
Year 0 VR TASK IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK The sense of universal brotherbood which Christian teachings awake And keeps alive in our minds, is not opposed to the love of country: It does not forbid a man to work for the promotion of bis country; And of the advantages which it lawfully enjoys.
HAPPENINGS OF THE SALVATION ARMY FROM OUR DESK 01 By THE EDITOR In our edition of February 16, we published the copy of a letter signed by many citizens to the Governor of the Province and who is the Executive of the Municipal Council.
We have read with the greatest care each paragraph of the letter and we have discovered much food for thought.
In every community under our democratic institutions the citizens are entitled to freedom of speech against such measures that are not in harmony with their best interest. This right is acknowledged and ascribed to by each member State of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to wit; we quote the following articles. Al human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
21. 1: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
1Everyone a standard On Sunday night the 24th of Fe. King George VI was our very pleasbruary a very befitting Memorial ing contribution to the service; folservice was conducted by Brigadier lowed by that of Mr. Barrett.
Lynch of the Salvation Army. Tri bute was paid to the late King George The Brigadier Message included VI and Mr. George Young who was the commemoration of the King a comrade of the Salvation Army. and the Comrade Mr. Young; stirMessrs. Barrett and Jos. ring at intervals his hearers to the Thomas were special platform guests, grand necessity to love and serve The principal address on the life of our Blessed Redeemer.
quate for the health and well being of himset and of his family, Ugly sights at principal parts of the city. care and social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control In the tenor of the citizens letter we refer to paragraph 3; that treating on the exhorbitant rate of house rent. It would appear that our complaints in this respect is only serving to tighten the yoke of oppression for it has been recently brought to our attention that tenants of more than fifteen years occupancy and after slight repairs to the accommodations, not in the interest of the tenants, but for the preservation of the buildings, the rental rate within six months have leaped from sixty colones to one hundred and fifty a month whereas the heads of these homes have not gained one cent increase in their salaries which actually is not more than half greater than the one item of house rent. It might be argued that such tenants should seek cheaper rooms; this would be the case of jumping out the frying pan and into the fire because the present basis in rents are from seventy colones and more for one small room and kitchen; two rooms and limited other space are in the hundred serie; three rooms and more starts at two hundred and fifty colones per month.
When we analyse this high rate on house rent, we conclude that Article 25, section of the Declaration of Human rights are not applicable to the less fortunate of our great human family.
Our attention has been invited to the electric lights are out of service.
the very ugly spectacle consisting of person can stumble head over carth and debris which are in heaps heels and sustain serious injury.
on the streets at certain principal parts in this city. These are seeming. It is understood that when the ly discarded materials from the re. work is in progress the presence of pairs done to streets and other places: these materials cannot be avoided, left without giving thought to the but when the work is completed and ugly aspect created in the heart of the street is again transitable, we the city. These heaps of dirt, zinc are of opinion that the garbage and other garbage can also cause should be removed within a reasonable injury to pedestrians at nights when period of time.
Próximo bout Julio César vs. Frank Fray Hemos sido enterados, por persona que está bien enterada que está próximo a concertarse un encuentro de guantes entre los boxeadores Julio César, campeón welter de la República y el no menos competente boxeador de Limón Frank Fray.
El sólo anuncio de este posible en cuentro será la nota deportiva en nuestra provincia de Limón, conoce dora del punch del amigo Fray que ya se perfila en primera linea entre los boxeadores de su peso.
Falta, pues que se fije la fecha y el lugar de este encuentro y pronto tendremos la primicia de anunciar a los amigos de Frank Fray el bout de que damos cuenta complacidos.
DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA LAWYER AND NOTARY Office Upstairs: The Shoestore of Pascual Ingianna.
Administrative, Civil and Penal Matters. KADER STORE (Situated at the most CATCHY spot in Limon Commercial Square)
BARGAINS The most fashionable handkerchiefs for Ladies Head Wrap. Men Fancy Shirts, incomparable.
Elegantly tailored furnishings for men and boys. Artistically needled ready to wear out fittings for Ladies and Misses.
DANIEL ZELEDON UMANA ABOGADO NOTARIO OFICINA: Altos de la Zapatería de Pascual Ingianna.
CIUDAD DE LIMON Asuntos Civiles, Penales y Administrativos.


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