
December 23, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 13 THE CHURCH TEACHES ACAPULCO BAR The Reverend William Ziadie, pay an act of love to God. Ceremony Rector of Limon has kindly placed ns helps us to do this in two ways. First, the receiving list of the weekly it puts us in the mood to worship.
CAFE, RESTAURANT CANTINA Bulletins of St. Mark Church. We Second, ceremony is a means by which, Where you can drink and dine when in San José enjoy reading them and among these in our actions, we honor God. These Courtesy and Efficiency our motto. Visit us we have been deeply impressed with actions are important, since the outward and be convinced. Three blocks north of Central Market Paso de la Vaca street, the article re The Church Teaches physical behaviour indicates the interior San José which appeared in the Bulletin of attitudus of the soul. reverent body The Seasons Greetings To All December 10. Due to its highly reve. usually and normally is a sign of inward rential value we are pleasingly passing reverence. THE CEREMONIES OF along the lesson with a hope that in THE HOLY EUCHARIST, DEVELO. kewise, we should not do these things There is another important thing those hands in which this publication PED BY THE CHURCH OVER THE in God House. God is everywhere, to remember a thing which is reaches, will carefully read and specially LAST 2000 YEARS, HELP US TO of course, with us in school, at home, also a part of good manners, that impart it to their children; then finally HONOR AND WORSHIP GOD. on the street, in the office, at work is to be on time at church and not to leave until the Service is over.
let us all make our resolve to Honour We have all heard that God is KING anywhere, at play. BUT HE IS ESPE.
and Worship God whose Son Birth OF KINGS. If we think about that IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT.
CIALLY PRESENT IN HIS HOUSE It is also good manners and a natural thing, too, to sit well to the front, Anniversary Christendom will celebrate just a bit it will help us to act pro So, it is all important that we remember near to God Altar, when thats possible.
on December 25: perly in Church. If we were to call to pay as much respect to our God, church sparsely filled with a concenupon the President of this Republic, to our KING OF KINGS, as we would tration of the congregation in the back THE CHURCH TEACHES or of the United States or the King to any highly placed human being. seems lacking in respect a lack of a CHURCH IS GOD HOUSE. of England, or on some person in gentleman always takes off his bat real desire to join in the worship. It When we visit friends, there are certain authority, we would be careful to find in the house. It is natural, then, that may, of course, be an indication of a things and certain things we don do, out the proper thing to do. Should we men and boys should remove their lack on understanding or of timidity.
These «dos» and don ts make up what stand, should we shake hands, should hats before entering the church. Tradi WE ARE ALL EQUAL BEFORE tionally, the Church has held that it is GOD WE SHOULD NOT BE TIMID we call good manners. GOOD MAN. we speak first, how should we address good manners for a woman or a girl OR DIFFICENT IN OUR CHURCH NERS IN CHURCH have to do with the this person? Is it not just as impor. to cover the head when in Church. This OR IN OUR WORSHIP.
way we conduct ourselves and with what tant when we call on the KING OF usually means a hat but if a hat is NOTE: THE CHURCH TEACHES will continue for some weeks are called the ceremonics. Ceremony, by KINGS, on God, that we should know not available, it is permissable to wear to follow. In these instructions we will and large, is the best way and the how it is proper to act. We wouldn other covering, such as a kerchief. The consider our actions and the reasons easiest way to do a given thing. We whisper and giggle and gossip at au traditional woman church head dress for them during the Celebration of the go to Church to worship, that is, todience with a king or a president Li was a veil or mantilla.
Holy Eucharist.
COD LIVER OIL ZEPOL HARLEM TAILOR SHOP ALBERT MINTO Four blocks South of Theatre América, San Jose Adopts this medium to wish his many Clients and Friends: Very Merry Christmas Lots of Prosperity in the New Year Pure Norweigian Cod Liver Oil obtained through special process.
Very rich in vitamins. Approved by the office of control of the Norweigian Government.
On sale at all commissaries of the Compañía Bananera de Costa Rica, and other establishments throughout the country.
LABORATORIOS ZEPOL Ltda. SAN JOSE Caribbean Review Patient Dies Second Time Jamaica Gets 2, 000 from Mere Jamaican Workers for Cricket Tour.
Chicago, Dec. AP. Michael dergoing an operation to stop The West Indies Cricket of Control Another 150 Jamaican agricultural Board of Control has given 2, 000 workers have been recruited in the Cernivivo, 61 years old who repeated hemorrhages from a from the pronceeds of the West Indies island for work on the farms of the was brought back to life after stomach ulcer: tour to England to the Jamaica Cricket United States Sugar Corporation in he had been pronounced dead Board of Control for use in improving When he died the first time, accommodation for tournaments. Clewiston, Florida.
for five minutes last Thursday, after his abdominal cavity had SIDO died a second and final time been opened, the attending HOTEL VALENCIA AND today in Mount Sinai Hospital, surgeon cut into Mr. CerniRESTAURANT, VALENCIA scene of his original resusci vivo chest wall to expose the SAN JOSE tation.
heart, which the surgeon mas.
Take this medium to thank their many patrons Mr. Cernivivo death, a hos. saged and then injected adre.
and friends from the Province of Limón for their kind patronage during the past and hope to con pital Spokesman said, was at nalin directly into that organ.
tinue serving them with the same attentiveness tributed to extensive brain da. Death usually follows, if the in the future.
mage caused by lack of oxygen brain is starved of oxygen for At the same time Wishing for all Merry Christmas di Prosperity in the New Year.
during the time his heart had more than three minutes, the es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Migue bel sifaria Nacional de binlegas del dirig de fleste suventud. Sasta


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