
1950 June 17, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page WEAR RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José. PHONE 6289 Clifford Steele We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with re an efficient stock of the best liquor.
et Tailor Made Suits OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods Here are three special reasons why you should are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
Personally attended by the proprietor: ve his SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment CEDRIC KERR Which will never get out shape.
the Mr.
Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate In Remembrance of Mr. Stanley Street (Deceased)
port in the City of Limon.
On the night of Tuesday the Bernard, a prominent citizen the 6th instant, as a befitting tri The opening hyosung, achost bute to the memory of Mr. companied by the Band was News From the Twentieth Century Fund Stanley Street. deceased the When we gather at ist over pilot study of how a neighboring We also hope it will serve as an local Salvation Army held a ser Jordon. The Songsters were Latin American republic can increase example of friendly cooperation in the vice to his memory and dedi effectively heard in the rendiits own economic well being and pos spirit of the President Point Four?
sible qualify for United States assistance program for aid to underdeveloped cated perpetually a splendid table. tion of four songs; a selection under the Point Four program is areas.
Mr. Street earthly career by the Band; a solo by Mrs.
being undertaken in Costa Rica by the We wish to emphasize, however, placed his name among men Major Lynch; addresses by the Twentieth Century Fund, it was an that our survey is entirely unofficial whose good deeds are oft in Reverend Fr. Love, Mr. lohn nounced here yesterday.
and has no connection whatever either interred with their bones. To Steele and Major Lynch: Two Announcement of the new study was with government or with private bu do him honour were the Hon. letters pathetically written were made by Evans Clark, Executive Di siness concerns. The project is being Robert Johnston, His Majesty sent by Messrs. Vincent, rector of the Fund, as the survey team finanoed by a research foundation and left by airplane for Costa Rica. Hea will be conducted in an impartial and Vice Consul in Limon, accom. Assistant Supt. of the Departding the team as project director was objective manner.
panied by his esteem wife. He ment which was headed by the Stacy May, Chief Economist of the In We hope to show methods and pro. presided over the programme. late Mr. Street and Arthur Gray, ternational Basic Economy Corporation cedures that will be helpful for other Other platform guests were the of Manila Commissary. The unand former Director of the Bureau of countries, as well as Costa Rica, in Planning and Statistics of the War Pro carrying out the point Fausti deserve, Love, acting Rector of St. Mark effected by Mr. Keany. On a Reverend Fr. William Graham veiling of the Monument was duction Board.
We an exhaustive With him were Dr. Albert Ralph of the country whole economic system, Parish, Mr. Mrs. Willy Hug, whole it was a tribute which Koch, an Economist on the staff of but will try to concentrate on the prothe Board of Governors of the Federal ducts, industries and resources that the Manager of the Costa Rica came up to expectation and re.
Fool Banana Company, Mr. Mrs. downed creditably to Major Reserve System; Dr. Howard Parsons, seem to show the greatest possibilities an Agricultural Economist with the for useful development. We hope to Keany, Capt. Mrs. Keates, Thos. Lynch for having proS. Department of Agriculture and Miss point out how some of the experience highly responsible employees of moted same.
Free Charlotte Carpenter, secretary, Mr. and technical skills available in the Uni the said Company, Mr. Mrs.
place Faaland, research technician with the ted States might be used to help Costa za Organization for European Economic Rica. Likewise, we hope to suggest who was honoured, Mrs. McLean, successor to him THE ATLANTIC it Cooperation, will join the group in fields of activity in which investors of and Costa Rica about May first. All of these the two countries might jointly parti Ayer, Chief Matron of the Hos LIMON. COSTA RICA puis, are being granted leaves of absence by cipate in worth while and needed bu pital, Miss Jessie Scoltock of the Pia their respective organizations to parti siness. 0 0 000 0 0 04 North American Colony, Mr.
sident enterprises cipate in the Costa Rica survey, and Evans Clark, Executive Director of John Steele of the Merchan Compre y lea todos los each is acting in his private capacity. the Twentieth Century Fund, said he dise Department office staff, Mrs sábados este Semanario In speaking of plans for the survey, had received assurances from His ExDirector Stacy May said. Since we cellency Otilio Ulate, President of Costa have access to a number of compre Rica, that his country would welcome hensive and specialized studies of Costa such a study and his government would Rica economy made previously by be happy to place its facilities at the other agencies and are asured of gene disposal of the research group. Mr.
rous local cooperation, we hope to Clark also said that Nelson Rockefeller, Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America complete our field investigation in President of the International Basic about six weeks. After that, we shall Economy Corporation, as an evidence ADVISES prepare an analytical report to be pu of his interest in this survey was making blished by the Fund later in the year. available, without charge, the services His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situaWe hope our study will be of genuine of IBEC Economist, Dr. May, on a benefit to the people of Costa Rica. loan basis to direct the project.
ted two and a half blocks West of the Liberty Hall and his service is at their disposal. Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: occer Brazil DR. MIGUEL DEJUK THE PEOPLE HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS.
Limón You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything.
Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to Este documento es propiedad de la Bib Please Obregon Liza MERCHANDISE CLUBS Cheap Store. Kader Furniture. de MOISES KADER We remind the members of the Clubs that failure to pay three consecutive quotas they forfeit all rights.
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