
General de 16 BUÇI THE ATLANTIC ngre is a fios da des Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY May 20, 1950 Number 27 Year Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica no del days.
Hal Sa.
OUR TASK In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Christian love is a new and total thing, The newly proposed Law by the special commission as a reformation to Not just one more virtue added to a list of others Low No 788 of November 2, 1949 has been defeated in the Legislature and a new It is born in us when we know and answer God great love to us.
commission has been appointed to study the banana problem with the view to ennnnnnnnnn nnnnnnn legislate a reasonable Law to regulate the relation between the producers and the figure the inspectors necessary for the lowing is required exporters of this fruit. The gentlemen comprising the committee if no yet arrived strict accomplishment of the disposition (a) All pational and municipal taon our zone are stated to do so in order to obtain first hand and necessary inof the Banana Board, xes must be paid up to date.
formation treating on the Banana Industry (10) To take by a majority vote (b) To prove before the Board that We ure maintaining the trigger of our gun in its original position that a the person desiring the license is capa little information here and there will not bring about better conditions to both the resolutions necessary in the funcble to comply with the necessary con factors We say better trading conditions for to the best our knowledge which tioning of the Board according to the ditions to start the business and in has not been obtained over night we know not of any shady relation between the present article.
exporters and producers. The producers clamour for higher prices and the expor(11) To give its own work reguaddition the exigence of why such has these have not only clamour but suplicate carnestly for better grade fruit to meet lation; subjected to the approval of the not exported banana in the twelve the specification of the North American Markets. However, in addition it has reaExecutive Power.
month previous to the existence of this ched our desk that some of the field representatives of the Exporters are not per: Article The licenses to exporlaw, as article above stipulates.
Article All solicitude of inscripcising a square deal to all in the selection of fruit: if this is true protest should ters will be extended by the Board for tion in the register of exporters of ba.
be effected to the Chiels and they being men of honour, we are sure such con a period of two years and will be exnana will be published in the Oficial ditions would be remedied.
tended first to such persons who by Gazeite with the end to hear opposi.
Returning to the high light of this matter we are of opinion that the com certification of Aduanas have exported tion, if any within a period of fifteen mission is to see the ins and outs» by visiting every section where bonana is banana in the twelve months prior to coltivated, there they will see the pressing need for governmental help in the way the effective date of this law with cons of tancy and regulation. The Board will Article 10. The inscription of the Finally to gain a complete information it will be necessary for the produ.
grant also exporters license to produ exporter can be cancelled at any moment with the loss of any of the recers at the different points to get together and discuss their problems then each cers, to producers association or com quisite necessary to be inscribed; or group will appoint representatives well posted with their side of the question to panies which can give evidence of proby proof of failure to comply with the end of having a conference among the exporters and these spokesmen for the duction of at least five hundred hectaany of the obligation to which the fo.
producers. Such a course we are sanguine will require much time, but will surely reas of banana cultivated; to show au.
bring about the desired result.
thentically before the Board that they llowing article treats. To be continued)
are in capacity as exporters by their BAR own account the fruit of their exclusive RESTAURANT ROMA production which are located in Costa New British Airplane 100 yards North Hotel Costa Rica San José Rica and in addition offer sufficient Informs visitors to the capital that we are at their service with guarantee to the accomplishment of the Carrier Launched dispositions of this law However, the special dishes at reasonable prices. Visit us. Our Restaurant Cafe The name «Royal Oak one Board may refuse the extension of theand Cantina merits your confidence for the many years of efficent and courteous service we have rendered the public.
se licenses when considered on the of Britain powerful fighting viewpoint of insufficiency of produc. vessels which was sunk in World Remember, BAR. RESTAURANT ROMA awaits you.
tion of banana or by any other motive War Second is now given to Personally attended by the which may cause serious prejudice to the new giant airplane Carrier PROPRIETOR: PEDRO BIAMONTE the exporters already established or to which was launched at sea in the producers. The renewal of the li.
cense to export will be always automathe presence of Her Majesty, Reformation Decreed Law No. 788 tically authorized by the Board and when Queen Elizabeth, at Birkenhead, of November 2, 1949 the exporter who enjoys it has not lost England on May It is stated its right; thus in agreement with this that the biggest airplanes of. Continued from last issue law. The Board May also authorize the the British Navy can take her Article The functions of the Ba. liquidation of which the article before transfer of these licenses of exporta flight from the deck of the Royal nane Board will be explained, the prices authorized in in.
tion in existence when necessary, by (1) To carry a registration of the cise (3) and order the rectifications sale of business, change of name or Oak.
banana exporters and another of the accordingly to be liquidated in cash to other circumstances; always that the new producers of the same fruit. In the ex the producers.
possessor of the license will conform 900 0 0 00 0 0 01 porters register will be noted all the (6) To extend the licenses of babana to the requirements of the Board and persons to whom in accordance with exportation in accordance with the re: the conditions which this law demands. THE ATLANTIC this Law have been extended licence of Article 8: To be inscribed in the quirements of this Law.
exportation. 7) To procure by all means har register of exporters of banana the fo(2) To approve the contracts to buy LIMON, COSTA RICA fruit subscribed by exporters and promony between the producers and exporters of banana.
ducers of banana by means of the (8) To watch for the good proapprobation of the special requisites gress of the Banana Industry. In com.
which with this same end furnish in dividual koowledge of the contracts make the recomendations which are pliment of this function the Board can Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of submited to the Board Musmani Bakery, San José considered opportune so that the sales (3) To authorize the price which in made by the exporters may by more each order of cutting the exporters We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with convenient for the national economy agree to pay with a view of the Inter and can adopt the necessary measures an efficient stock of the best liquer.
national quotation furnished them. by which the production, cutting and (4) To know the liquidations which haulage can be realized in condition OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods in six days after each shipment to be which assure the good quality of the are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. presented to the exporters of their sales national fruit in the foreign markt ts.
to the foreign buyers or other national Personally attended by the proprietor. 9) To oppoint the indispensible exporters.
administrative personnel for the realiza: CEDRIC KERR (5) To check with the base in the futfan of the functionsomong which must 11 51 RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS ra Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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