
Edit Lim Deur Phy Ria whic No.
certa LESTER SPENCE La one CARD OF THANKS been beat that whe ges lack bric her of eac sy but me EDMUND WILLIAMSON tior app me our we 28 Millas, Costa Rica, also the same five, but it surprised me Provincia de Limón: that they spoke nothing which was The Editor, true, especially one man who surprises The Atlantic, Port Limón, Costa Rica. me most than all is one Alfred Turner Agatha Pryce living at 27 Miles. To know a man of Silbert Spence Dear Sir: his standard to tell an uncalled for lie. am using your weekly newspaper One of his statements was that he had Adopt this mediam to express sincerely our Thanks to to publicly express a matter which first been to the place in 1936 and the many Friends and Sympathizers by their visits during the illness hate to do, but am forced to do so 1937, but the road through my farm and for their presence at the funeral of our dearly beloved Son and Brother: through continual worries from a man was there not less than twenty years.
by the name of Samuel Shaw who lives Can 1936 to 1950 amount to twenty at 28 Miles and who stands in my way years? One can see for yourself; and as a bad snake from about the year 1920. there are many others who are not On account of his hard carrying on it correct. Another was Alfred Burrel, living November 22, 1950.
caused us to appear before the court in Matina. He paid his expense to Lioffice not less than fifteen times (15) món. Burrel said in Limon he is a and none of the time he has ever Christian man and he is going to talk right, seeing then that he always be the truth; that which he knows. On acwrong, yet his spirit of revenge forces count of saying that he was cut off him to go on the same way. Now the list of witnesses so he may not am forced to take a proceeding of de appear in court to give any statement mand against him. He tried to use my for the truth would be against Shaw. Joseph. Sterling. farm as a road while he has his road How do you like that. Kindly look Aston and Educard and a shorter one, but only to drive between the lines and see if you find Sons his cattle through my farm and to damage anything like crookedness in it; if what Miriam and Daisy my cocoa, stop up my drains and other write is not true he can then defend Daughters things, He is insisting that it must be himself and then will further my Grandchildren done. had called the notice of the explanation in another issue.
Adopt this medium to express most fondly our Governor of Limon some years ago. forgot. The judge now in 28 Miles gratitude to the many Friends and Sympathizers who by means of Cards, Letters, Telegrams and otherwise sent us their Condolence and to those The governor sent his police to have carried down to give a statement but who attended the funeral as the consequence of the almost sudden death fix. They forbid him not to walk it was not important for he was not of our loving Father through my farm; to use his road. He there in the past to koow our trouble.
discontinued during the period of those The total number of witnesses on my police judges, but as soon as a new side was six, stop at this for the time.
one comes who does not know about Yours Samuel Wolfe 28 Miles.
November 24, 1950.
this matter, he starts it again. Now EDITOR NOTE: The space occupied by had to carry him to the highest court the above is paid for by Mr. Wolfe, and in Limon. won the case; he now we are in no way responsible for appeal to San José and it is there for its origin.
Jamaica Ships Cattle to Panama further study. At the trial we both carried Jos. Thomas News from Jamaica indicate that and was President of the Cambridge our witnesses. asked mine to talk the truth what they know; the same NAMMANAMAN the biggest single shipment of cattle Union in 1929. Two of his brothers, ever to be exported from the island Dingle and Michael, who have also was done; their names are as follows: Este periódico will soon be on its way to Panama, achieved prominence, were presidents Buchel Hyman, David Wynter, Thomas West, Jose Miria Siries and a past judge está impreso en los Talleres consigned to the Estrella Sugar Factory of the Oxford Union.
The shipment, consisting of 120 Mr. Foot became an administrative who was at 28 Miles by the oame of Tipográficos head, is valued at 8, 000, and is made officer in Palestine in 1929, remaining Federico Morio, he now lives in the city of Limón; five of them. He had Editorial Victoria Ltda. up almost entirely of grade Holsteins, there for eight years. He was then at It is expected to be used in the milk tached to the Colonial Office, London, breeding program of the consignees and after tours of duty in Trans Jordan This will be the second shipment of and Cyrenaica, he was Colonial Secrecattle from Jamaica for the Isthmus. The tary of Cyprus from 1943 to 1945.
first was made some four years ago He was decorated with the and consisted of Indian and Red Polls. in 1939, and made a o. in 1946.
You will need Gifts for your Parents. Children Sweethearts Friends and Relatives: Reports say that the quality of the Officer of the Order of the British cattle was so satisfactory, and the ani. Empire; Companion of the Order of mals stood up so well, that when the St. Michael and St. George. You will want to appear CHIC for Christmas and New Year company needed some more, it sent an official to Jamalca to make the pur. Ray (Sugar) Robinson chase, K, 0, Jean Stock in Here are some of the Specialities for Garments.
Latest creation in «Paramount Silk HUGH MACKINTOSH FOOT, who second round Finest in Alpaca Charmy Angel Skin has just been appointed Governor of Welterweight Champion Ray (Sugar)
Flowered Crepe. Tripple Georgette Jamaica, is believed to be the youngest Robinson made his European debut a Lace ia fascinating Shades, Etc.
man ever to have held the appointment huge success on last Monday night Umbrellas for Men Women Children He is 43 when he scored a second round technical Mr. Foot is well known in Jamaica, knockout over a dazed and dumb.
You Will Find all these and at Prices Beyond Competition where he was Colonial Secretary from founded Jean Stock of France at Palais IN 1945 to 1947, and acted as Governor des Sports in Paris before a crowd of 20. 000.
HOLLYWOOD STORE from August, 1945, to January, 1946, He is a son of the Right Honorable mark of the second when Stock ma.
The end came at the two minute OF Isaac Foot, member of the British nager threw in the towel after the French SALOMON BERENZON Privy Council and an outstanding li middle weight had been clubbed to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
pra or whi rig fellc the final the the loc lor the TI Get in Readiness Christmas is Approaching


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