
Page THE ATLANTIC June 24, 1950 RUBEN CHING SON IN MEMORIAM Sunday, last, the 18th instant brought to us the fourth heart pierced anniversary since the death of our darling mother EXPORTER OF CACAO FRANCIS BUCKNER (June 18, 1946)
We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras for whom we have invulnerable memory.
Her devotion and love no measure knew Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
No change could turn their course Her supplicant prayers we shall never forget We shall again see her on Christ own day.
Population in May Bor lands, has accepted the invitation of LILLIAN. JAMES Immigration the Government of St. Lucia to arbi.
Children In his state of the nation address trate in the dispute between the Goat the recent opening of the new ses vernment Workers Union and the Cosion of the Legislative Council, Sir lonial Development Corporation, which is re constructing Castries.
CARIBBEAN Charles Woolley, Governor of British REVIEW Guiana, stressed the point that the The union demanded a 25 per cent Clear Hawkers Bridgetown Streets. Portuguese Association a series of rapid growth of British Guiana po over all increase in wages for workers The Barbados Police have taken acpulation is lessening the country. pos employed by the Corporation, and when indoor and outdoor sporting events.
sibilities for largescale immigration tion in clearing hawkers peddling ware The Guild Club team, an all Portu.
it was not forthcoming, went on strike off the streets of Bridgetown guese combination, arrives in Trinidad Settlement Commission thought that Sir Charles pointed out that the Evans for a week; then accepted GovernWhile this has been hailed as a long on June 13, and will contest honors there might be room in British Guiana ment offer of arbitration.
overdue step, a deputation of the hawwith the Trinidad team in two cricket and British Honduras together for Representing the union at the arbikers, led by D of the House of Mottley, member aber matches, two foot ball games, and will 100, 000 immigrants. provided, of tration will be Hon. Herbert Adams, interviewed the Commissioner of Police, aiming to to play lawn tennis, table tennis, billiards cource, that large scale development Barbados lawyer legislator, who is at and snooker series.
also took place. But at the moment it present in England.
secure alternative sites for the vendors.
seemed that the population of British The Commissioner explained that Credit Union Secures Insurance Benefits Guiana would increase by that number Barbados Opens Inquiry on Officials his action was intended to ensure in about 10 or 15 years.
steady flow of vehicular traffic, but he The Credit Union of Jamaica has would consider granting the hawkers secured for its membership insurance St. Lucians Fear Economic Collapse Following allegations in the House other streets in which to sell their facilities from the Credit Union Na The Government of St. Lucia is sen.
of Assembly about payments being goods, pending erection of more markets. tional Association of North America ding a delegation to London in July to made to the Government Architect and 230. 000 in Scholarships.
which protect their loans and their life hold discussions with the Secretary of Town Planning Officers in savings.
State for the Colonies on the immediate It is estimated that the value of schotion with the construction of buildings larships awarded British Guiana Bet Following years of negotiation, Ja necessity to find means of developing for which his department was responthe island economy. This decision Ween 1944 and 1949 is 239. 000 maica has now become the first taken The sum of 125 000 was provided territory to secure these services for cial and economic collapse as a result instituted an inquiry into the matter.
со fear sible, the Government of Barbados has of finanfrom Colonial Development and Welits Credit Union movement.
of the high cost of rebuilding Castries The official himself asked for the infare Funds, 76. 000 by the British Under these facilities, the Credit Guiana government, and 38 000 by Unions will be completely protected tries, which was destroyed by fire, The rebuilding of the capital Casquiry. The officers of his department other sources, principally the British the event has proved will also be probed.
Council Lisability of borrowerss, without any to the island economy that was anti 0 0 0 00 0 Trinidad and Portuguese Test Skill. charge having to be made against the cipated survivours or the co makers of the All sports rivalry between Portuguese loans Move to End St. Lucia Pay Dispute THE ATLANTIC teams from British Guiana and Trini Mr. Justice Jackson, Puisne Judge dad is scheduled for this month when In addition, the total savings of a of the Windward and Leeward Is LIMON, COSTA RICA the Catholic Guild Club of British Credit Union members will be doubled Guiana journeys to meet the Trinidad for his beneficiary at his death.
LA FAMA connec been Just received a grand assortment of Shoes. Tennis, Special Shoes for playing basket ball; also heels and rubber soles in all sizes.
ROGELIO TASIES La Fama. In front of the United Medical Sanitary Building Limon, the beautiful port of the Atlantic Coast THOMPSON TRAMO NUMBER 20 LIMON MARKET FOR An attractive and well stocked grocery is now in this place and is the outcome of the change of proprietor: by the new management former customers as well as new ones are assured: Better and greater Variety WOLF BUILDING. SAN JOSE Better attention and service Better prices aod bargains Joe Lewis. New Owner a Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizand distema Nacional de Bildliotecas de (Opposite to Templo Biblico)


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