
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY EDITOR: LIMON, COSTA RICA JOS. THOMAS Number 91 OCTOBER 6, 1951 Year POST BOX 199 TEC THE DEBATE RESOLVED THAT RADIO TRANSMISSION AS NEWS ORGAN SERVES BETTER THAN THE PRESS. OUR TASK 20Another feather has been placed in Transmission as a news organ serves the social hat of the Port Limon Branch better than the Press. Along the 134 of the Jamaica Burial Scheme MESDAMES VINELLA PENNANT, ROSA LINDSAY route they set up land marks of facts Society by the staging of the Debate OF SIQUIRRES MISS ENID FRANKLIN OF OUR CITY, and logics. However, the Negative on the night of Thursday the 20th EARNED THE BACON in support that the Press serves better of September. The St. Mark Hall than Radio Transmission as a news had its burden of humanity, but not with standing the mixed throng the general decorum was of excellent organ, had its champions. Three order. The occasion was graced with wonderful characters; Mes. Vinella the presence of the Vencrable Wil Pennant, the leadress, in her deliliam Ziadie, Archdeacon of Limon, beration measured up Barcister Mrs. Ziadie, the Reverend Fr. Wil of the Inns of Court. At times she FROM OUR DESK. By THE EDITOR liam Glenn and among the plat was sensationally disposed. Then was We do bonour to the Delegation and Baseballers from Nicu form occupants was Mr. Bell added the splendour of her robust ragua in assigning these columns on the occasion of their visit, and of The Panama Tribune. The prelude figure. Mrs. Rosa Lindsay, with barwas hinged on many well known and monizing physical tower and beauty at the same time, congratulating the personnel of the Atlantic Banew talents. Among these are Messrs. on the background of eloquence carseball League for their indomitable fortitude, like Robert Bruce and Alfonso Taylor, Frank Edwards, ried to a successful termination her the spider and its web, although several times ascended and fell did Chambers and Mrs. Edith Walcott assign. Miss Enid Franklin, an not surrender, but gained new courage by each fall, and so the main songs, Mrs. Vinella Pennant and the moment volunteer to fill the vacancy created by the sickness of Mrs.
nagement of the League in spite of financial and other difficulties, Miss Violet Williams in recitations At the piano, the Misses Beryl Ro Shedden. Miss Franklin acted compersisted and brought to our city on Saturday the 291b ultimo, the gers, Sylvia Robathom, Delfina mendably and played a sterling part baseball team Granada of our sister and friendly Republic of NiBooth, Dorell Jackson, Ben Escoe, in the achievement of victory for the caragua, directed by the popular manager, Mr. Edmundo Castillo Mrs. Rosa Lindsay, Messrs Enrique Press. Chalupa) and seconded by a nutritive and selected delegation comDixon and Chesterfield Jackson, re Brigadier Thos. Lynch, Messrs.
prising the principal directors of the fraternity of sports of the beauti latively a Tot. but an car mark Joseph Burrow, Stanley Britton, ful city of the Lakes: Granada, Sultana of the Cacibolca. They are ed professor of the white keys. The Mesdames Vivia Morgan and Daisy Blake filled the honour role as Judges.
Mr. Richard Contreras, Dr. Carlos Ferrey Robleto, Mr. Emilio Peck string instruments gave their melodies by the talent of Messrs. Stephen Ro Their findings in favour of the Neand the famous photographic artist, Mr. Dionisio Rosales who we bathom, Herbert Jackson and Gerald gative was whole heartedly received found charmed with their visit to our picturesque port of Limon, they Watson The evening principal by the large audience.
having been given the keys to our chests of welcome, love and ge mental food was the Debate Mr. Wm. Daysley, the time keeper neral bospitalities.
Messrs. Hubert Vanhorn, Walter kept the speakers within bounds of their allotted time. Mr. Leslie Angus Other than the Committee of reception, the delegation and Barnett and Enrique Dixon represented the Affirmative. There is no in his characteristic eloquent and huplayers were heartily greeted at our airport by Miss Sara Cerda, the gainsaying as to the very able manmanner presided over the very well beloved Consul of Nicaragua and Secretary of the British ner in which they argued for Radio very memorable entertainment.
Consulate in Limon. She gave every attention and service to the welfare of the visitors If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can From the earlier bours of morning anxiety for the arrival of the argue Keep up with the times; read always. Get all your guests reigned in the breast of almost every citizen; watching the reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
hour and minute hands of the clock. At one hour of the day hopes faded when mentioned that disappointment had set in and that the morous players would not come. However, in the late afternoon bopes bud Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of St. John to Stage Concert anew with the joyous news that the friends would arrive at 30. In front of the playground was the scene of an ocean of people who cheered robustly on the arrival of the men. The match started at a very late hour: darkness came at the close of the third inning. LiFor the very needful cause of send Catholic Day School hall on Monday night the 8th instant. We make bold mon by the great accomplishment of the dangerous batsman, George ing a little aid to the sufferers of the Jamaica Hurricane of August 17 to say that no true hearted person Stephen who hit a home run with two men on bases, three runs were 18, 1951, we learn interestingly that will fail to attend the proposed cnscored against a single for Granada. The match was dedicated to the Ladies of the Knights of St. tertainment and if not able to lend Don Francisco Urbina (Panchito. John will stage a concert in the their presence will assist financially.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings. dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.


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