
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 53 December 2, 1950 Year OUR, TASK Among the Baptists FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR From the 28 Miles Baptist Church sacrament of Holy Communion. The came the news that the Madre de Dios Reverend Wm. Forde, Pastor of the We take distinguished pleasure to use our Editorial Columns to publish Riverside was crowded with a number Church was the officiating clergy.
below a special item of the Caribbean Review of November 22, 1950.
of baptists and others of other religious On the evening of Saturday a comely Jamaica New Governor Sends Message.
beliefs witnesses to a solemn service of wedding was celebrated, the contracting The Governor designate of Jamaica, Hugh Mackintosh Foot, CMG, OBE baptism, on Sunday morning the 12th parties being Miss Daisy Wynter and at present Acling Governor of Nigeria, Africa, has sent a message to the people ultimo. There were twelve persons who Mr. Charles Augustas Mowatt, both of availed themselves of the scriptural of Jamaica in response to an invitation from the Daily Gleaner, the island injunction as found in the gospel of this district. pleasant reception was leading newspaper. After thanking the paper for its good wishes, Mr. Foot Mathew 28 chapter, verse 19.
held at their home and many baptists went on to say: The divine service was conducted in participated in the gala affair.
The ATLANTIC extends its hearty My wife and are overcome by our good fortune. Returning to Jamaica the Waldeck Baptist Church where the will be like coming home. We are very happy at the prospect of meeting and newly baptised members were extended good wishes to the newly weds and the hand of christian fellowship. Thirty desires for them a life of happiness working again with so many Jamaican friends and living with our children in four members in all partook of the and usefulness to humanity.
the island we so much love. We do not imagine that our task will be easy, for we well know all The Exhibition at the Limon College the difficulties and dangers. But we have faith in the good sense and patriotism The Girls Sewing Section of the Jamaican people, and we look forward in no spirit of pessimism to (Continued from our last week issue)
identifying ourselves completely with them, and serving them to the utmost of The section of needle work and We believe that to achieve the ability our strength.
painting is under the able tuition of to create a charm in the things to wear. We are very sorry that we cannot arrive in Jamaica soon, but am Mrs. Iris Zamora. In evidence of the to create a charming home expressive Acting Governor in Nigeria, and cannot leave here till early February. We fancy work accomplished by the students of one taste and with harmonious we observed a thorough training in designs is a real accomplishment and shall then spend a few weeks in England, and hope to arrive in Jamaica at the smart professional dressmaking, in plan to which these girls are instructed in.
end of March, bringing with us our small son, Oliver, born in Jamaica, and ning to create distinctive clothes for Mrs. Zamora is indeed worthy of the his younger brother, Benjamin.
every occasion. The girls have, without highest praise from the general public The message was signed by Mr. Foot and his wife.
doubt, acquired the art of embroidery but more especially from the mothers and decoration of garments, hand work whose girls are first, second and third and painting year students of the Limon College.
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The Return of the Prodigal. Well Presented The announcement by medium of solo, Mesdames Diana Gayle and Mi.
St. Mark Church Bulletin and other. riam Hanson in the duet Whispering wise, stirred a large and appreciative Hope The recitation The Charge of audience to have assembled in the the Light Brigade was Mrs. Retinela Parish Hall to listen to the deliberations Earle contribution. We saw sixteen and to have seen the presentation of Mothers come forward and sing melothe drama «The return of the Prodigal diously the opening chorus. Peter go by the Mothers Union, on the night ring those bells. The rendition evoked of Monday the 21st. ultimo.
The programme was presided over admiration and moved applauses.
by Mr. Wm. Daysley, Layreader of The drama was eloquently presented the Church. His introduction was effec. and on its background was the grand ted by Mrs. Miriam Hanson. prelude moral lesson of forgiveness, hinged gave the audience the tuneful voices of on the genuine love of a father. Miss Mrs. Edith Waleott in an appropriate Lucille lohnen nureidodomon LA PROVEEDORA Box 175 Puerto Limón


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