
Page THE ATLANTIC April 21, 1951 CARD OF THANKS TO hi A be bo KG Ba be NO Pro Letter From Mrs. Jacques Garvey to the Officers of the Port Limon Division No. 300 of the Universal Negro Improvement Association Barvell Wife AFRICAN STUDY CIRCLE OF THE and to this day we have never received Hubert Vanhorn Wife WORLD: one cent of same. When he was chal Kathleen Francis (Colon)
Marcus Garvey, Founder, Amy Jacques lenged by some of the Divisional Re. Millicent Francis Garvey, Widow of Marcus Garvey, presentatives who had sent the money, Other Relatives abroad: Successor and Director: he pulled a gun on them.
Headquarters 21 Jacques Road Adopt this medium to express publicly their sincere Thanks to Lady gave a large farm in Illinois, their many friends and sympathizers who by prayers, visits and words Windward Road to the Organization and he of comfort during the period of sickness as well as for their Cards, Jamaica, got the papers made out in his name Letters, Telegrams, other tokens of Condolence and for attending the February 26, 1951. alone; it was not until long after the funeral service and accompanying to its final resting place the body of To the Officers Members Members found out, he went off to Liberia, with all he could get. reone who in life was their darling Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother Relative Puerto Limon.
cently heard from Dr. Lawrence son Dear Friends: and others that he has made his fatnily MRS. FRANCES ADAMS am in receipt of yours of the 7th comfortable, but nothing is being done instant. was wondering what has for the A. with all the money (Died 1951. happened to Costa Rica, for these many he took to Liberia. So if you follow years. wish you would try to impress people like Mrs. Pitters and send money on our own people at that end that to James Stewart in Liberia, you are they are not so much following an just fools and more too.
Organization, as pursuing an ideal Write immediately to the following Physics and Chemistry; this is his last too, and am broken in health. Serving toward betterment of an entire Race. for further information about what year. He also should be sent to England a Race is hell.
The stage of Organization is past. We Stewart has done: to take his Degree in Chemistry, but It is a good thing Africa has taken are on the march toward Nationhood UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPRO no funds. Well, if you all had ang up the Call, and is preparing her men for our people in Africa and every. VEMENT ASSOCIATION guts in you you would not stand for and women for Nationhood, and now where else, where we form a majority Grisson, President General. such rogues in the Organization and thank God there are many Garveys in in population Chas. James, Organize.
such gross neglect of Marcus Garvey Africa, saying in no mistaken tones; You ask re Stewart in Liberia. Miss Elinor White, Ist Vice President. children. It is ten years since he died Africa for the Africans, at home and have not time to go into all the details, Miss Clara Pillars, Secretary, and leaving them so small. What has abroad.
but in a few words, which you ought Miss Ruby Nelson, Treasurer.
Costa Rica done for them.
Yours fraternally.
to know, James Stewart, from Marcus Enclosed is news clipping re the must close, have to work hard JACQUES GARVEY Garvey death has done nothing to Success of Marcus Jr. in obtaining his extend the work of the A. Arts Degree, although he had to study but to tak: whatever funds he could at nights and work in the day, this he get for his own purposes. He admitted accomplished at the early age of 19.
at the First Conference a year after He is still working. What a shame Located 200 yards South of Atlantic Railroad Station. San Jose Marcus Garvey death that he had cold when Stewart has money collected by FOREIGN AND NATIONAL LIQUOR lected moneys that was turned over to Members toward these boy education.
him by the American people for the Marcus wants to go to England to PALATABLE «BOCAS two sons of Marcus Garvey and that become a Barrister, but we haven the Special attention to visitors from the lines. Attended by its proprietors he was holding same until they became means. He is working at the Courts of age. Just imagine that rogue refusing Office here.
to send one penny of hundreds of The other boy Julius Winston is The Concert Staged on Monday Night the dollars he admitted he had for them, still at Wolmer School. He is taking Ninth Instant lis Stro pro wer mood Oro.
be य 11 lo Visit Cantina EL MANZANERO pa TI RAMON ACON LEON AVISA: Numerous and outstanding are the There are wonderful talents here, but praises outpoured by almost every we must rise up, find and train them.
person who attended the Sacred Con There is yet another note which cert, featuring THE MAN DIVINE we desire to strike, and it is this: That which was staged in the St. Mark although the hall was seated to its Parish Hall on the night of Monday capacity there prevailed throughout the the 9th, instant.
renditions a pin dropped silence on Que ha sido puesta al servicio de Cabotaje al Sur la Lancha «Moderno the part of the audience. It was evident recientemente reparada a tal punto que se puede decir nueva.
The reciting and singing items were that the audience would have relished of winsome qualities, both in words the repetition of several items, but time El itinerario a los Puertos Cahuita, Puerto Viejo, Manzanillo y Gandoca, and renditions; rising higher and higher permitted only the encore for the well por el momento es los días Martes, regresando los Miércoles o Jueves. in appreciation to the conclusion of the sung quartette What did He do. by thirty eight item programme. The backthe Misses María Legister, Evelyn Turner, ground of the entertainment was a pearl Messrs. Patterson and George Saunbeyond price because its setting was in ders, Jr. The evening pianist was Miss The Launch Moderno recently reconditioned is placed in coastal harmony with the past Easter Festival.
Laura Mae Morgan, daughter of the service to the South at the following ports for the time being.
Mrs. Vivia Morgan, the esteemed elder and wife. Miss Beryl Rogers wife of elder Morgan of the Seventh played the instrumental accompaniment The itinerary is to ports of Cahuita, Old Harbour, Manchioniel and Day Adventists was the moving spirit. for two duets and Mrs. Morgan presided Gondoca. The Weekly sailings are on Tuesdays, returning on She praise Worthily prepared the young over the programme.
Wednesdays or Thursdays.
people who from collective and indi.
The sponsor expresses through this vidual standpoints demonstrated won medium her thanks to everyone who ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT derful talent. In a very broadminded contributed to bring to prominence her expression, Mrs. Morgan ren kader first pu lic effort in this city.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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