
THE ATLANTIC பட 96 010 ON Editor ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Post Box 199 JOS. THOMAS Number 54 December 16, 1950 Year Limón, Costa Rica and je OUR TA SK to In The Basket Of The Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Many of the follies which generally censure During the past several days we have taken stock in regard to the new Are the effects of such vanity in which we indulge dide tinerary of the Northern Railway Company which came in effect on December If we but convert our thoughts of friction and folly Our lives would be a sweet flower in rich bloom.
From our observations and the general comments heard, it is safe to cidas say the Management has hit a home run. The travelling public, especially the Nnnnnn businessmen owe a debt of gratitude to the Railway for the improvement in PERSONALIA 1949 travel with two passenger trains daily from Limon to San Jose and vise versa.
These changes in the movements of passenger trains, quite naturally, will undo We are indeed honoured to utilize ago. Elder Morgan is the successor to 338 many of the old set ups in our human activities and those so affected ought to these columns to extend a right royal our very good friend, Elder Ricardo 43 bear in mind that the changes in life are sure to overtake us. the dew of night welcome to Elder Morgan and his Rankin of the Seventh Day Adventists does not as a general rule fall at the same time on every grown flower in our wife. They arrived in our city a week Denomination. We gather that the new gardens.
Apostle of our Blessed Master has been ca a medium of living by selling edibles at the now diar bani la sympathygoes to the small cellers who, in the past, earned Among The Baptists labouring in our sister Republic to the North. From idos sustained a loss as far as the passengers from Limon are concerned. There is On Tuesday evening the 19th instant, he appears to be in the bloom of han ample time to have breakfast for the 30 run and to take lunch at San Jose and (put a green circle around this date on physical fitness; he demonstrates a wininci by which a measure of financial benefit goes to the traders in the capital. The your Almanac) a Grand Christmas some personality and the possessor of Il travellers by the eleven fifty passenger train have all the hours required to eat Cantata entitled «BRINGING UP a soothing tone of voice. We bespeak lunch at home or to prepare and take their luncheons with them; reach San SANTA will be presented at the Bap for the new arrivals the fullest christian ibal Jose within dinner hours. However, train No. from San José by making the tist Church in this city.
fellowship and goodwill not only original stops will permit a medium of sale along the route. It is convenient We desire to hint all lovers of among Seventh Day Adventists but. to eat lunch at San Jose before the twelve thirty rapid and that the worms wholesome entertainments not to fail among our community in general.
should not be hungry during the drive of about five hours to arrive home, to see this presentation and to listen The Director Proprietor of this The only complaint which have reached us is that regarding the 45 to the charming narration concerning Weekly desires to assure Elder Morbus a. freight and passenger service by the way of Zent. The market is not our very good friend Santa. The price gan that our newspaper is always at El opened at that early hour to enable the traveller to buy a piece of fresh meat of admission is ONLY 1. 00 each the disposal of every Christian Church or other necessities which are not easily secured in the line districts. Then, on person. Five hundred persons can be or Temple, providing we are informed the other hand the residents along the route from Siquirres to our city are comfortably seated in the building. of the services required.
Eu denied the privilege to arrive on time to do any business at Banks and ja places which close their doors at three o clock sharp.
To ameliorate the difficult conditions of market purchases and to permit di the line dwellers to arrive in our city before three o clock in the afternoon, we would suggest the trial of a bus service, at least twice a week Tuesday and de Saturday; say, leaving this city around six o clock in the morning via Zent to OFFERS: Siquirres and to return from there to arrive in our city around ten o еlock; those Butter. lb 500 el arriving could do much business and if desirous could return by the 11. 50 San Salt 25 Rice José passenger train. It is a well established fact that when a people is presented Ib 60 Red Beans 60 with new things; patronage may be slow at the start but in process of time Flour 50 they become educated and a full measure of co operation and support is assured.
Quaker Oats 60 Rose Mary Powdered Milk 50 My Boy Powered Milk tin 15 Evaporated Milk tin 20 Get in Readiness Island Palm Soap. cake 90 Del Trópico Jellies jar 75 Fence Staples Ib. 90 You will need Gifts for your Parents. Children Nails. Ib. 00 Sweethearts. Friends and Relatives: Horse Mule Shoes 60 Carbide. lb 00 Iron Plugs. each 00 You will want to appear CHIC for Christmas and Electric Cord. yd. 55 New Year: Angulo Brooms each 25 Sewer Pipes each 00 Fantan Paints Here are some of the Specialities for Garments.
gal Faucets each 00 Latest creation in «Paramount Silk Carpenter Pencils each 45 Finest in Alpaca. Charmy Angel Skin each 75 Flowered Crepe. Tripple Georgette Limpol Furniture Polish jar 25 Lace in fascinating Shades, Etc.
Flashlights. each 75 Umbrellas for Men Women Children Tea Spoons each 95 Padlocks each 50 You Will Find all These and at Prices Beyond Competition Dry Yeast. Oz. 35 Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
IN Quick, courteous service, HOLLYWOOD STORE. OF SALOMON BERENZON Box 175 Puerto Limón de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liza del sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
LA PROVEEDORA Christmas is Approaching او د د د. د د 34. 00 Rat Traps LA PROVEEDORA


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