
51 April 21, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page TIENDA HOLLYWOOD erving bakea ben DOW Eys in DOES and General Ike Picks British Intelligence Chief by Donald Stokes News that General Eisenhower has ledge of the exact strength of the Italian picked a Briton, Major General Sir armed forces, he was able to extract a Terence Airey (see foot note. to be great amount of information out of. de his Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelli them by a combination of bluffing gence, recalls that a similar Anglo and deduction.
SALOMON BERENZON American partnership in World War II In the interval between the receipt built up the greatest Intelligence team of the surrender terms, and their ac To meet the crisis we have reduced alarmingly the prices of our Goods yet seen.
ceptance by the Badoglio Government American Prints, 36 inches wide. 50 yd.
During the last war, General Eisen 45 days later, the Anglo American Air Stamped Poplins. 00 yd.
hower chose an Englishman, General Forces blasted some of the most secret Silk in the latest Mode. 00 yd.
Kenneth Strong, to be his head of In German headquarters and communiAlpaca in all colours. 11. 00 yd.
telligence. Strong work was summed cations centers down the length of Italy.
up by his famous colleague, General Bedell Smith and Strong gave the Vistras, Rabbit Skin. Sharkskin and Bedell Smith, who was General Eisen Italians a suitcase carrying a portable Voiles at reduced prices.
hower Chief of Staff, and later United radio transmitter. It was this instrument States Ambassador to Russia, in these which the Italian Government would words: The British produce the best use to complete the surrender.
APPROACH THE OPPORTUNITY VISIT US AND BE CONVINCED high level planners and Intelligence of The train that took the two Italian ficers on earth.
generals back to their country across From the mass of information which France held a cargo of strange fears. Rally of the Missions in the Archdeaconry his Allied team poured in, General The two Italian generals knew that if of St. Mark Strong found the answers to the crucial the radio transmitter they were carrying problems of General Eisenhower were found by the Germans they would We are joyfully passing along the Rectory. The Festival will terminate strategy.
be doomed. Fortunately, they reached advance notice that there will be con with Solemn Evensong and Sermon, The combined Chiefs of Intelligence Rome safely.
ducted in the St. Mark Church in commencing at seven in the evening.
were in almost continual session in a About this time the Nazis began this city, the Missionary Festival of the The public is cordially invited to room overlooking London famous pouring more divisions into Italy, and Archdeaconry of Limon on the occasion join the people of St Mark on this Grosvenor Square. They looked down Badoglio attitude stiffened. When Ge of the Patronal Feast of St. Mark Parish their fifty third Patronal Festival, on stereo comparograph maps aerial neral Castellano, the principal Italian on Sunday the 29th instant. Layreaders, reconnaissance photos overprinted with negotiator, made his next appearance, Wardens, Choirs and Guilds from the latest details they had gathered of Bedell Smith and Strong pulled off a Lines Missions will participate.
On Monday night the 30th, the enemy dispositions and planned the gigantic bluff.
The celebration will begin with Out Women Auxiliary of the Parish will next move.
They demanded unconditional sudoor Procession and Solemn Mass at stage a Rally, having as its characters In the middle of it all was Majorrrender, without any of the protective six o clock in the morning. The guests for representation, the Baker, Butcher, General Strong. He was assisted by a clauses for the Italians which Badoglio from the Missions will be served with Dairyman and Farmer. An enjoyable shrewd taciturn American officer, Bri now requested.
refreshments at eight o clock at the time is earmarked for this program.
gadier General Betts.
The two Allied generals had noticed The headlong advance of the Allied that Castellano knew a little more EnIf you don read, vou can know if you don know, armies right into the heart of Germany glish than he had admitted, and they and Italy was possible because of began making asides to each other, in you can argue Keep up with the times; read alwaysGet all your reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop Strong Flexible and highly accurate Englislı, which hinted at a vast AngloWest of the Limon Market system of Intelligence.
American offensive about to be laun.
The team of three Eisenhower, ched against the Italians.
Bedell Smith and Strong was respon The bluff worked. Soon afterwards The Departure of his Excellency, the British sible for the severing of the Rome the Italians signed the documents which Minister His Wife Berlin Axis.
gave us the key to Italy.
In August 1943, at a midnight rendez. 50 year old Major General Sir TeOn Tuesday, the 17th instant, His of race, colour or creed. Taking into vous near Lisbon, Bedell Smith and rence Airey, General Eisenhower new Britannic Majesty Minister in Costa consideration the state of world unrest Strong came armed with authority from Intelligence chief, has just taken up Rica, His Excellency, Sir Bernard Pon during his period of office, we venture Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin to be his duties at Atlantic Pact Headquarters sonby Sullivan and his highly distinto say that he displayed excellent statesgotiate the surrender of Italy. They met in Paris. For the past three years he guished wife left the San Jose British manship so characteristic of his grand Legation for England to enjoy their nation.
two Italian generals, bearing the au has been British Commander of the well earned vacation and at its termithority of Badoglio to offer capitulation. Anglo American zone of Trieste. Du nation, the Minister will retire from Excellency and Mrs. Sullivan a safe THE ATLANTIC wishes for His Strong, then a Brigadier, knew Italian ring 1941 42 General Airey was Dithe Diplomatic Service of his great flight to the Mother Country and may fluently. From his conversations with rector of Special Operations in the nation.
His Excellency diplomatic career the remainder of their days be crowned the two enemy generals, and his know Middle East. here in Costa Rica has earned for him with resplendent health, happiness and lasting admiration and appreciation from prosperity and with fond reminiscenses British subjects in all matters regardless of Costa Rica and nation EY the. but which That at the 00 ident ished time well. by mer Doctor Miguel Dejuk VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED Miss the apers mer!
ided Physician and Surgeon Tulane University, United States of America CONSULTING OFFICE: 50 yards North of the Post Office SAN JOSE OFFICE HOURS: From 11 to 12 to pm.
Telephone 6181 GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON. Manager this wbo her Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyItalyStalinWorld War

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