
Page THE ATLANTIC Octuber 22, 1949bete gran were POLICE TO WEAR SHIELD Sleep In Airy and Clean Rooms Kingston, Jamaica: Another OVER FOREARM move to deal with violence at In the heart of the city of Limon directly in front of the Post Office is the newly built public meetings, particularly stone Worn on the left hand it co 01 throwing, has been made by vers the forearm, and in strenuous CENTRAL LODGING HOUSE the police authorities It is the tests undertaken at the Police introduction of the shield system Training Camp and Depot a Chie Everything new; everything clean and sanitary; everything provided for the comfort of the guests.
of defence which was used to few days ago it proved the ca tity, good effect in Palestine. Since pacity to withstand heavy stone Make the Central Loding your Home during early this year police riot squads and machete attacks.
Jouni your stay in town.
Questioned yesterday a police have been in trainning in the RUBEN CHING, Proprietor use of mob dispersal tactics and officer said that the shields will equipment, this action being give the police more confidence centu taken with an eye to the general in a mob incident in wich stones Deat Claimed another Miss Delfina James Election to be held in December, are used, and by the fact that At citizen of old days Says Au Revolr The prevalance of stonethrowing the police can move against scrip and the number of policemen mobsters without fear of serious Psal On the 21st ultimo death reWe opine Miss Delfina Ja who have been injured by stones injury to head or vital body chair moved from this terrestrial sphere mes has been the recipient of at disorderly polítical meetings region, they will be able to deal Mis into the great Unknown a rosy greetings on her arrival at made it necessary for thought to more effectively than in the past open citizen who in life was Mr. Bocas del Toro, her nati soil, be given to their protection and with such situations.
Alfred Earnest Cushnie. In life on Saturday, a week ago.
to place them in a position where GLEANER of the he was well nown and generally Her stay of eleven months they can more effectively deal regarded. He was characteristi between the city of Limón and with a stone throwing mob. Po September, 23 1949.
Th Miss cally calm in all his ways. He San Jose, has been productive lice Commissioner Calver thep was educationally well prepared of happy and lively fruits. On has introduced the shield system FOREING enter and was the chief intellectual the pleasant coarse of her Chris for this purpose, but a new de. Tumultous German Parliament the prop during the life of the tian pursuits she has gladdened parture, based on his observation session came to near blows in Miss Central American Express the many souls. God has endowed of its use in South Africa has a recent controversy whent two Corda then weekly newspaper cwned her with a rich tone of voice been taken in the utilisation of returned German war prisoners their by his brother in law, Mr. Shaw and we have heard her on ma wicker material made from Black appeared on the floor and are Miss Davis who preceeded him to the ny occasions in the city Baptist River reeds for construction of said to have interrupted a Com a rec grave, several years ago. At the Church using that vcice to the the shields, the outer rims of munist speech. The new German accom taking over of that press by new praise of its Giver. She is said which are circular.
Parliament is at Bonn. Germany. Good interest under the name of the to be a faithful and deeply reIt has been released tha the sion, Newsreel: Mr. Cushnie va garded member of the Mount AFRICAN PATTERN Communist Max Reimann had of the luable services were kept. Ad. Zion Baptist Church at Bocas In Palestine and in British already thrown the house into vanced in age and other rotary del Toro. During her stay she Guiana, for instance, the shields uproar by defending the Odera very conditions of life in unfavourable was the house guest of Miss Supertai manner, he became ill. Mr. Frank sana Allen of cur Baptist. The makes them at the same time a border. Conservative deputies tioned are made of metal, and this Neisse line as Germany eastern of the McGuiness as we learn sought affection observed between the dangerous offensive weapor, in shouted protests banged their his hospitalization and in spite two brought to memory that the hands of mobsters. The Ja desks and started to walk out Ordina of the date very careful medical love narratively expressed bet maican wicker shield is patterned in masse. Just then, two men Christi her attention extended to him the end ween Naomi and Ruth. One can from the observation of native in tattered uniforms strode up kin re came on the date above men imagine the sadness at the hour African policement making their to the rostrum and began shouting tioned.
of departure. Miss James win own shields from river reeds and waving theirarms at Reimann.
The sympathizers in attendance some character and other stead. and armed with these and a The reports states that one of of the at the burial of his last remains fast high qualities have earned baton, corstables will be able to the men, Thielo Wagner, mounted God de give evidence of the life career her that endearment which is deflect stone and machete attacks the rostrom and spread his arms addres of the late fellow citizen. The the reciprocate for such exem and demoralise mobsters by ad. in a dramatic gesture to swow funeral rites were performed by plified acquisition. She takes vancing to bring the baton into his ragged clothes. He said he ting Mr. Leslie Angus, the Circuit with her, we doubt not che play, without the possibility of was taken prisoners by the Russter Steward of the Wesleyan Merishable recollection of the hos the shield being used as a re sians at Stalingrad and had only thodist.
pitalities of Costa Rica taliatory weapon.
See Page BIG NEWS) Gabardine of assorted colours to suit every taste at Clifford Steele 21. 00 per pant cut.
New assortment of casimere. New fasionable soply Tailor Made Suits of khaki at 50 per yard, Here are three special reasons why you should Everything desirous for Ladies and Gents to go FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
gay to places.
SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Sport Shirts at 00 each Which will never get out shape. gaeat bargain sale in hardware Such as dishes Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate Post and other utensils in the City of Limon.
Happ sol tie tsa with it Kader Store Works Wonde WEAR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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