
1949 Octuber 22, 1949 THE ATLANTIC Page it coThird Anniversary Celebrated With 5stral de Every Good Taste Great bargains for nuous On Sunday the 25th ultimo votion. The afternoon was graPolice in the quietness of the afternoon, cefully spent Limonenses ot a the members and friends of the ne ca Christian Unity Church in this The finest range of dress and suiting materials Yon PERSONALIA stone city, in ample form celebrated have ever set your eyes on: the third anniversary of the Mr. Oscar McRae has returned FABRICS that make you wonder; that charins you to police foundation of the Church. pro from his vacation spent in the buy more than one dress and more than one pants or will gramme of reciting and singing great North American Republic.
more than one snit.
dence items were the entertaining He is loud in his praise for the Our shoe section is stocked with new creations in wears tones feature.
marvellous and wonderful mefor children, ladies and gentlemen.
that gainst At the commencement, the chanical and other scientific deCOME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES erious scripture lesson taken from velopment seen in the United Psalms 138 was read by the States.
HOLLYWOOD STORE. SOLOMON BERENZON body Proprietor o deal chairman. Prayer was offered by Mr. McRae brothers are reMiss Rosa McKenzie. The sidents of prominent and long e past were based on the bible narrative the States; a condition wich opening remarks of the chairman standing in the metropolis of Very Few Lively Hour With the Daughters NER of the scripture read.
Of Loyal Beth and the Odd fellows enablem hin to travel extensively The Church choiristers with and confortably in different With a view of enjoying a Miss Delia Barnes, presiding at States of the Union His a better recreational walk, the coolress Foreing.
the pianoseasoned the afternoon of the night enhanced our stroll From page entertainment Delia recited also half, his relatives and host of to the far distant Balfour Hall ament the poem Wise is the man friends are happy to have again under the management of Beth recently discharged. Then he Ws in Miss Rosa McKenzie and Mr.
his endearing presence with them.
sada Ledge of the Independent remarked: at two Gordon were loudly cheered for Order of Odd Fellows Man. No home and nothing to eat.
soners their duet. The bible way.
chester Unity, on Monday night Then, to hear this man talk are Miss Sarah Arthurs contributed Miss Marjorie Burnett, the the 26th ultimo.
this way (about leaving former Com a recitation and in addition well known grand daughter of German territories under Russian erman The heating was attracted by and Polish control) if could many, accompanied Miss Ambrosine our good fellow citizen, Mr o the Goodwin in the duet Our Mis Spence is at home. She had rich sounds of human and ins reach him would twist his neck had sion, Mrs. Arthurs is secretary joined for many years her mother trumental renditions and the The other ex prisic ner is said to into of the Church and she submitted in the city of Colon in the Re stairs were ascended. Within we have stood in the middle of the observed the setting of a rally aisle and tork off one shoe. He Oder a very congratulatory summary public of Panama; a period of in the form of voting for the held it up so the deputies could astern pertaining to the three year life years wich has been commenmost favoured between father see a hole through it. By this puties of the unit, and mindfully men dably used. Miss Marjorie from and mother.
time the parliament was a bedlam their tioned the spiritual call and the promising qualities for a her tender age had demonstrated The scenery was bright and ot shouts. This is an organized kout Ordination of Elder Barnes and successful educational career. lively and the polling of votes propaganda demonstrations, is men her return here to plant the therefore, we are not taken oft commanded attention. Although said to be the remarks of Heinz de up Christian work. Miss Alice Daw guard in seeing that she is the it was really contest bet Renner, another Communist runouting kins rendered spicily the soloimann. Happy Days, Mr. Shawschmith possessor of Graduation Di ween the two sexes yet the ning to the rostrum and said one of of the Cimarrones Church of plomas in Shorthand and Typing deep rooted love for mother How is it possible for persons Dunted God delivered a very appropriate ded by the faculty of the St. attendance to leave their own under the Gregg Method awar swung many of the men in who do not belong in this house and to come in? Erich Koehler, is arms address and in representation of Joseph Commercial School of camp and entered that of mother the Bundestag President is said swowithat Church, Miss Kelsada Doyley Colon.
and in the final analysis «Me to have told Reimann that the aid he ping tunefully a solo. Master ther clicked the bacan. It was majority of this house has shown ster rendered harmoneously We sincerely congratulate her a combined effort of the mem by its demonstration that it does ad only solo. The Misses Rosa Mc for these marvellous accomplish bels of the Bethada Lrdge not regard the Oder Neisse line Page izie, Thompson and Mrs. ments and wish for her the and those of the Loyat Beih as final, resa Bent were well received highest possible advancement in Chapter, Mr. Wm. Daysley was with their trio. Waves of De. human endeavours.
the presiding chairmar.
Reverend Holmes and Mrs. Holmes on Vacation One World.
Mrs. Emily Yourg (lovingly Fron page called Nana) is enjoying the LIMON, COSTA RICA society hopes that the Fourth happy reunion of her niece, Miss The Church is the Pillar Regular Session of the General Adeline Price who after a so Assembly will seize the challenge journ of more than a quartet and the Ground of the Truth and bestow a beneficial time century of years in the United SERVICES: system upon all peoples of the States of America has returned SUNDAY8: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermop earth a blessing, without peer, to Limon. Miss Price is well 00 a. Choral Hoy Eucharist in the annals of time.
prepared intellectually and we 00 Sunday School 00 pm. Solemn Evensong, Sermon. To be continued)
learn that within the very neai future her professional service Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
will be available to our peepk Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 EL ATLANTICO This Weekly extends a hear Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00p, welcome to her and bespea APARTADO 199 See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements for her the community cord Limón Conventus. Costa Ricality and general goodwill.
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