
The Royal Bank of Canada Santa Ana Plata)
must opo as ceremony. Dr. Leo Pink on louco JAMAICA TRINIDAD VITAL STATISTICS OF THE Federation of the British ISLAND DURING LAST YEAR West Indian Islands Estimated Population. Was December 1929 has been 19, 005 WOULD ASSURE ESTABLISHMENT OF of which the four years 1926 to 994, 419, Males 478, 400 WEST INDIAN UNIVERSITY 1929 have together contributed and Females 516, 019 17, 017 thus. 1926: 3, 595; 1927: 3, 946 1928: 5, 420; 1929: 4, 056.
Is Opinion DOMINICA THE MOVEMENT OF OUR of Prominent 4, 271 MARRIAGES LABOURERS Trinidad Scholar Serious Disorders at During the year under review Illegitimacy is Slightly On 231 arrived in the island while 29, 012 left. The corresponding The Guardian of October 4th Caribs Quarters The Increase; Deaths The Safe Way tigures for the preceding year says: Amounted to 118, 67 were 5, 864 and 3, 421 respectively That a West Indian Federa British War Ship During 1929 Cuba took 400 and tion would react on the estab papers neither is your office. For a returned 3, 184 of our labourers lishment of a West Indian Uni Summoned to Restore The following are extracts 4, 271 marriages were register small sum, you can have the protection of versity was the opinion express from the annual report of the ed during the year, a decrease a Safety Deposit Box behind the steel Order ed by Mr. Bradshaw, a Registrar General Department of 77 compared with the preced doors of our vault.
prominent Trinidad scholar and for the year ending 31st Decem ing year. The rate for the year Your personal inspection is invited.
teacher in an interview yester The Tribune of the 27th ulto, ber 1929, says the Mail was per thousand persons day Says: The only safe place for wille bonds, steckt, desde The estimated population of living, a decrease of. compar policies, family mepers, amall invellery, etc. It is evident that there is a There has been serious disord the island on 31st December ed with the 1929 rate.
necessity for a West Indian er over at the Carious quaters 1929, was 994, 418; males 478, 3, 710 bachelors married University, he said, and do uver some smuggling business.
400, and females 516, 019. This is spinsters and 127 bachelors mar Ow not see any insuperable geogra Authentic reports are not yet to arrived at by adding to the es ried widows while 320 widowers phical or financial difficulties to hand but whatever the facts timated population at 31st. De married spinters and 91 widow Panama Branch the Herman. Manager prevent ers married widows. 13 divorced establishment of may be, the situation should be cember 1928 the number of such University. Of course, handled in a very delicate diplo births registered and the num males married spinters, di Colon Branch Grosch, Manager The disorder admit that have not matic manner. Corner 11th and Bolivar St. ber of persons who arrived in vorce male married a widow, given the question any serious was the cause of a ship of war the island duing the year ended bachelors, and widowers mar consideration.
being summoned, to give assist 31st December 1929, and deductried divorced feelings.
ance. This was a mistake, as ing therefrom the number of 210 marriages were perform am of the opinion that a wth the Defence Force at the deaths registered and the num a ed during the year according to West Indian Federation is back of the Government to ber of persons who left the is the purely Civil the most desirable thing for sist the Police the matter could land during the same period. There were 156 such marriages West Indian Colonies.
No East indian immigrants in 1928 and 17 in 1927. On the There are small feelings and easily have been handled with out a ship of war being called arrived in Jamaica, while 425 31st December 1929, there difficulties in the way but these males 283, females 142 left for were 347 ministerial marriage can be overcome. believe that and this will cost the island a Surgeon Dentist tidy sum which could have been India during the year. In addi officers and 14 civil registrars a Federation would react tion, left the island for other of marriages.
the establishment of the West avoided. But without full partic ulars it is unwise to come to de countries, and are included in BIRTHS 123 Central Avenue Panama City.
Indian University finite conclusions. It proves the return of labourers.
The question of transport of 33, 788 births were registered the one thing however, that undergraduates from the respec Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Travelling by freight ship and during the year. 17. 027 boys, Government the University tive islands to does not place transport 533 persons for the end 16, 761 girls. The birth rate much confidence in the Defence Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works can be easily settled.
Military establishment arrived was 34. per thousand of popu Force and if it is required only It must be remembered that in the island duing the year un lation. In the preceding year for meeting and saluting Gov students will not leave their der review and 830 persons left there were 34, 616 births with a ernors and Administrators at Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment home in the other islands every the island by the same means of. ate of 358 the jetty head on their arrival, day to go to the University.
travelling. In addition, 12 Mili 24. 151 or 71. 47 of every the quicker it is disbanded the They go for a term. It will be better, as it will save some mon COOO 10 POSODO tary passengers arrived in, and births registered wee illegiti much easier for them to return ey to pay the man of war ex 67 left Jamaica in genealpas mate. The rate is slightly higher that in St. Andrew is located to their homes from a West In senger boats.
inn the 1923 rate of 71. 46. the Kingston and St. Andrew CLERKS ARE dian University during the vaca penses. On the other hand is As there are no data from Among the parishes. St. Tho Corporation Poor House while tion than it would be from would be a pity to allow it mas shows the highest rate, which to arrive at the extent to DISSATISFIED to Kingston are located the (Continued on page 7)
Continued on Porn 71 which the population in the sev 80. 89, followed by St. Catherins Public General Hospital, Gen eral parishes of the island has with 78. 40, St. James with 77. 81 eral Penitentiary and Lunatic OF been affected by migration, the and Hanover wih 77. 48 and Asylum, with inmates from St. Railway Employees of parish rates have been worked. then St. Mary, Trelawny. Port Andrew and all other parishes Second Class Grade as hitherto on an estimated land, St. Elizabeth, Clarendon, of the island. 350 deaths were mean population for the year Port Royal. Westmoreland and registered from the Corporation Want More Pay ascertained by adding to the last Kingston in the order named, Poor House during the year census figures the excess of St. Andrews with 5809. St. Anns 1929 of which number, am ad CLAIMS OVERLOOKED?
NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM births over death subsequently with 64. 23 and Manchester with vised, 234 were among the HAS TOURED THE WEST. INDIES registered. In the calculation of 65, 28 again shoew the lowest Kingston inmates of the institu Under the above captions, island rates, however, the gain rates.
tion. If these 234 were not taken the Mail of the 30th ulto, says: to the population by excess of DEATHS into account among the Get a St.
We understand that the sec immigration over emigration 18, 167 deaths were registered Andrew deaths, the year ond class Clerks in the various has been taken into Berount during the year, 8, 968 males death rate would be 22. 64 in branches of the Jamaica Gov The population for the parishes and 9, 199 females, the death tead of 26. and for the island thus arrived rate for the year being 18. per ernment Railway, have been dis INFANTILE MORTALITY satisfied for time at will be found in the follow chousand of population. In the past 6, 791 or 37. of the total ing, table, and on these figures preceding with their salaries, and have and read the records of past year, there were death were of children under the marriage, birth land death 19, 062 deaths with a been considering the advisabilty Cricket Veterans rate of two years of age, and of these of making representations rates have been calculated.
5, 341 or 29. were of children the Government on the matter.
27. 979 persons arrived in and The 1929 rate AND of 18. per under one year of age. The. 201 left the island during the 1, 000 is the lowest recorded rates in 1928 were 36. and 28. It is said that from the year year 1929 by general pas rate 1922 the minimum salary of a since the commencement respectively. The deaths under second class Clerk in the Rail zenger boats. The figures for of death registration in 1878 year and under years Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages to 1928 were 25, 583 and 20, 512 re and is better than the 1928 rate each 100 births for the year week, and now that amount is way Department, was per spectively. It will be noted of 19. which until 1929 was 1929 were 16. and 22. respec the maximum.
Summary of Contents: in 1929 the arivals by these Jamaica lowest rate.
tively, against 15. and 22. re History of West Indies Cricket for ears heats exceeded the departures by Among the parishes, exclud spectively for 1928.
It is pointed out that a 778 but against which must being Port Royal, in which there Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ond class Clerk in the Railway for the Military establishment.
were deaths, the parish of St.
is an sperienced officer, and Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, of passengers who travelled by Ann again shows the lowest called upon to perform respon Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, freightship and transport, rate, 13. followed by Manches ORDER BOOKS sible duties, and is deserving of Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual amounting to 297 and the exter with 16. 1, and Westmore much more than per week.
Players apse of derartures 425, over ar land with 167 and then St. SECRETARY There is a certain Clerk in ivals of East Indian immi Mary. Clarendon. St. Elizabeth, Válmable, astructive, Historical, accurate, complete and AND the Railway Department, who prants.
Thus the island popu Hanover, St. Catherine, Trelaw Interesting lation secure au: grin of ny, Portland, St. Thomas and REASURER has had about 30 years service 4, 056 during the year 1929 by St. James in the order named and is still a second class Clerk Price 50cts.
ON SALE excess arrivals over departures St. Andrew with a rate of 267 At the Workman drawing a week, whilst there are others with 15, 16 and 17 The total gain to the population and Kingston with a rate of by excess a rival over departures 24. 00 show the highest rates; years service, who are still kept Copies to be had itom the office of the WORKMAN in the same second class grade.
Panama from Census. Day 1921 to 31st but it must be bourne in mind Printery (Continued. on page. 7)
100 000 DO CRICKET!
010 CRICKET. AM copy of the West Indies Cricket History some to Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 sec


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