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Page THE ATLANTIC Octuber 22, 19 SIRVE MEJOR PORQUE TACA ES SUPERIOR THE PEOPLE HOUSE The Westfalia Dominio Sport Club Trims the Bananita Sport Club Thirty Points Against Twenty On the 10th instanta friendly domino contest Was celebrated between the earned 21 and Mills 18; a total of JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon Bananita Domino Sport Club and the 125 runs for wickets. Experience Westfalia Domino Sport Club at the bowlers Rowe howled overs for You will need a good article atter place. The match resulted in the wickets and at the cost of 36 runs and for your money to see us first econd victory over the sportsmen of one no ball. The fifth wicket fell by for the best of everything. he Bananita Division. The contest the effort of Gayle after bowling Suitings, drees materials, and tarted at o clock m and lasted to overs for 42 runs. Declaring the inning all other requirements in Ladies o clock next morning. The invaders closed at five, wickets for 125 runs. Gents wear prices always to started with thundering blows upon the quite maturally the boys of our city please you. home boys; no British cannon could were set to defend same, and so did have made greater charges, but in the they. Manley bowled overs for midst of the shots and shells, our boys wickets and 34 runs; Mills, 3 three baser. He drove the lefty» hurler final we observe a sunbean of confiden only took shelter and emerged to conquer; overs for wickets and for 19 runs; Rolando Nicholson over the rails. In on the countenance of Danny Haylig they did not retreat. Special mention Lewis hurled overs gained wickets the corresponding inning Cubs gained scemingly saying «They shall not pas must be made of Wease, Mu at the price of runs; here and there a single. An addition of one run was Doh Ray. Mc was the ordered he pe llings, Dixon, Furgeson, runs brought a total of 61 runs for Ex the outcome of the Jupiter Seventh formed on the Cubs batsmen and Harris and Taylor.
On the effort of George Hart with a deed was accomplished with the trium very pleasing aspect of the match three bagger one run was earned by for Jupiter. Berry pitched the first til was the remarkable conduct and friendly Jupiter Triumphs over the Cubs. No change was effected on disposition of all the players. The Westfalia Domino Sport Club is publicly Cubs in a Ten Nine he score board in the Eighth. Both innings for the Cubs and had done sides were now on the par score of markably well against the hard hittin expressing its thanks to Mr Johnson, Score nine runs Jupiter opened the closing Jupiter. No doubt if manager Johns commonly known as Tata Joe for inning and added a single due to the had rested him for an inning and retur. the very able vigilance given as agent pitcher defeded the colours of his team, the Cubs. Leaving the bench for the been different.
Danny Hayling, the hace Limon uppardonable errors of the fieldsmen of him in the pit, the end migh hay of police for the district. The Westfalia Domino Sport Club is ready to Jupiter in one of the most sensational meet all comers from near or far in the matches of the League Fixtures, witnessed in the forcnoon hour of Sunday the exercise of domino.
16th instant LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, WESTFALIA REPORTER The both thcams were in a test for Ruega a los bananeros de Línea Vieja: supremacy. In innings one and two On the Cricket Oval the scores were evenly two and three, Que en virtud de las exigencias del mercado norteamericano en cuanto a la calidad del banano, nos es indispensable la In continuation of the cricket matches respectively. Equally in the third inning associated with the Cricket Association was a cipher. In the fourth, Jupiter was cooperación integra en cuanto al buen manejo de la fruta y dismissed for an egg al grado que se pide en los avisos. Esta cooperación muy of Bataan, the game between the Cons sencilla y fácil de dar, significaria para el productor posibi.
truction and Experience cricket teams Cubs earned two runs with honours lidades más amplias de ayuda para nuevas siembras which was played on the city oval on to Powell who hit a three bagger and Sunday the 25th was a victory for the the daring dash of Cope from third Notice to the Banana Cultivators on the Old Line homsters. The boys were plumly fit. to home Eggs were dropped comparaIn view of the fact the North American Markets are exac.
The batsmen had no respect for the tively in the fifth inning. Jupiter had bowling of the visitors Lewis Walked the sway in the Sixth and added three ting on the quality of the banana, it is necessary for us proudly to his stand with his bat as runs Arash catcher and careless fielding to cooperate in every respect to secure the best grade of fruit che not out player and with the honour by the Cubs gave way to the Jupiter.
when notices are sent out. This cooperation is very simply of having scored 67 runs; Taylor The Spirit won his spurs with a and can be easily given and will signify for the producers more ample possibilities of help for new plantings.
IN EVERGREEN MEMORY In fond and loving memory of my dear and loving godmother who this life on October 15, 1947 In life she was Mrs. Beatrice Clarke She lives with us in memory still Not just today, but always will Death always come to let us know We love more than we really should.
Fina Richie Bananito Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizana Ordene sus trabajos de Imprenta a la EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
Teléfono 2837 San José, Apartado 1428 NITIOEZ PRECIOS BAJOS RAPIDEZ stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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