
ARNOLD and RITTEL ROPER LLOYD and IRENE JONES GRETEL BLAKE and other Relatives, adopt this medium to express their THANKS to the many friends and acquaintances who by mediums of Cards, Letters, Telegrams an other tokens demonstrated their Condolence and for attending the funeral services of their dearly beloved Wife Daughter Sister Aunt and Cousin We brighten these columns of our for his marvellous contributions in newspaper by inserting as a means of the rapidly repaired railroad resultant a joyous welcome to the Costa Rica from the damages of the last flood Section of the Anglican Diocese of rains The Panama Canal Zone, the name of the Reverend Fr. David Reid who For a few days of last week our arrived in San Jose a few days ago city was graced with the cheery to officiate at the Church of the presence of Mr. Bell (Jingles Good Shepherd during the leave of of the Panama Tribune. His visit absence of our dearly beloved Rev.
was of grand fraternal importance in Fr. Chas. Fish and to whom we his very high office as Correspond extend our sincere wishes for a coming Secretary of the Central Amefortable and happy stay in the great rican District of the Independent North American Republic and a safe Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester return to this field of spiritual labour Unity. He brought the Authority to in which he is so dearly loved.
function and Inaugurated the Loyal Beth Lodge Nº 9923, a female Branch of the Order. We learn that about THE ATLANTIC adopts this thirty well known ladies comprised medium to express a royal welcome the new Lodge and in turn we wish to Mr. and Mrs. Riggs of the them every prosperity and long life.
Northern Railwyay Company on the Previous to his departure he enjoyOccasion of their recent return from a well earned vacation spent abroad.
ed the company of Mr. Cedric Kerr Mr. Riggs is one of the powerfuled views in relation to race progress of San Jose, with whom he exchangtalents connected with the Northern throughout the republic.
Railway Company We owe him more than we can realize IMPRENTA FALCO LTDA.
URGE INSURANCE OF BARBADOS SMALL HOUSES After noting the devastation caus vernor, which was heartily supported ed in Jamaica by the recent hurricane, by the chamber, Haynes urged members of the Barbados Assembly that the Government should carry a moved to have the Government insure comprehensive hurricane insurance some 40, 000 small houses in the policy on these houses, inasmuch as island.
the owners were not in a position to insure themselves against hurriIn moving an Address to the Go.
cane risks.
Despecho de Recetas de Oculistas MEN DELUXE BE BOP PRIVATE ETE Be the hit of the crowd!
Genuine Optical Zyl. Light or Dark Tortoise Shell Block or Light Brown frames.
Sus ojos, no tienen hagaselos exam nar una vez al año.
FOR: Ebony. Color African Opinion. Tan Confessions World Ring The Crisis Opportunity and Other Magazines. Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
precio Communists Try to Break Blockade OPTICA TRENAN TASK FORCE 95 KOREAN is deputy to Admiral An10 VARAS SUR DEL BANCO DE SEGUROS WATERS (By Radio. The Com drewes.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA munists are trying to break the Though the constant work of the blockade which the warships warships is not often in the news, have placed tightly round the entire they are doing a great job keeping BENEFIT DANCE IN AID Korean coast the enemy off the sea and smashing OF THE SUFFERERS OF Pilots returning to the British his rail and road communications along the coast THE JAMAICA HURRICANE aircraft carrier GLORY report that the enemy is trying to replace in se0 crecy their fleet of junks and sampans, Floods Damage The Victory Dance and Social night the 11th.
so as to bring supplies by sea to the Club of this city, moved by the sense This dance should draw every Communist front. Direct hits by Port of Spain of the sufferings of its fellow person who trips the light fantastic rockets have been scored on newlycreatures in the island of Jamaica, has art, not only for the merriment and built, heavily camouflaged junks. Flooding unprecedent in Trinidaa proposed a special dance to be held the ushering of the Day of the The intense activities of recent history did widespread damage in the comodious Liberty Hall on the Races, but rather to lend every pos GLORY in breaking up this attempt in Port of Spain, the capital, and its eve of Columbus Day, on Thursday sible support to this Benefit Dance.
by the Reds is shown by the fact castern and western outskirts, fol.
that scarcely one plane in this air lowing heavy rains during the recurcraft carrier has escaped damage by rence in the Caribbean of hurricanes enemy anti aircraft fire. These planes carly last month. Several houses colare providing the major part of lapsed in different areas and families (OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
Britain air contribution to the were left homeless. Other homes were in Korea inundated and furniture washed THE UNITED CACAO PRODUCERS LIMITED, BEING Since February 19 this year, the away. Almost all the rivers in the NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IS ABLE TO blockade and air forces in Ko area, including the city East Dry PAY THE BEST PRICES.
rean waters, known as Task Force 95, River, overflowed their banks.
has been under the command of a Consult our prices and in addition we give our best Rainfall on Sunday, September Briton, Vice Admiral Sir An was startling. On that day alone attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
drewes. His force indudes the ships rainfall in San Juan and Barataria Ramón Acón León Alfonso Solé Lippa of eight nations: the UK, the exceeded the average for months over Austria, Canada, New Zealand, several years, the Aranjuez Estates at General Manager.
Assistant Manager the Netherlands, Siam, and South San Juan recording as much as 35 Korea, Rear Admiral Alan Smith, inches piedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
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