
December 23, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 11 50 THE ATLANTIC Greets its readers, subscribers, agents, advertisers and collaborators and wishes them Dr. Vargas LINIMENT For rheumatic pain, sprains, lumbago, cold feet, back ache, it is effective, in case of colds and bronquitis. rub well chest and back, and inhale deep from the bottle, the wonderful vapors.
Keep handy always Dr. Vargas LINIMENT sold at all druggists aud stores, if not there send 6. 00 for bottles to General Distributor, Box 534 San Jose.
For wholesale and retail in Limon and Line Towns write to Jacob Clarence, Box 1428 San José. Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year LA ANTILLANA LIMON MOST ACCOMMODATING GROCERY OTHER ARTICLES Situated at entrance of the Crystal Passage Desean sus muy distinguidos patronos y amigos FELICES PASCUAS MUY BUENA SUERTE EN EL AÑO 1951 Fun in the Hospital It isn often that London doctors ambushed the gatekeeper attacked the to be go in for public high jinks, but defenders with a fire hose and engaged when they do the police and the pa in a noisy free for all that alarmed both tients have a tough time of it. nurses and patients.
Not long ago, the medical students Some of the nurses poured buckets at Guy Hospital made a surprise raid of water on the invaders, from winon the budding young medicos at dows and fire escapes but not before Bart Hospital. They daubed a statue the marauders had stolen several por of Thomas Guy, founder of the insti traits from the hospital walls. The police tution, with white paint and carried finally broke up the brawl with the away several prized portraits of famous same tactics they use for a riot.
physicians We can understand such behavior, The other night a group of students said the august heads of the embattled from Bart marched across London hospitals. But the outbreak undoubBridge and into the quarters of their tedly had something to do with celeprofessional brothers at Guy They brating the end of the war.
la Wishes its very distinguished customers and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS VERY GOOD LUCK FOR THE YEAR 1951 et 50 DUNCAN Furniture Specialized in Furniture. Souvenir. Novelties Salvation Army Will Stage Christmas Entertainment Scout number one has been com vour to enhance gladness and mirth in missioned to look over things pertaining the main. He has found the Major at to the Entertainment which the Salva: his throttle and the locomotive is at high bution Army proposes for Tuesday night, steam to effect amusing and interesting a December 26. The report of the in deliveries of reciting and singing items as well as drama.
vestigator is very satisfactory because The public in general is assured a he has discovered an outstanding set. joyous welcome interwoven with the up consisting of all the necessary fla greetings of the season.
BIG CLEARANCE SALE Beautiful and tastely worded assortment of Cards suitable as gifts to relatives friends lovers, etc. Earrings ornamental jewels, novelties souvenirs, powders.
SELLING OUT BELOW COST PRICES Situated: 50 yards west of the Limon Post Office and in front of Avelino de la Peña Store, LA PROVEEDORA OFFERS: BERESFORD DUNCAN Salt Rice Quaker Oats.
Rose Mary Powdered Milk Evaporated Milk Island Palm Soap Del Trópico Jellies Fence Staples Nails Horse Mule Shoes Carbide Iron Plugs Electric Cord Angulo Brooms.
Sewer Pipes Pantan Paints Faucets Carpenter Pencils Rat Traps.
Limpol Furniture Polish Flashlights.
Tea Spoons Padlocks Dry Yeast Ib. 25 Ib. 60 tin 60 tin 50 tin 20 cake 90 jar 75 Ib. 90 Ib. 00 Ib. 60 Ib 00 each 00. yd. 55 each 25. each 6, 00 gal 34. 00 00 each 45 each 75 jar 25 each each 95 cach 50. Oz. 35 Argued His Teeth Away Husbandly gripes about overtalkative to her, said Richards.
wives are an old story in the divorce Being a poor man, he added, he courts But veteran attendants in just couldn go on paying 150 each Chicago Superior Court heard a new for new sets of store teeth to answer one the other day when 75 year old a woman who seemed to win all the Frank Richards cut loose against the arguments, anyway.
annoying behavior of his wife, Ca The judge refused to decide which melia, 72 of the pair started the clashes which Camelia not only talked a lot, but wore down the gnashers, but he or provoked so many arguments that he dered Richards to contribute to the wore out his false teeth trying to reply support of his provocative spouse.
cach ST. MARK CHURCH 75 Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
Quick, courteous service.
LIMON COSTA RICA THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist. 00 Sunday School. 00p. Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days. 00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 BiSasa WanklPatish BulletinFor Other Announcements: LA PROVEEDORA 00 pm Box 175 Este documento es propiedad Puerto Limón Miguel Obregón Lizalde sistema Nacional de


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