
1616 December 16, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page the Cahu)
erdry Capsids ald sol Every Cacao Tree a High Producer Geo Bowman NEW YORK BAZAAR destroyed by them. After several years Intensive work has been carried out the trees in these Capsid pockets Middle of British Pharmacy All America Cables on these pests with the object of finding become so weakened that they cease PRE. CHRISTMAS SALES me te some stage in their life and habits to yield and finally die. Capsids also the pen which might be attacked and so lead feed on pods but in general do little YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING IN tigh de to their control. Capsids have nothing damage to them.
OUR STORE: en mai to do with swollen shoot.
WACRI has shown that capsid pocNew assortment of Imported Fabrics, Etc Best in Quality As insect pests they are note worthy kets in mature cacao can be started and Shades for dresses Suits: juslibe in that their numbers are small. few when the cacao canopy becomes broken, da li capsids can do enormous damage. The e. by a fallen forest tree. But capsid EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITES TO PURCHASE: da bel reason for this excessive damage is pockets do not always start in that way. Pants cuts, variety of colours. 69, 00 each.
of oder mainly because a fungus invades the Sometimes, during the dry season, Beautiful Prints in Cotton, 36 inches bell ba feeding punches, and partly because capsid pockets boil over and lead to wide. 50 yard riumphe these pests inject a saliva into the plant blasted» cacao over considerable areas.
pression when they feed.
When the rains come the general capsid Sport Shirts, Mens at different prices Novelty Sharkskin Jagia The damage caused by capsids takes blast contracts back again into the for Ladies, super fine: Assortment other fancy goods This ver two forms: pockets. novelties: sor wz Note: Although capsids have been The effect on yield caused by the What you do not see, please ask for: we are here to please: erstan reported in Costa Rica and other Ame formation of a capsid pocket is as ADOLFO SCHIFTER up the rican countries no damage of the type follows: described has been reported. This may Effect of Capsid Pocket Development Proprietor edium be because of the absence of the two on Yield Pocket started early 1947 me te genera described or the absence of the Type of Number of Pods Produced small dry season is associated with shows the mark of disease it should at the accompanying fungus. Any informaDamage 1946 1947 1948 1949 a big increase in pod losses through be cut. off. If the pod is ripe the beans nding tion on capsids in the Western He.
will be unaffected and can be fermented Dreni misphere would be appreciated.
Healthy The outside of the pod first becomes in the normal way. The removal of the (a) On young cacao the small side Trees 247 225 438 338 branches and the central stem, both Slight infected and turns the characteristic diseased pod removes a source of inda, attractive feeding sites for capsids, par Damage brown colour, but it may take up to a fection to healthy pods. 1)
285 114 129 96 month before the beans inside the pod. In Costa Rica and Panama the ticularly where the side branches join 11 trees actually get attacked. But during this removal of infected pods has shown no the stem, are killed back to a few inches above ground level. When new Severe time the diseased pod acts as a source beneficial effect in reducing the num.
Damage (737 of infection to other healthy pods on shoots are formed from the living base ber of pods infected. Frequent harvests 107 17 43 tree.
32 Trees of the stem they in turn are attacked have increased total yield permitting The method of control is based on greater salvage of infected pods.
by capsids. Records for 1949 not complete.
Capsids, therefore, make cacao difBlack pod both these facts. As soon as the pod (To be continued)
ficult to establish and delay several Pod diseases are caused by several years the time taken for young cacao fungi, the most important of which in NEWSLETTER to come into bearing.
West Africa is Phytophthora palmivora.
al (b) On old cacao, capsid damage is In general pod diseases flourish in The Twentieth Century Fund. Fall 1950 usually confined to small areas, or cool, very humid situations. Phytophthora PILOT STUDY OF COSTA RICA pockets. In these pockets the capsids palmivora not only attacks pods but feed on the canopy twigs, which later can grow up the pod stalk into the SA pilot study of how a neighboring nefit Costa Rica, and thus would also become infected with the fungus and wood of the tree.
Latin American republic can increase its be helpful to similar countries. The die. break in the canopy results, WACRI has confirmed that there is a economic well being and pos study will show the needs of Costa and the tree produces many new shoots close correlation between loss of cropsibly qualify for United States assistance Rican industry and agriculture, posfrom the trunk. These new shoots are through pod diseases and the rainfall under the Point Four program was sible solutions to the balance of payvery attractive to the capsids and are duriog July and August. very wet undertaken in Costa Rica by the Fund ments problem and will delve into last spring. The results will be published government finance.
next year.
By studying the products, industries Heading the fund team as project and resources that seem to show the director was Stacy May, Chief Economist greatest possibilities for useful develop0 af the International Basic Economy Cor ment, the survey shows how some of (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader poration and former Director of the the experience and technical skills avaiBureau of Planning and Statistics of lable in the United States might be por: WS the War Production Board. With him used to help Costa Rica. It also sugwere: Dr. Albert Ralph Koch, an eco gests fields of activity in which invesacide nomist on the staff of the Board of tors of the two countries might jointly Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys participate in worth while and needed tem; Dr. Howard Parsons, an agri business enterprises. It should therefore 10 We are selling out the most attractive assortment of cultural economist with Depart. be valuable both to official agencies materials to make dresses and suits for men women and ment of Agriculture; Mr. Just Paaland, concerned with the Point Four» proresearch technician with the Organiza gram and to private agencies interested for children.
tion for European Economic Coopera. in foreign investment.
ind Come and see for yourselves, then compare the quality tion; and Miss Charlotte Carpenter, secretary. All were granted leaves of The entertainment to climax the Christnol of our goods and the bargain in prices.
absence by their respective organizations mas season will be given in the Salvato participate in the Costa Rica survey.
tion Army Hall on Tuesday night, De.
cember 26.
pu This amazing bargain begun on November 1, 1950. The survey is entirely unofficial and has no connection whatever either with For only one colon lovers of regal government or with private business pleasure will have their fill in the Salconcerns. Its main aim is to show me: vation Army Hall on Tuesday night thr Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizzano own in TIENDA LA BARATA Here is the gift from our Inventory The Greatest Clearance Sale od ii Today Friends II iiNot Tomorrow.


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