
Page THE ATLANTIC May 20, 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE WEAR In Moscow, US JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón Clifford Steele You will need a good article Tailor Made Suits for your money so see us first for the best of everything Here are three special reasons why you should Suitings, dress materials, and FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials, all other requirements in Ladies SECOND: The neatness of workmanship Gents wear prices always to THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment please you.
Which will never get out shape.
Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate First United States International Trade Fair in the City of Limon.
Chicago. August 19, 1950 Chicago, May The products of firms of countries circling the globe.
Ireland will be on display in Chicago Two thirds of all exhibit space has been Stalin Separate Peace in 1943 next August 20, at the First United set aside for displays of foreign pro Continued from last issue States International Trade Fair.
ducers, however the remaining onethird Clauss advanced several convincing Hitler Is willing of exhibit space which has been set Eight booths totaling 1100 square reasons for the USSR willingness to Ribbentrop submitted the essence of feet have been reserved today, by Ho aside for United States firms is six negotiate a separate peace. In the wake the Stockholm negotiations to Hitler norable Daniel Morrissey, the Minister times larger than that available to any of the Department of Industry and other one nation.
of her victories, Russia no longer fea orally. The Fuehrer was entirelly onGerman military strength. Russia pen to the proposal for a separate peace Commerce in Dublin, for displays of Thousands of buyers are expected red primary objetives were not in Europ with Russia. Ribbentrop stated in Nuthe Government of Ireland and seven to attend the Fair which will be held remberg as firms in four of the largest exhibition builр.
rcover, Russia had lost confidence in sketch a demarcation line for the po Ireland was one of the first nations dings in the city: the Navy Pier, the the Western Allies in the face of ssible armistice. Nonetheless, it as dito announce its intention to present its International Amphitheatre, the Coli Winston Churchill demands for a fficult for the diplomats to obtain di Wares at the Fair in Chicago. This en seum and the Chicago Arena. Balkan landing instead of the big lan rectives from him to proceed with fur thusiasm was further shown by the Advance registrations for buyers are ding in France which Stalin was deter ther negotiations. There were Irish Government which was the first now being accepted by the Fair mana. mined the Americans should make factions in the German Government and opposing. to announce that it would financialy gement. fee of 500 is being charRussia also was piqued by Churchill they did not hesitate to employ such aid firms which planned to participate eed for this registration which includes backing of the Polish Goverment in at the First United States International London, with which the USSR had diversionary tactics as spreading a ruentry to all exhibit buildings, the Of mor that Josef Clauss was a Jew, and Trade Fair.
ficial Trade Fair Catalogue which will just severed relations.
chat Russias emissary Alexandrov was be The largest area reserved by Ireland a cross index of world industry, Ambassador Admiral William Stand also a jew will be occupied by a display of the hotel accomodation services, and the Ambassade ley recent criticism that the Soviets Hitler was finally brought to a com Irish Government whose Department badge and credentials of the Fair were not properly publicizing lend lea. plete stop by secret reports that a con of External Affairs will present an in In addition, buyers will find that se deliveries to the Red Army, was still ference was in the offing between the formation bureau depicting the interes: every effort is being made to present another issue for resentment Western Allies and Russia to iron out ting features of Ireland.
a Fair that remains fundamentally simple The next step came when Molotov their disagreements. He called a hale Other space will be occupied by the despiste the complications of world dispatched to Stockholm a top rankine to Kleit negotiations suspecting that Jewlry Metal Manufacturing Co. of transactions. Authorities on customs, Soviet diplomat, Alexandrov. Stalin might be motivated not by any Ireland, Lida of Dublin which will international shipping, monetary As far as we were able to ascertain sincere desire for peace with the Gerexhibit statuettes and gift item. Briar change and linguists and interpreters in our investigation of the Stockholm mans, but merely by the intent of ipes Ltd. of Dublin will display smo will be available for facilitation of sales. episode, there never was an actual mee strengthening his hand vis a vis his Westing pipes and accessories.
For firms along the Atlantic coast ting between a German representative tern partners.
of the United States, an office of the and Alexandrov. When Alexandrov arri The famous handwoven tweeds of In the fall and winter of 1943 ved in Stockholm, Kleist had just flown meetings took place between the Wes.
Trish looms will be presented by Gael Fair has been established at the Warback to Berlin for further instructions tern Allies and the Soviets, in Moscow tarra Eireann of Dublin and display wick Hotel in New York City. In equipment will be exhibited by Max quiries are being given inmediate attenApparently the Soviets were unwilling and in Teheran. We know, and the Models of Dublin. Products of Irish tion to eliminate, as much as possible, to have Alexandrov wait on the pleasure Germans learned in December 1943 distilleries will be exhibited by Cork the avalanche of last minute requests of German diplomacy.
Se page Distilleries Co. Ltd. of Morrisons Island John Power Son, Lid. and John JaCheap Store and Kader Furniture meson Sons Ltd. both firms of Du EL ATLANTICO Wc adopt this medium to inform our customers and the general public The products of Ireland will be exhiof our new selling plans by easy payment based on Merchandise Clubs.
bited at the Fair with products from APARTADO 199 Each Club will consist of 100 subscribers or members and for a duration of 55 weeks. The winners will be the holders of Club Receipt numbers corresponding with the last two figures of the weekly Drawings of the National Popular or Lottery The winners by the Drawings, or those members who have paid the quotas, for fifty five weeks will be entitled to merchandise at our established LIMON, COSTA RICA prices; the amount corresponding to the Club Plan. Rights are forfeited by a The Church is the Pillar failure to pay three consecutive weekly quotas. However, we shall reimburse seventy percent of the amount paid in merchandise at usual prices. This pri and the Ground of the Truth vilege will be given also to subscribers who desire to retire from the Club.
The subscriptions are also transferable on previous consent.
SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon THE FINANCIAL CLUB PLAN 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist Weekly Payment Value In Merchandise 00 pm Sunday School 50 100. 00 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon 500 200. 00 1000 400. 00 Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. 15. 00 600 00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 100 The weekly Clubs in the quotas of 50 00 and 19. 00 areSaturday: Confession 00. 500 ready to start See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements The Club Plans are good ford any of our stores.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregór Litano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica MOISES KADER exblin ST. MARK CHURCH


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