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Page THE ATLANTIC June 17, 1950 TUESDAY NIGHT, JULY THE FOURTH, 1950. TRAMO NUMBER 20 LIMON MARKET What about the night of July 4th? Why have you not An attractive and well stocked grocery is now in this heard? It will be the night of the Knights and the place and is the outcome of the change of proprietor: Ladies Auxiliary in what will be a mammoth rally based by the new management former customers as well as on the five Central American Republics. This will be new ones are assured: the first clash in an entertainment between the ADAMS, Better and greater Variety and EVES. We advance our sympathy to the Knights Better attention and service for surely they cannot floor the Ladies of the Auxiliary.
Better prices and bargains Furthermore we are on the side of the Ladies.
Joe Lewis New Owoer, ducers, since their plantations are pe Limited of England for the manufacBirthday Greetings Caribbean Review riodically devastated by hurricane. ture in the island of at least sufficient Tamaica House Approves Bauxite Plans flour to meet local needs. The company Although distance divides us, Police Bands May Go to The Jamaica House of Representais interested in establishing a mill ca.
yet memory lingers for many Festival tives has given its unanimous approval pable of producing about 70, 000 tons former citizens. We approach this Police Bands from British Guiana to the plans of the executive branch of of flour mill products at the start, opportunity to greet Miss So and Barbados may give os Caribbean Government to aid three companies in with a capital of some one and a quarter delba Nicholson of San Jose on flavor to some of the activities of the developing a bauxite industry in the million pounds sterling.
the occasion of her birthday made for them to attend.
It is anticipated that almost half of which dawned on Thursday the Banana Production Experiment in bodied in a hill entitled: Law to The Government plans were em the capital will be offered in Janiaica, 14th instant. The honouree is the daughter of Mrs. Irene de Experiments are being made to de make provision for the grant of special and that the project will provide im Walker and Mr. Harold Nicholtermine whether British Guiana can concessions to producers in Jamaica ployment for about 150.
produce bananas of quality and in sufo bauxite and alumina.
son. She left our city many ficient quantity for export. This banana Hon. Donald Sangster, Minister for months ago in pursuit of higher experimental scheme is being under Social Welfare, piloted the measure Doctor Oscar Pacheco cultural advancement and is said taken by the Department of Agriculture, the House. In and figures with which he reinfor. Physician and Surgeon to be steadfastly ascending the but three entities are sharing the cost ladder of her ambition. May vernment, the Jamaica Banana ProduThese are: the British Guiana Go ced his arguments, the Minister displayed before members of the House From the University of she enjoy many more birth anniPensylvania, US, three samples of bauxite products: peBooker Bros. letised bauxite from St. Ann, alumina cers, Association, versaries.
Mc onnell Co. Ltd, biggest GuiaSPECIALITY: nese merchants and traders.
produced from Manchester bauxite, and Diseases of Women Should the scheme be successful aluminium. the finished product from British Guiana would become a banana St. Elizabeth bauxite.
Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas San Jose EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda. producer outside the hurricane area London Firm May Make Flour in Jamaica an important factor in maintaining the The Government of Jamaica is con HOURS: 10. 12 pm San José, Costa Rica export trade of the Jamaica banana pro ducting negotiations with Joseph Rank facts DO YOU LIKE BEING CHEATED? C U C Lately, many of our customers have been bringing in merchandise which they have pur.
chased in other stores to be weighed on our modern scales. In scores of cases upon weighing this merchandise, they have found they were short weighted from one to two ounces in each pound In purchasing something which costs 500 a pound, for example, a two ounce shortage means you are losing 60 cents.
This is a vicious practice which we deeply deplore especially in these times when it is so hard to earn a colon. The guilty parties are subject to a fine if caught, but this does not seem to deter this unethical practice.
We suggest you check the weights on pur.
chases you make to see if you are getting honest weight. This suggestion applies whether you buy at a small store or even a large store, since in dications are that the principal offenders are not small fry but bigger outfits whose employees habitually short weight without the kuowledge of their employers.
For our part, we promise to continue our long established policy of giving you honest, exact weight, plus a money back guarantee on any purchase which does not completely satisfy you. р. LA PROVEEDORA BOX 175 PUERTO LIMON ti g lo lo Si re lo


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