
Page 12 THE ATLANTIC December, 23 1950 Dember IMPORTANT NOTICE Revere erator es of reading ne been ridere ember 10 nue be the le hunds uit to Passed Beyond the Great Divide, But Yet Remembered Be informed that Hotel Valencia has cars which will take you along with three more passengers to the station Next Tuesday, the 26th instant, there will come again to our mental view that sad scene of ten years ago, when slept in death our dearly beloved for only Two Colones. 00. Ask us for a car when you Husband and Father are ready to leave. When you arrive in San Jose with friends or family, call phone 1824 and you will have at JAMES DIXON your service a car which will convey you to any point Germania, December 26, 1940.
dipper within the city limits for 00. Remember Phone 1824. Although ten years have rolled by since you left us Uppermost on the tablet of our unfading memory There is freshness of your endearing rarity In body you have departed, but yone spirit lives.
Trade Unionist Aid South East Asia We are comforted that it was the voice of Jesus said, Plans of the International Con area in the world to receive the Come faithful believer James. Come unto me and rest; Lay down thou toiling one; lay down and rest, we believe federation of Free Trade Unions attention of the International Our dear beloved Husband and father found in Him a resting place.
to help trade unionism to grow Confederation of Free Trade Emeline Dixon. Gertrude Dixon. Blanch Dixon. Lillian Dixon nd Worshi South East Asia are dove Unions. Already, an Indian trade Widow Daughters ulversury tailing with the farsighted work union leader, Mr. Dhyan Mungat, Walter Dixon. Derick Dixon. Sons. Grandchildren Decemb already launched with the same has been put in charge of a object by the British Trade bureau in Singapore to which THE Union Congress, representing all the Asian unions will be able Training Workers to be Managers CHUI 8, 000, 000 organized workers in to turn for information and ad.
Britain, vice, with the prospect of the Britain trade unions are ex missioned the National Council en we When the next Confederation opening of three branch offices aimed at training their members two schools for its members, panding educational programs of Labour Colleges to organize dips and These do conferences take place in the and two residential colleges for for higher responsibilities in one for industrial management wall go United States, in the next few the training of Asian trade union industrial management. Nine NERS IN weeks, the British unionists will leaders.
and one for the study of Briunions, representing 4, 000, 000 tain economic problems.
ту ѕt report their part in bringing Meanwhile, the Chairman of members, are taking advantage are called better labor conditions to South the British Trade Union Con of the training programs of the Another union, the Transport and lure and General Workers Union, easiest East Asia. The British unionists gress, Mr. Bullock, toured national labor organization (the have already set up a 27, 000 India and Pakistan this year and and a number of in with a membership of some o to Ch. 75, 600) fund to aid the wor came back with proposals for dividual unions run their own 1, 250, 000, has set aside 25, 000 kers of India, Pakistan and Bri educational assistance to the educational projects.
a year the equivalent of.
tain colonies to set up self trade unionists of those countries The Amalgamated Enginee 70, 000 to provide classes, reliant trade unions.
which the annual Congress, held ring Union, a pioneer in trade summer schools, lecture courses South East Asia is the first in September, agreed to provide. union education, this year com and part time training Keep up with the times. Read up to date publications Disabled Earn Their way in Britain of all kinds: For sale at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the Limon Market.
More than 800, 000 disabled their independence and selfman and women are earning respect to Britain rehabilitation Illinois Names Negro Judge their living in Britain today, in and resettlement program, one Chicago, Dec. AP. The first Negro since his election in 1942. The Chicago normal occupations alongside of the nation most remarkable to hold a Cook County (Chicago) Cir Bar Association has rated him excep their fellow workers. They owe postwar welfare achievements cuit judgeship was appointed this week tionally well qualified. Judge Green is nic Ge by Gov. Adlai Stevenson. He is Judge mitted to the bar after studying law at a native of Topeka, Kan, and was ad. Ciel Tox ΣΧ Σ ΣΧΟ ΣΑΣ Wendell e. Green, a municipal judge the University of Chicago.
The seasons come and go, but our profound TORIAL VIDEO gratitude to our customers and friends will remain always: We take this grand opportunity to extend SALUDA a todos sus clientes y amigos de Limón y les desea our heartiest wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Splatt Family: ΣΟΣ ΟΤΣ The Wes Board of the op tour to Eng Board of connodi Muy Felices Pascuas y Prospero Año Nuevo


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