
Page THE ATLANTIC December 16 1950 This publication is effected in The Groans of the celebration of the 80th Aniversary Dr. Vargas LINIMENT People of Cahuita of His Excellency the President of Finland and in token of our appreFor rheumatic pain, sprains, lumbago, cold feet, back In our columns of Saturday the 2nd.
ciation to the Hon. Consul of Finache, it is effective, in case of colds and bronquitis. rub in reference to the delegation from land in Costa Rica, Warren well chest and back, and inhale deep from the bottle, the wonderful vapors.
Cahuita before His Excellency, the Mory.
Governor of our Province, we effected Keep handy always Dr. Vargas LINIMENT sold at all Juho Kusti Paasikivi, President of no mistake in saying that the people druggists aud stores, if not there send 6. 00 for bottles Finland since March 11, 1946, was to General Distributor, Box 534 San Jose.
could rest assured that the high charac born at Tampere, Finland, on Novema teristic dignity of His Excellency would For wholesale and retail in Limon and Line Towns ber 27, 1870. He entered the Univerbe exercised; that he would not fail write to Jacob Clarence, Box 1428 San José.
sity of Helsinki in 1890 and received the people if their cause be justifiable the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1892, The groans have fallen on clear lis Bachelor of Law in 1897 and Doctor Juho Kusti Paasikivi President of Finland tening ears; they have reached a hear of Law in 1901 and soon thereafter which throbs for the woes of others 80 Years on November 27, 1950 assumed governmental and political duIn the Tower of Justice the bell ha ties. In the first general election in Peace in 1940, Mr. Paasikivi was ap duty, has progressed. At the presidential been rung; the people hath triumphed 1907 he was elected to the Parliament pointed Finnish Envoy to Moscow, elections on February 15, 1950, he was and Cahuita is free from oppression.
and the following year he became Se where he served until the summer of reelected President for a six year term. The Police Agent complained agains nator and Head of the Department of 1941, During the period immediate As an individual, President Paasikivi was immediately stripped of his very Finance. This phase of his political following the Armistice, 1944, an effort represents the typically true Finish type. privileged authority; a successor wat career ended in 1914, when he became was made to arrange affairs without His great stature, as well as his co placed temporary and we understand president of Kansallis. Osake. Pankki calling upon Mr. Paasikivi, especially as rrespondingly great spiritual being, re don Carlos Luis Mora took up the (National Bank. the largest commercial he had expressed reluctance because of flects unyielding strength and lasting judgeship on the 15th.
bank in Finland.
his advanced age, but it became ap endurance. His age demands respect THE ATLANTIC adopts this medium Mr. Paasikivi again entered political parent, however, that the difficulties and even deeper respect is due him to extend a hearty welcome to the new life in 1917, after the Bolshevist Revo were so great that the grand old man for his achievements during these years.
Police Magistrate and hope that the lution, when Finland declared herself was needed to direct his nation. Thus His vitality continues to be enduring ullest measure of mutual understanding independent. In 1918 he formed the he became Premier of Finland for the and as an untiring Finnish patriot he and reciprocal goodwill shall prevail first Finnish Government. He was Chair second time on November 17, 1944. has decided to remain in the service of among all concerned.
man of Finland Delegation to the Upon the resignation of Marshal Man his country until such time as Fin Editorial Victoria Ltda.
Peace Conference at Tarto in 1920, nerheim from the Presidency of the Re land will again be in clearer waters.
obtaining a favorable peace for Finland. public of Finland, Mr. Paasikivi was He then retired from political life for elected President by Parliament on a period of fifteen years, during which March 11, 1946. Thus it became his years he devoted his entire time to his duty to establish final conditions of duties as President of Kansallis Osake peace in the domestic and foreiga afSpecialized in Furniture. Souvenir. Novelties Pankki. Under his direction this finan fairs of a country which was going cial institution developed into one of through the disastrous after effects of BIG CLEARANCE SALE powerful influence in the economic war. His victory over a public opinion, life of Finland. In 1934 he resigned which has been blinded by imagination from his duties at the bank and soon and propaganda, was slow and tardy, Beautiful and tastely worded assortment of Cards thereafter accepted the appointment of but all the more assured and encourasuitable as gifts to relatives friends lovers, etc. Earrings ornamental Finnish Envoy to Stockholm, Sweden. ging. His name became a symbol of jewels, novelties souvenirs, powders.
In the fall of 1939 Mr. Paasikivi the new politics of Finland, SELLING OUT BELOW COST PRICES was called to the negotiations in Moscow, The positive results achieved Iduring when Finland position in the turmoil Mr. Paasikivi terms of office as Prime Situated: 50 yards west of the Limon Post Office and in front of Avelino of world politics was being weighed Minister and President are apparent.
de la Peña Store.
in the balance The improvement in Finland foreign BERESFORD DUNCAN After the conclusion of the Moscow policy, which he considered his main DUNCAN Furniture La Antillana Situated in Limon Commercial Street, at entrance of the Crystal Passage.
Our Grocery and Other Articles Keep Moving Because of the Qualities and Reasonable Prices: CAMPO PAGADO Mr. Salomon Shaw Reply to the publication of Mr. Samuel Wolfe, December 2, 1950 Limon, Costa Rica Please answer why the Secretary, December 11, 1950 Retano, formerly of the Governor The Editor Office of Limón was discharged? Was THE ATLANTIO it not from your bribery? Why is it Port Limon the San José Minister of Gobernación sent back to the Governor in Limón to Dear Sir: revoke their sentence and replaced that desire the required space to reply of the Police Agent at 28 Miles and to the letter published by Samuel Wolfe of 28 Miles which appeared in your road?
ordered that you should reopen the newspaper of December 2: Samuel Wolfe is a trouble maker, a There is no truth in a liar. Samuel devil and and a compound liar. On the Wolfe had made a suit against me for 5th of 10. 000. 00 (ten thousand colones) and of October 1949 a fine of 30. 00 was paid by Wolfe as directed by the the judge did not condemn me for as Principal Agent of Police at 28 Miles much as ten cents. However, am not and another supposed to be in April. satisfied; the case is in San José as a of these can be found in the Go finally decided shall inform the pumeans of appeal and as soon as it is vernor office; reason for same is blic.
violation of the law by closing a road several times and the last of which the Salomon Show, Agent of Police of 28 Miles took Wolfe to Limon Limón, 28 Miles.
WE OFFER: St. Charles Small Cream.
Lactogeno powdered milk Nido Kraft Evaporated milk Ige. size.
Rice superb Quality.
Nuggett shoe polish all sizes.
Crisco Lard 3, 50 tin, 50 00 25 15 60 lb.
proof of a propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizane


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