and re en Duke As of su the of And Dressed in Christening Tribute to Faithful Service Robes Worn By Queen and Constant Help Through Glorionsly Celebrated in the Cities of Victoria Under Labour Government, Owing to Many Year Panama and Colon Illness of King George role of cream silk and old lace, uc BALTIMORE, Md. It is not The twenty verli Apniversary Grand reception from to years old, used for the christening often that white men publicly LONDON, October 27. For the Cat in the streeu of London, of Panama Independence was fit will uesday eveninig, by the Pres of Queen Victoria and nearly all her and as a matter of record re first time in history ihe THE KING SPEECH ting celebrated on Monday last ident of the Republic and MA descendants, the ten weeks old ward the Negroes who have Government participated in a The speech of His Majesty the State Nov. 3rd with much pomp Arosemena, at the Presidencia Princess, Margaret Rose, second served them faithfully, at least opening of parliament. In 1924 thu King at the opening of Parliament wplendour.
was one of the most imposing fe daughter of the Duke and Duche not to the extent of leaving any Labour party took office after the expressed deep interest in the la The festivities began at p.
of York, was christened this after considerable portion of their conservatives had been defeated on tures of the ocenssion and at which bours of the Imperial Conference and from an early hour person ex presidents Porras and Chiar in in the private chapel at Bucl estate to such Negroes. The ex the address, while last year His and earned trust that the Indian were seen on the sidewalks of the Dr. Carlos Lopez and Enrique ingham Palace by the Archbishop of ception became known to have Majesty the King had not Autti Round Table Conference will various avenues of the city, eagerly Linares 2nd and 3rd Vice presidents Canterbury, from the gold (lily occurred here recently when ciently recovered from his sult in good and in illness agreed and front, brought from Windsor Casile the last will and testament of waiting to cateh a glimpse of the respectively of the Republic were to go to Westminister.
wise solutions of the important grand procession which started present.
The King was and Queen and the Charles Herrell, secondhand will deli questiong upon which it precisely at a. and in which Today was full at pomp and cere group of airplanes under the Duchess of York sister were the furniture dealer, was filed for berate.
over 10. 000 children took part. direction of General George Irwin, chief god parents.
record in the Orphans Court through troop lined streets from the mony as Their Majesties drove He was extremely glad to At the Cathedral Park wher Commander of the Panama Canal By this will Harrell left his trust to his son the of the children Ambled. they were forces and General Gullick LONDON, Oct 30 With Palace to Parliament. His Majesty Gloucester the duty of representing water entire estate, reputed to be addressed by Dr. Carlos Lopez over the city at 30 on Tues brought from the River Jordon, the King was escorted by the Hous valued at several hundred him at the Coronation of the Em president of the Municipal Council day afternoon, performing several ile Margaret Rose, second daughter thousand dollars, to Miss Asline hold Cavalry who guarded the old peror of Ethiopia. His Majesty who in the presence of Pres.
feats, thus contributing to che ce of thDuke and Duchess of York Fletcher, who had been a faith stage coach. their Majestis trusts that the general disarmament Arosemena, his cabinet and aid de Jebration of the Annivreary of In was christened in the private chapel ful servant and helper to him passed the Royal robing room in convention will shortly be conclud camp, explained the meaning dependence.
of Buckingham Palace by the Arch through many years.
the House of Lords in glittering ed. He points out that the applica the Panamanian Flag and the All activities in conndeti! with bishop of Canterbury to day.
tion of the treaty The daughters of the dead procession, they were attended by dents duty towards same.
guaranteeing she festivities censed at an early man, and Mrs. Marion Harrel the Duke of Norfolk, aged 22, the financial assistance to States Among the various schools which hour on Tuesday night. Thus ended NEW EMPEROR OF Earl Marshal of Brown and Miss Pauline Harrell hereditary took part in the grand parade of the 27th Anniversary celebration of victims Inggression, recently signed at Geneva, was conditional the day celebration were the Nat of Atlanta, Ga. Washington, land, the Rt. Won, Tom Henders ABYSSINIA this young Republic. have served notice through Comptroller of the Household, form on the enforcement of such a con ional Institute, School of Arts, and their attorney, Harry Nice, orly a ship carpenter, and the Rt.
La Salle College.
Presented With Golden The Celebration at Colon that they intend to contest the Hon. Ben Turner, Treasurer of the His Majesky expresses grave con provided with a hand.
Sceptre From King Of (Continued on Page 8) Household, who once drove a taxi cern at the continuance of heavy At an early hour of the day, as a England unemployment, and refers to the fitting honour to the flag, 10. 0001 (By Bennett)
world wide economie depression and children Joined in the singing of Commemoration of the 27th, the retsrietion of trade, which was the National Anthem accompani Anniversary of the Indepen vember (Reuter West Indian felt with particulary severity by by the Republican Band under the dence of Panama, was beautiful Press Service by Cable Co. direction of Profesor Albrto Galily observed in Colon. The schools. His Royal Highness the Duke of industries which were especially de many. At 10. a the Municipal were better represented pendent on export trade. The Gov this Gloucester, at formal audience, Council of Panama City ernment would persist in efforts to in year, and their marching was preened a gold sceptre to Ras Ta solemn session when Diones de develop and extend home and impe more accurate, The Bomberos fari, the new Emperor, and an ivory HAVANA, October 31. The frontier between Canada Rosa Editor of the Diario was headed by their Band neatly and rial trade and foreign trade, and sceptre to the Empress on behalf of the speaker for the occasion. Continued on page By Cable Coy. ihe United States as an example help in measures leading to greater His Majesty, King George. He als Cuban capital was cheered tpon of what good feeling could do efficiency in industry.
presented the Emperor with the Ir learning that His Royal High in the relations between nations THE KING SPEECH signia Chain of the Victorian Order ness the Prince of Wales will He called upon people who The following is the text of the In his speech he offered His make Havana his first port of loubt the efficiency of the Le speech of His Majesty from the the call on his Latin American. gue of Nations to think a littk Throne:Emperor on his accession, and wish rary stopping here January 31st deeper and consider what pos My Lords and Members of the ed him a long and prosperous reign The news was made publicsible alternative can be offere! House of Commons, it has given me The United States Office of PURCHASE OF THE The Emperor and Empress were through the Havana Post to establish world peace and re much pleasure to receive my Min Education, Department of In Deated on golden thrones, dressed in which said its information has build world prosperity.
isters from the Dominions and rop terior, is arranging a radio pro BRITISH WEST INDIES the Abyssinisp style, beneath come direct from Sir Godfrey He said: The Empire repres resentatives of India who gram to be broadcast over canopy surmounted by the Crown of Thomas Private Secretary to ents, an organization such tending the mperial Conference.
national hook up during the Judah.
the Prince.
Suggested By Chicago observance of American Educa the League of Nations is watch with deep interest President Machado, when in Newspaper Sounds Like tion Week. This week is obsery. mpting to perfect. We meet at gress of their labours, the rain a and SAILORS OF DEFUNCT formed, expressed delight confi ed for the purpose of stimula Huge Joke a particular fitting moment tory result of which shal said he would eagerly await the ing a widespread interest in BLACK STAR LINE when the near approach of Aidently await.
arrival of the Prince as anormistice Day recalls that period our educational system, and one CHICAGO TRIBUNE The pur hope suon to welcome repres portunity for the people of of the broadcasting periods. chase of the Brtish West Indian Is May Get Overdue Wages Cuba to manifest their Grill so vivid to most of us prestatives of the Princes and people friend!
which had been alloted to lands by the United States is advo From Money In shis for the British Empire an ent, when the Empire demon of India who are about to join with atrated to the world two out general program will be used cated by the Tribune. In the Carib members of all parties in both Treasury its famous goodwill Ambas for the purpose of focusing the bean, for example, are fleets of Brit standing facts; first of all its Houses of Parliament to consider sador.
attention of the nation on some ish islands that remain British only We understand that certain sail of the special educational prob for reasons in their history. The ors who As soon as the government is own complete solidarity of the the future constitutional position of employees of the officially advised, plans will be greatest brotherhood the world India. My intention is to inaugura e lems which confront the Negro Bahamas, Barbados Jamaica, the Black Star Line and who had claims outlined to make the Havana re has ever known, and secondly this conference and carnes ily trusi The radio program will con its readiness to help in the build ai in conclusion of its proceedings wages, ception one of the most brilliant sist of short address by nation Leeward Islands, Trinidad and Wine against that company for ing of a similar brotherhood my be found agreed and wise solu very good chance of in this country history.
al authorities, interspersed ward Islands are clustered in the ete, stand a tons of those important questions recovering these money, now.
An with music. It is understood tropie seas about the southern shores effort is being made to locate the inong all nations.
PRINCE URGES SUPPORT OF LEAGUE OF These facts must increase in pon which it will be called to that the details of the program of the United States, all under the milorg formerly employees of the NATIONS reality and in importance. They berate, will be annouced later, British flag. Their trade is bad in Black Star Line Inc. who secured are interdependent and they My relations with the foreign LONDON, Oct. 30 plea to One of the problems which is many cases, and their attachment to judgments in America in Decem the British people for the sup the united policy of the Empire was very glad to entrust my son, both find expression through powers continue to be friendly. considered of vital importance the British Empire is more senti ber 1901 against that company for port of the League of Nations and which was revealed in mental than sound. They belong in wages.
in the crusade for world peace in membership of the League of lee Duke of Gloucester, with the study made recently by a cast day of representing me at the corc the same system with Certain moneys had been paid by specialist in Negro education, the United was made tonight by the Prines Nations.
the Black Star Line Inc. to the of Wales in a Trans Oceanie realize that there are still metion of the Emperor of Ethiopia.
My government took an active age of Negroes enrolled in high They are detached only by artificial wards the purchase of a ship and to the Imperial Conference. The whơ profess to have no belief part in procredings of the Assembly (Continued on Paco 4) cause.
tedt (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on page 5)
Prince pointed to the unguarded Addis Ababa, abyuinin, Ni Prince of Wales will Stop at Cuba On His way to the Argentine Republic met Radio Program on Negro During Education Week Majesty congratulations to are at Els ill thro were de the grows out of the small percent states and the other Americans. United States Shipping Board te Radio address; before delegates in all countries some people


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