
ON THE ATLANTIC titular Balls cional ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: Post Box 199 abaco JOS. THOMAS Number 32 June 24, 1950 Year Limon, Costa Rica to be OUR TASK In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR The people who fear the Lord and trust in Him In every state and in every action are blessed abril When some years ago the airport was inaugurated in this city, it was not The Lord will grant whatever they need Os a thought to follow in its priliminary stoge the wonderful development which the war has given to commercial aviation We believe it is time to moke a little work in And they will enjoy peace of mind and contentment.
relation with the necessities of present day. This airfield is actually a landing part en in the international route. means of information Caribbean Review We applaud the authorities for their labor in the extension and conditioning The Port Limon Branch No. Several Millions Already Spent on Ja.
pro of the landing grounds, but it occurs to us that it is necessary to organize its 134 of the Jamaica Burial Scheme maica 10 Year Plan mor service with greather efficiency.
Society uses this means to sum It was disclosed in the Jamaica House su lale At present the passengers who arrive, especially from abroad are conducted mon its members wherever do. of Representatives recently that several in a bus from the airport to the office of the Port Captain. if we are correct. miciled on this Atlantic Zone million pounds sterling have already mterest and then to the Custom House for the register of boggoge. There is lost in this to attend the Society meeting been spent on the island Ten Year passengers. These delays, these difficulties, we believe, forcefully discourage the June 29, 1950. The item of No procedure one to two hours or more and with corresponding discomfort to the to be held on Thursday night, Plan of Development. The information given in answer to a members question tourists instead of encouraging them as should be our purpose.
showed a total expendidure up to Demination and Election of officers cember 1949 on development projects Fión) ment, medical examination and the handling of baggage should also be done It should be at the airport proper where other then the revision of decu for the July December term will of 4, 082, 042 before the passengers are taken to the city. If any sickness of a sericus nature is be effected.
The money was spent under the fol discovered among the passengers such could be transported separately by meons lowing heads: Agriculture 1, 639, 019, of our Red Cross Ambulance. If their papers are not in crder, quite naturally, The Guacimo Baptist 570, 822; Industries and Trade De Communications 257, 207; Education italizich their entry would be denied and in turn the Aviation Company would be responque sible for their return to the port of embarkation and if they bring merchandise Church Garden Party velopment 49, 682; Public Health ear or dangerous contraband, confiscation could be effected with entire facility.
The grand Garden Party to be 1, 166, 871; Social Welfare 245, 833 embre. Miscellaneous 152, 608.
Febe In addition once free of governmental requiriments, the commercial buses given by the baptists at Guaen de la and automobiles would secure a medium of benefit by conveyin them to the des cimo in aid of the repairs to spre tination in our city.
the Church wil be held at Gua Mrs. Steele Fancy cimo Junction and not on the Store Snel The Knights and Ladies Auxiliary of the Church Grounds as we published last week. Remember the In Mr. Clifford Steelt Tai.
Knights of St. John.
date Monday July 3, 1950.
loring Establishment there is added, a Fancy Store with an There will be no better en spoken by several male supporassortment of Fancy Goods, a tertainment in this city to com ters of the Ladies: One man The Anglican Rally at Novelties and Souvenirs.
pou Nice memorate the Fourth of July, said. It will look bad to vote the Guacimo Church It is a small place in compa da lis (the North American Indepen for the ladies in the hall, so idence Day) that the grand Rally the best thing to do is to give the Anglicans and friends of the ranks higher han many in the This is a medium to remind rison to the big stores, but it of the Central American Repu them a forty or fifty colones Rally featuring San Jose and quality of the goods; then Mrs.
and blics to be staged by the Knights each on pay day. Another re Limon to be held in aid of the Steele, a very competent dress.
and Ladies of the Auxiliary in plied This is a great thought, Guacimo Church on the night maker is on hand to offer all the hall of the Dayschool of shall give my madam a fifty of July 4th. The Independence helpful suggestions, such as the the Roman Catholic Parish. The colones, and so said the other Day of the United States of blending of shades and other Epi! Knights are up against a very five men who were in the group. America. We learn that the particulars. In fact ber depart.
tight contest in facing the La These are very charitable men, representatives for San Jose are ment is a strategic area for dies of the Auxiliary. We are but we know there are other men striding rapidly, therefore, those dress materials. Visit today in giving out the hint of what we who will not be satisfied to have for this Province had better be order to get fit up for the Fourth ed heard a few mornings ago as the ladies snatch the victory.
up and doing of July Anniversary, Cot 3000 Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited WEAR Clifford Steele Tailor Made Suits Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
SECOND: The neatness of workmanship.
THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Which will never get out shape.
Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON, Manager Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate in the City of Limon, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liz Costa Rica


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